Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Red-winged Blackbird singing in the High Meadow at VOA Park...

Tuesday morning I headed over to Voice of America Park to scout out the Bobolinks, Meadowlarks, and Savannah Sparrows. I was lucky on all accounts, but the first bird I photographed was a Red-winged Blackbird. He was singing and scolding from a tree he was vigorously defending...

A Red-winged Blackbird sings from a tree in the High Meadow at VOA Park in West Chester, Ohio. He sang and scolded nonstop...or at least until I walked past his territory.

Red-winged Blackbird singing in the High Meadow at VOA Park from Kelly Riccetti on Vimeo.


  1. Love 'em - what great expressions - you can almost hear the "harumph" in that second pic!

  2. These are just really gorgeous shots of a very pretty bird. I love their song.

  3. Those are some of the prettiest pictures I have seen of a Red Winged Blackbird. I saw some last year and tried to get some pictures, but they looked so rough and their red feathers didn't show up hardly at all. Maybe they needed a bath!

  4. Birds just love to pose for you :) Outstanding, Kelly!

  5. Kelly you are awesome at capturing clear details, these are gorgeous portraits!

  6. Heh, heh! I walked through the Duck Ponds park on the way home from work today (pictures coming soon) and was being chk-chked and whistled at by a bunch of Red-wings who objected to my presence near their nests.

  7. AMAZING shots!!! I finally had one show up at my birdfeeder. I'm hoping he is a "brave one" and won't let the bluejays and grackles scare him off. Have a lovely weekend. Thanks for sharing your talents with us. Mickie :)

  8. gorgeous, just gorgeous. after my visits here i look at my pictures and aspire to do soooo much better!

    these guys visit my backyard feeders and are lovely to watch!!!

  9. I was dive-bombed twice last week by Red-Winged Blackbirds when I walked past "their" tree. Must be that time of year :)

  10. Hi Kelly...Love your photo ...he is a beauty!!
    Some people don't like them, but when they are out here in the field and flying toward me with he red part flared!!!

  11. Note the black claw in #1 and #4. The definition is excellent in your shots--AND the, shall we say, character study of the bird. Like others, I like 'em, but they've also yelled at me and swooped at me.

    Long lens? Tripod? Cropping? Really nice.

  12. Good thing you kept on walking! You were certainly invading his territory.

  13. I love the blaze of red on these birds Kelly. Good to see him in the video too.

  14. Beautiful shots, Kelly. love the detail in the plumage, the eye... Great video too It really captures the bird's action. They can be very agressive around their nests. I recently observed a sandhill crane ducking to ward off an attack!

  15. Kelly, I have several red winged that eat at my bird feeder. They have such a distinctive song. Your images are beautiful. Have a wonderful holiday. The weather just might cooperate with us. Carol

  16. ...heheee....thanks everyone! I think it's settled. These fellows are very good at protecting their nests. I just love them for all their action and noise!

    ...I used a new camera, the Nikon D7000. I always use my old D700, but caved and gave this new one a try. The video capability is awesome! (My usual setup otherwise: Nikon AF-S VR-Nikkor 70-200mm 2.8G lens with a Nikon 2x teleconverter...all images are from hand-holding)

  17. Ah, yes, the VOA High Meadow, where Butler County MetroParks grows all their Bradford Pears and Dogwoods! I visited there briefly last month and the state of the meadow left me feeling like I'd been punched in the stomach. Such is life, I guess.

    Take care,

  18. ...I know...the Bradford Pears are taking's so sad. I just posted on that with my Savannah Sparrow post. Who knows how long they will be around. Rick thinks I need to go activist on them to see if we can generate support to care for the meadow.


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