Saturday, June 25, 2011

...more bird paintings

Painting 157, Prairie Warbler
(Watercolor heightened with colored pencil)

I saw this fellow back in March at Ding Darling. He sang nonstop and came in incredibly close for me. I fell in love with him...

Painting 156, Great Blue Heron
What Big Yellow Eyes You Have...

...this beautiful Great Blue Heron fished and walked the beach daily near our condo on Captiva Island, Florida. He's also the same Big Blue that showed up in painting 135, A Captiva Blue in Green.

Painting 155, Great Blue Heron
Grunge in Florida Light...

...the same fellow that's in painting 156, but I painted this version with a palette knife and very thick acrylic. The painting was too large for the scanner (16x20), so I photographed it. Unfortunately, it was a grey day and the photo is way too dark, not doing the painting justice. I need to rephotograph it when the sun returns....

Painting 154, Common Yellowthroat Hiding Along the Little Miami River
(Watercolor underpainting covered in oil pastel)

(the original Common Yellowthroat watercolor painting)

The original watercolor didn't have enough life in it for me, so I gave in and smeared color all over it, losing the leaves in the process...


  1. I think you should count Painting 154 as two paintings! I like both versions, but I am partial to your watercolors, so I am just a little sad that you covered up the watercolors. I do like how you are experimenting with different mediums and how you've allowed yourself the freedom to let your muse take over and see where it leads you.

  2. Brilliant. Kelly, you are a genius.

  3. I love the the feel of freedom and movement you express with the pencil strokes in the Prairie Warbler, Kelly. I admire your ability nd confidence.

  4. Beautiful paintings, Kelly. You have such a great sense of color and you know your birds. Lovely post!

  5. Kelly, I just can't say enough about your artwork! You are just so talented, and I think your willingness to experiment with different mediums and techniques speaks of your creativity! NICE WORK!!!

  6. I like all of these--the color, the poses. I think the two yellow throats are my favorites. The original might be warmer or more dramatic with the green, but your revision looks more perfected, like something in a bird book, a text. I don't know how you're supposed to choose . . . an embarrassment of riches. Same old story at this place. Yawn. :)

  7. my favorite is #156. you captured the intensity of his eye PERFECTLY! LOVE it!

  8. Your work is REALLY amazing. I love every one, truly. I find the first one very interesting with the mixed media. The vibrancy, your choice of composition are all very exciting.

  9. Hi Kelly ...I'm sure you have heard the saying "I can't even draw water" or maybe not ,but thats me!! do such a great job with your art, and I like the way you express yourself with it...
    I likethem all,but have my picks being the first and last...lovely!!
    Hope its not raining there ...we are on our 3rd day with temp at 55 to 60...isn't this summer???

  10. They are all really beautiful.

  11. As my 2 1/2 year old grand daughter who has been visiting with us this last week would say, "Beautiful!" My husband and I both especially liked the last painting of the Common Yellowthroat.

  12. Wow the first painting is my favorite Kelly but all are very nice! Wonderful post!!!

  13. ...thank you everyone! I keep chugging along with the challenge...less than 50 to go now for the year!

  14. I love how you'll throw caution to the wind and go bold.


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