Saturday, March 26, 2011

A bird lover's dream room...

...continued from the Captiva Island post.
When we arrived at the condo, the first thing I did was go to the porch to check out the view. I couldn't believe it when I looked out at this:

These aren't the best photos because the porch was screened in, but it gives you an idea of what I got to watch while I ate my breakfast! The screen was not removable, so I shot through it...and there was no way to climb on the roof...I looked.

Mama and Papa Osprey worked tirelessly to feed their little chick!

...we were lucky to have the osprey nest next right outside our room. I loved listening to them whenever we were in the room. They make a lot of was awesome!


  1. Wow! How exciting to be able to watch the family right outside your window. Screen or no screen, those are such fun images to have.

  2. What a great surprise! You were lucky indeed.

    I find it "odd" how they nest in such manner--so exposed to the elements. Talk about taking the brunt of the weather!

  3. I'd love to have something like that right outside my window! Very cool!

  4. Wow! An Osprey nest right outside the window; how lucky can you get?

  5. That would be hard to leave for very long. Lovely area to stay.

  6. What a fantastic way to eat breakfast. Right there in nature. Carol

  7. Hi Kelly..WOW!! you couldn't have planned that one...perfect for the bird watcher!!
    What do you mean you couldn't get on the roof??? hahaha!!
    Screen and all perfect!!

  8. How absolutely awesome! Great chance to observe up close.

  9. Holy, smoly, that's a great view! The screen didn't stop you from getting good pictures (as it does for me - maybe my house is just too dark; I need some excuse).

  10. Thats just so cool Kelly. Ospreys that near !

  11. I don't think luck has anything do with it, girl! I think you're gifted with these type of encounters, and then LUCKY for us, you share your shots! Just gorgeous even with the screen!

    They do make a lot of noise though, don't they?!

  12. How great is that! Do you have that room reserved for this time next year? That must have been so neat to watch.

  13. ...thanks, everyone! Can you imagine? I couldn't have had better luck if I planned it. We do want to go back next year...and we will probably try to get the same room! :-)

  14. Wow!! what a fantastic experience. Shame about the screens though. Loved the Herons as well.

  15. Oh Wow - too bad to be blocked by the screen. The photos are still good though.

  16. You are so lucky to see these and be able to photograph them.

  17. What a show, Kelly! Great series and the screen doesn't detract from it one bit.

  18. Nice! I'm sure it was fun eating with the osprey. Great picture series. I hope you had a good trip in Florida and look forward to seeing your pictures.

  19. thought of climbing that roof!!!! LOL

  20. Wow!!!!!! That just makes me want to get in the car right now! and get down to SC!! Great view and photos too

  21. Oh, my goodness! These photos just filled my eyes. Wonderful wonderful!


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