Monday, November 21, 2011

More Cedar Waxwing studies...

You might recognize a couple of these Cedar Waxwing paintings from a post I did for Birding is Fun, but I kept adding to them through the week, so I thought I'd post the rest of them here. Most of these paintings were inspired from a few sketches I did on November 5 at Fort Ancient (the largest prehistoric earthen hilltop enclosure in the United States). Crunching through drifts of yellow and red leaves by the Mound Trail, I was making so much noise I had to stop every now and then just to hear! Eventually a familiar sound filled the woodlands, and I heard the tinkling, metallic high-pitched “srees” of a small flock of Cedar Waxwings...

Painting 194. Cedar Waxwing on the Mound Trail
(Red and Black Conte crayon painted over with a waterbrush)
I've just recently started using conte crayon again. I love's so quick; no pencil sketches or under drawings are required.

Painting 193. Cedar Waxwing on the Mound Trail...No Berries
(Red and Black Conte crayon painted over with a waterbrush)

Painting 192. Cedar Waxwing in Autumn Color
(Oil Pastel)

Painting 191. Cedar Waxwing at Fort Ancient
(Watercolor heightened with charcoal)

Pencil Sketch of Cedar Waxwing at Fort Ancient

Painting 190. Cedar Waxwing Looking for Berries

Painting 189. Cedar Waxwing at Fort Ancient
...this is how I usually see Cedar Waxwings--eating berries from the mulberry trees as I look on below. This is the finished painting. On the Birding is Fun post, I had just started this painting.

Painting 188. Cedar Waxwing with Bittersweet Berries
(Watercolor heightened with colored pencil)
...from a winter memory when I found a small flock of Cedar Waxwings eating bittersweet berries.

Painting 187. Two Cedar Waxwings--Plain for Rick

Pencil Sketch for Two Cedar Waxwings--Plain for Rick

These paintings are all quick studies for the 100 Painting challenge. Only a handful to go! I might finish early this year. Last year, I finished Painting #100 on New Year's Eve...


  1. HI Kelly...I guess I am more of a traditionally ..although they are all favorite are 90,89,88 (My very favite)and 87!!
    Wonderful work!!

  2. My neighbors and I were just talking about waxwings last night! What a nice surprise seeing this post this morning. They're all beautiful--I can't really pick a favorite.

  3. Gorgeous! My favorites, as always, are the sketches!

  4. Beautiful. The artist deserves a big hug.

  5. Really enjoyed seeing all the different representations of the Waxwings...from strong and bold look to light and dreamy!

  6. Kelly, you got a tremendous gift. It's astonishing how you come up with different, and surprising interpretations of the Cedar Waxwing, each one marvelous.

  7. I adore your work, especially 187. Congrats on keeping on your challenge and possibly an early finish, you can give your poor fingers a needed rest. But if you are like most, the fingers are never still.

    God bless your week can keep you safe.

  8. i love each interpretation, medium and color variety. but there's something about the watercolor heightened with colored pencil. really gorgeous! all of them are!

  9. Hi Kelly

    I love the bright vibrant colours.


  10. Gorgeous. I especially love #189. Gorgeous stuff Kelly. Hope you're ready, it's going to rain like the dickens today. Carol

  11. You are ambitious! I love waxwings! I hope you reach your goal!

  12. Great work Kelly, but 191 and 188 are particularly brilliant.

  13. Wow! I just have to get back to being a regular visitor, because your images, esp the first ones, of the waxwing are captivating. Hopefully things will continue to stay calm and I can return to the groove. Your photography, painting, and scope of interests are terrific.

  14. Absolutely lovely Kelly ! I've been looking out for my waxwings that come to eat the berries in my backyard trees. your artwork is so very wonderful !

    - KAT -

  15. ...thanks, everyone for the kind, kind comments! The Cedar Waxwings are so gorgeous. Sleeker than sleek, they are fun to paint. I need a lot more practice with them, though, so it's back to the drawing board!

  16. Another favorite bird - and what a treat to see the different ways you've translated your experiences! I think we as artists should do this more often; I have a wonderful sense of the relationship between you and these birds! Although they're all wonderful, I think the pencil drawings are my favorites (today anyway!). But I also love the colors...

  17. Kelly, you've outdone yourself with all these Waxwing studies. Just fantastic!! I think #191 is my favorite, but they really are all beautiful.


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