Saturday, May 14, 2011

Same butterfly, different styles

Painting 145. Yellow Butterfly on Red Geranium II
(Watercolor heightened with colored pencil, 10x7 Arches Cold Pressed 140 lb paper)

Painting 144. Yellow Butterfly on Red Geranium
(Oil Pastel, 9x12 Sennelier Oil Pastel paper)

Yesterday we had a taste of summer's heat before a cold front moved in and blew it all away, but the seed was planted, and warm sunshine and sunshine-y butterflies were in my imagination waiting to get out. I'm also taking a watercolor journaling class with Laure Ferlita called An Imaginary Trip to the Garden, and part of our assignment was butterflies. After I finished the journaling assignment, I took one of the extra photos and got my oil pastels out...intense color and a fleeting impression was what I had in mind, and painting 144, Yellow Butterfly on Red Geranium was a the result. After that, I created a very loose and impressionistic watercolor painting, then heightened it with colored pencil, which became painting 145...


  1. Just too lovely! Yellow on Red is a great combination.

  2. I must admit, I really know nothing about painting, but to me you seem to paint with a story or some emotion in what you paint. I throughly enjoy your paintings and photography. And your blog has enlightened me about so many things. Now I need to see one of those beautiful creatures for myself...I did see one so far this year.

    Have a happy day!

  3. I don't comment often enough but I love your colors and style.

  4. And I love both of those watercolors Kelly. I'm not sure drawing of any nature is in the cards for me but I give it a try occasionally. Have a wonderful, but perhaps cloudy Sunday. Carol

  5. What is so wonderful is I can see you have so much fun doing this! You do beautiful work. :)

  6. ...thanks, everyone. I really do love the oil pastels and the rich colors, and I always love watercolor. I haven't used colored pencils in years. I need to pick them back up. I like just using them to heighten the's another option!


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