Monday, February 6, 2012

Blue-winged Teal in red crystal waters...

I saw this beautiful Blue-winged Teal couple in the Ding Darling NWR on Sanibel Island, Florida. They were swimming in the channel off the Indigo Trail quietly moving in and out of the mangrove roots. The water was dull and murky with a slight reddish-brown cast, but when the couple moved into an area of deep shadow sprinkled with pockets of filtered sunlight, an optical illusion brought the water to life. Wherever the sun struck the murky water, fiery red color seemed to rise up from below, as if it was being lit by flaming crystals underneath...

The male Blue-winged teal left a stream of fiery color in his wake. What an unusual sight!! I'd never seen anything like it before, and on my return walk, the illusion was gone.

A male Blue-winged Teal in breeding plumage is so striking. I love spotting the white crescent-shaped mark on his face and the white circular patch near his tail. If you look sideways and combine his reflection, he looks like an eerie owl with huge white eyes. His speckled chest and sides add to the owlish look. When I was photographing him, the owl illusion really jumped out. The whole scene was surreal...creepy...and Scooby Dooby Doo-ish!

...can this water be real? You would think red "mood" lighting had been installed underneath as an added attraction for tourists...sort of like the old disco floors...

Disco ducks?

...eventually the Blue-winged Teal couple left the deep shadows....

...and came out into the light. The glowing reds left the water, but a small patch of his his famous sky-blue wing coverts became visible instead!

I photographed these birds last March. I wish I were in Florida now, though!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous! Love the firey water colors.

  2. What luck to be there at just the right time-the light is amazing. And what a cute couple of "disco" ducks!

  3. Wow, what a beautiful duck and fantastic photos. I have only seen these ducks at a distance thru my binocs. Your closeup photos are wonderful.

  4. Great photos--they're like jewels! The teals look as if they pose for the paparazzi all the time!

  5. Amazing colours in the water Kelly; and such a beautiful duck.

  6. gosh, these are just beautiful! you're right, the water coloring is fabulous!

  7. What a very striking bird, Kelly! I love the colouring.

  8. Well--are you going back when March gets here? When I lived in Venice, FL---March was the prettiest season of the year.

    Love your Blue-winged Teals... So pretty.


  9. oh my goodness! Your photos are gorgeous, i hope many people will enjoy them. The colors delight and more delight and such beautiful birds. thank you~

  10. Absolutely gorgeous. I will be keeping an eye open for these beautiful birds. I'm only three weeks away from my trip to Punta Gorda, Florida and Ding Darling is naturally on top of the list. Thanks for sharing, Kelly.
    P.S. Did anyone offer you a calendar from Raptor, Inc.? I have one if you would like it.

  11. Oh WOW .... these are stunning captures!

  12. Thank you I am now humming Disco, Disco Duck These pictures are truly amazing..

    hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  13. You've done it again. Very nice!

  14. Beautiful captures, those red tones in the water are quite amazing.

  15. That water really does give a great effect, lovely images.

  16. Beautiful colors for a painting.

  17. It's all about being in the right place at the right time! These are gorgeous photos!

  18. There color is so beautiful! Lovely photos of them.

  19. Lovely photos Kelly. I have only had the pleasure to see this bird once and was from a distance.

  20. how beautiful; all those dots! Very sweet ...

  21. Wow my, absolutely stunning pictures Kelly... The blue of the duck and the colours of the water made it! Sumptuous and the sharpness and nice compo is there too... These are sumptuous perfect shots!

  22. Kelly

    I have never seen anything like that. I am really impressed that your were able to capture the colours. The photos are stunning.

    Your posts have given me a much needed lift.


  23. Gorgeous photos! Wish you were here too!

  24. you need to submit some of these photos to the National Geographic annual contest. they're good enough to win!


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