Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The seasonal changing of the guard...

Yesterday evening, a lovely Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina) flew into view and perched in an outer branch of a tree at the edge of the woods. He was sweet and sat there looking at me with his rusty red cap at a jaunty angle--almost seeming to ask me if I was ready for the excitement of spring to begin. Around here, Chipping Sparrows signal the change of the season. Soon the little American Tree Sparrows (Spizella arborea) that flew in on a cold wind last autumn, will head north, and the other winter birds like the Dark-eyed Juncos will go with's the seasonal changing of the guard!

A Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina) sits pretty at the edge of the woods and lets me know spring is about to be sprung!

Chipping Sparrows flit in and out of bushes around our house all summer long. I see them constantly nipping at grass seeds and hear their happy summer chatter. They are the perfect summer counterpart to the winter American Tree Sparrows!


  1. very cute! i drew one of these last year for one of my giveaways. :)

  2. He does appear to be posing! So sweet with that rusty head!!

  3. "Chippies," as we used to call them, are regulars around Cincinnati. At least, they were when I was growing up--and apparently they still are.

  4. Yeah, I'll be sorry to see the Juncos and the White-throated Sparrows go, but the Red-winged Blackbirds and the Goldfinches have come, and the Baltimore Orioles are coming! Wheee!

  5. Sumptuous Chippies !!! I love these pictures a lot Kelly!

  6. Lovely bird, great capture. Thank you for this cutie.

  7. They are really cute little birds. You captured them beautifully (as always) !!

  8. Beautiful shot of the Chipping Sparrow. I have not seen one yet, they look so cute.

  9. Lovely photos! The Chipping Sparrow is uncommon in Interior Alaska, but you never know. I am looking forward to those Dark-eyed Juncos though, and Robins, and other Sparrows, and.....

  10. ...thanks, everyone. This guy was singing like crazy today. Soon the warblers will be invading! :-)

  11. Adorable birds, great timing. Congrats, well done, Kelly. Mateo is very brave with the snakes.

  12. Hi Kelly

    I love these photos with the bird highlighted amid some foggy indistinct background. It is like it is suspended in some magical place.



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