Sunday, April 29, 2012

Common Goldeneyes in January...

I've been remiss at posting paintings for the 100 Painting Challenge! These paintings go all the way back to January when I saw the gorgeous Long-eared Owl near Caesar Creek State Park (click here for that post). After we saw the owl, we headed up to the Caesar Creek Lake boat launch to look for a few winter ducks. Nothing was close, but through the scopes, a few beautiful black and white ducks with large white spots on their faces (cheek patches) and bright yellow eyes were easy to see...

Painting 219. Common Goldeneye Before the Storm (oil pastel)
A storm was moving in as we watched a few Common Goldeneyes (Bucephala clangula) on the lake. To top that, night was falling which all but squelched the iridescent greens that show in the feathers on their heads when in the sun. 

Painting 218. Common Goldeneye in the Ice and Rain (oil pastel)
We wanted to stay longer to watch these beautiful ducks, but along with night, ice pellets and slushy rain were starting to fall. To avoid diminished driving conditions, we hit the road. The Goldeneyes bobbed on the water as we packed up our spotting scopes, diving now and then, not at all worried about the deteriorating weather conditions...
Painting 217. Common Goldeneye at Caesar Creek (watercolor sketchbook page)
This is a page out of my sketchbook -- even though I wrote 2011 in the was 2012 (I'm usually pretty slow on the uptake of the new year in January!). When I got home, I did this quick entry in my sketchbook to remember these beautiful ducks. I did the oil pastels over the next few days.

If you're an artist looking for a challenge, join up at the 100 Paintings in a Year Challenge hosted by Laure Ferlita.


  1. Terrific painting, Kelly... I love them all--but that 3rd one won my heart!!!!! You are so talented.

  2. Beautiful paintings! You do such a great job.

  3. Good work, Kelly! ((sigh)) That's what I miss most about Newport - Goldeneyes, Mergansers, Loons, Scoters, etc.

  4. lovely art work Kelly
    Caesar Creek is a great place the boy scouts camp there often
    Hey I got accepted into the Mason/ Deerfield Arts Alliance - art festival /art show ! do you ever do those ?
    - KAT-

  5. Lovely paintings Kelly.
    I'd recognise these ducks anywhere with that white cheek patch. lol

  6. Lovely! I like the one from the sketchbook best. I hope you are on pace with your 100 paintings even if you haven't posted them.

  7. Great paintings, the Goldeneye is a lovely bird.

  8. Hi Kelly

    I loved the colours and shading on these. I was at our Edmonton location last week and the pond had Buffleheads, Canvasbacks, Horned Grebes, Mergansers and of course Goldeneye so this really strikes a chord with me.

    Thanks Guy

  9. Super sketch and paintings of the Goldeneye. I always look forward to seeing this delightful species when it visits us during the winter.

  10. ...thanks, everyone! Goldeneyes are one of my favorite winter ducks. They are so striking, and that white cheek patch stands out so beautifully! I love seeing the yellow eye through the buncos or spotting scope. I wish I could see them up close, but they are usually pretty far out for me...

  11. Kat.....I almost forgot.....I haven't participated in any shows. One of these days I'll get it together, though!! :-) Congrats to you. I'll drop by to see!!

  12. Superb painting, Kelly, particularly the first one!


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