Saturday, January 7, 2012

Song Sparrow under the pines...

Painting 203. Song Sparrow Under the Pines

I painted this Song Sparrow from a photo I took last January after a snow storm. The little guy was under a pine tree rooting through the dropped pine needles. He was looking for left-over bread crumbs. Birds had been scraping through the snow and pine needles all day, and dirt had been kicked up too. Eventually he found a bread crumb, ate it, and starting looking for more!


  1. I love this one, Kelly! I'm so glad you are continuing with the challenge. Every painting you post is better than the last, and you started out with some lovely paintings!

  2. Fantastic the painting of the Sparrow.

  3. that is beautiful! you captured his subtle shades perfectly!

  4. Kelly this one is gorgeous. Really the blues and browns. Beautiful. Carol

  5. Yes, I really like this watercolor. It is so restful.

  6. This is great Kelly.
    There is a real depth of field in the bird itself and that eye is perfect.

  7. Beautiful! You just get better and better if that is possible!

  8. I particularly like the way you have splashed in the background in blue and spattered it with paint. The lines defining the foreground work well too. The bird is great as always

  9. What a delightful watercolour Kelly! Happy New Year - hope to see more of your bird paintings!

  10. He's lovely! I would love to learn watercolor painting. Any tips or books that you can reccomend?

  11. ...thank you, everyone!! These are the birds I sometimes say, "Oh, just a Song Sparrow..." when I'm out looking for Savannas, or Heslows, etc., but they really do have a beautiful song...and are very pretty.

    Kerri...I'll send you a list. I have so many books, but mostly, it's just putting paintbrush to the paper and practicing. Also...Laure Ferlita offers wonderful watercolor classes. her link is in my sidebar.

  12. Hi Kelly

    A lovely sparrow I really like the colours.


  13. Cute! I had my first song sparrow of the year for Massachusetts in my yard today! I actually saw my very first one of the year down in Connecticut on the 5th in my mother's yard.


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