Sunday, March 27, 2011

Oh Sweet Canada...

Our little White-throated Sparrows have started singing their spring "Oh Sweet Canada...Canada...Canada..." love song, so even though we had snow last night and the temps are still very cold, I know spring isn't too far away. I always look forward to hearing the White-throated Sparrow's song. Their beautiful, musical whistles light up the air around them with cheer and make me happy. Soon they will be flying north to their breeding grounds, and we won't see them again until reds, yellows and oranges fill the trees, and we have to pull on sweaters and gloves...

Painting 130. White-throated Sparrow in (Anticipated) Spring
(Watercolor, 12x16 Arches Cold Pressed 140lb Paper)

This painting was an experiment. I wanted to create a textured background by pressing fern fronds coated in paint into the paper. It was fast, MESSY and fun. Don't try to identify the flowers, they are totally made up. I just wanted a color to help bring out the yellow eye patch on the White-throated Sparrow (and pretend it's really spring around here).


  1. Kelly we got snow also last night. Take a peek at my blog. I trekked to Bernheim and posted so spring blooms for those of us who need a boost from the wintery weather. I absolutely love this watercolor. I think this is my favorite you've done. Seriously. Carol

  2. I love the texture..have a great day

  3. The texture is really nice - Like this a lot. We have NO spring here....Tons of snow, 28 degrees, and a strong east wind again. Happy Spring to you, girl!! LOL

  4. I agree about the texture. Very nice. Sweet little bird, too. :)

  5. Like the picture ... like how you did that background!

  6. such a cute little bird. I love your use of ferns and the yellow flowers are perfect to accentuate!

  7. Good work with the ferns impressions; they work very well indeed.

    The Duck Ponds area was full of White-throateds today; they were hopping about in the underbrush and lower tree branches and letting out variations on the theme the whole time I wandered in the area.

  8. This is beautiful! I like the colors and composition, and of course the little sparrow. We don't get this little sparrow here, but I'm looking forward to seeing some sparrows again before too long. Let me know when you hear any singing "North to Alaska, They go north, the rush is on...."

  9. Beautiful! The song of the white-throated sparrow is one I will always remember from a camping trip to Canada. They never sing when they are here in the winter so I'll just have to remember that week that we were serenaded all day long on an island in the boundary waters.
    Love your blog, as always!

  10. Nice job on your experiment. The top yellow flower looks a lot like the poppies that grow where I live.

  11. Hi Kelly...very nice painting, I really like the way you did the ferns,and thr background!!
    Of course the featured attraction is colorful and bright and a real cutie!!

  12. Lovely image, Kelly. I am looking forward to seeing the first White-throated Sparrows. The flower looks much like a buttercup, such an innocuous looking plant but it's poisonous - if it spreads on a meadow it can no longer be used to graze cattle.

  13. Beautiful Kelly, its great how you have finished those ferns.


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