Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Paintings of Sanderlings

Shortly after I did the post a few weeks ago on the Sanderling who "forgot to run," I remembered I had a drawing in my sketchbook of two Sanderlings I did back in March when we were in Captiva for spring break. Since Sanderlings are one of my favorite shore birds, I decided to do a series of practice paintings from that sketch. I concentrated on the two poses I had captured in the drawing...with lots of variations!

Painting 186. Sanderlings Foraging
Watercolor (12x16)

Painting 185. Captiva Sanderlings
Watercolor (9x12)

Pencil drawing of Sanderlings from my sketchbook (Captiva Island, March 2011). Florida birds are so amazing. Just sit and watch, and they will come right up to you!

Painting 184. Sanderling in Black and Blue
Watercolor (9x12)

Painting 183. Sanderling Pose 1...Again
Watercolor (9x12)

Painting 182. Sanderling Pose 2
Watercolor (7x10)

Painting 181. Sanderling in Orange (my favorite)
Oil Pastel (7x10)

Painting 180. Sanderling Pose 1
Watercolor (7x10)

...these are all quick studies and practices to help me get familiar with the bird. I only get to study them when I go on vacation to the ocean (which is never enough...). Eventually I'm going to work up to a complete painting where I concentrate on value and light. Until then, it's sweet and simple. My favorites are 181, 182, 184 and 186. I continue to plug away on the 100 Painting Challenge. I'm right on schedule. I should reach 100 by Dec 31. (This is my second year of a five-year 500 painting challenge.) If you want to see other Sanderling posts, click here.


  1. Brilliant Kelly. I was watching Sanderlings this morning feeding along the shore over here.

  2. how very cool. i like all of your sketches and paintings!

  3. They are all great, Kelly, but my Fav. is 186.

  4. Lovely sketches and watercolors, Kelly. It's interesting to see your many different interpretations. I really love #181! It looks unusual for a watercolor, more like an oil crayon to me. Your reds are my favorite colors.

  5. Kelly, they are just wonderful! Oh, how I wish I had half of your talent and skill.

  6. Wow Kelly these are all so wonderful ! You are so talented

    Of course I love the orange oil pastel one the best

    - KAT -

  7. Hi Kelly..awh you make it look so easy lol....
    Your art work is a special talent..and they are all great,but I like the first on best!!


  8. All wonderful....and I can imagine what a fine day that was capturing those images!

  9. God gave you such a gift, I know we are not to be envious but I am. I have always wanted to draw but the lord gave me other talents and I am thankful. I am thankful I have eyes to see so I can enjoy others that have this artistic talent.

    Outstanding work! Have you ever thought of doing a book of your work. I found a wonderful photobook site, its where many professional photographers go to have there books created. adoramapix.com, they have awesome thick pages they lay flat for panoramic views.

    Congrats on being on schedule with your challenge. God bless you and your talent.

  10. Really great paintings Kelly,I really like them all. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos for other artists to use.

  11. Beautiful paintings Kelly, so fresh, so alive.

  12. Hi Kelly

    Want lovely studies of the Sanderlings, all your hard work has really paid off, you are such a talented artist. You have really captured these beautiful birds.


  13. You amaze me! these are wonderful. I love all the studies with different light and mediums.

  14. ...thanks, everyone for you super-nice comments. Just like many of you, Sanderlings are one of my favorite shore birds. They are such little dynamos, running up and down the beach all day. I can never get enough of them. I wanted to be able to draw a sanderling in my sleep, so I kept going back to these two same poses. I feel pretty comfortable drawing them now! :-)

  15. Very nice set of paintings. My favs are 186 and 185.

  16. Kelly, I can't even imagine how much your talent and skill in your artwork with birds creates an even deeper appreciation of how wonderful and special they are.

    I think I speak for all of your followers when I say that we are in awe of your special gifts and we thank you for bringing so much joy and insight into our birding world.

  17. ....thanks, Elaine and Larry. I don't have a special talent. I just love birds and painting, drawing and studying them makes me happy! :-)

  18. I had the pleasure of watching Sanderlings in early October here in Illinois. They move so quickly! Your sketches and watercolors of them are wonderful!

  19. These sanderlings are a great sequence. I like the use of different media for the same subject. I especially liked the simpler, more abstracted 182 and 184.


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