Sunday, June 5, 2011

Have you ever hugged an alpaca?

If you haven't, run out and hug one today...because they are cute beyond belief and twice as sweet! I was lucky enough to spend some time at the Alpaca Bella Suri Farm a few weeks ago. I'm friends with the owner, Bill, and he let me come over to photograph and play with the little cuties!

A baby Suri Alpaca, called a cria, rests in the play yard watching all the action.

...taking a quick nap!

There are two types of alpacas, Suri Alpacas and Huacaya Alpacas. You can tell the difference between the two by their fleece:

Suri Alpacas
Suris have silky, flowing fleece. It lies close to the body and hangs down in shiny locks (almost like a curtain of silky, pencil-thin dreadlocks). Suris are rare, and breeders are working hard to preserve the breed. Right now, Suris account for only 6% of the world's population.

Huacaya Alpacas
Huacayas have wooly fleece like a lamb. The fleece sticks out from the body and is dense, soft...and curly. They look a little like long-necked Teddy bears and are just as cuddly!

I am going to try to post all week on the alpacas, introducing little bits of info here and there, and showing the two different types. I learned a lot from Bill...they are incredible animals.

...another post in the A Week of Alpacas series...


  1. Cuteness overload!
    Lovely little animals Kelly.

  2. Never hugged one, but the babies are very cute =)

  3. Ooooh, how very sweet! I love knitting with alpaca fleece. It is just wonderful.

    I look forward to more of your pictures. :)

  4. How sweet! You lucky, girl! Love the shot of baby taking a nap and nuzzling mama. I have a sweater made of alpaca yarn and it is a favorite!

  5. They are just the cutest critters. You do want to just hug them. Awesome photos.

  6. cutie pies....right!!!

    i recently visited some of these myself, before their shearing and blogged about it:

  7. What sweet pictures! Our next door neighbors used to have one. Marigold was her name. It was fun to be able to "talk" to her over the fence....but watch out if she tried to offer to give you a "kiss."

  8. They are just toooo cute. I'll be waiting for more posts!

  9. they are very cute indeed but did you know they can really SPIT too :) so be careful when you cuddle up.

  10. They are cute, I helped a fellow unload a few at a county fair a few years back.

  11. I agree Kelly, they certainly are adorable. I love knitting with alpaca yarn too!

  12. Lucky you! What sweet faces they have.

  13. These are again, some great pics. He is soooo cute. Yes I want to hug him!

  14. ...thanks, everyone! I know what you mean...I want one for my very own too! None of these alpacas "spit." I've heard about that, but didn't have to experience it. I've read not all alpacas spit. Maybe these are non-spitting happy alpacas! :-)


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