Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Marbled Godwits on the mudflats of Ding Darling...

Birding Sanibel Island and the J.N. "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge
...standing on Wildlife Drive and looking out at the mudflats of the eastern impoundment in the Ding Darling NWR, a huge flock of Willets flew in causing quite a stir. Through the binocs, Matty and I could see a few Short-billed Dowitchers were thrown in...and a life bird for us, a Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa)...

...a Marbled Godwit towers over the Short-billed Dowitcher standing beside it in the water.

...fluffing beautiful, carmel-colored feathers.

...there is no missing that long pink bill with the black tip! It's beautiful...

Marbled Godwits are stunning birds. Large and impressive, their pinkish bills really stand out, and their warm colors separate them easily from the surrounding grey-colored birds.

...a glimpse of the "cinnamon flash" of the underlining of the Marbled Godwit's wing. I was surprised how noticeable it was.

...two Marbled Godwits stand among Willets and Short-billed Dowitchers, their slightly upturned pinkish and blackish bills stealing the show!


  1. These are Wonderful images, enjoyed all of them~

  2. Beautiful shots, Kelly! When you say big, how much bigger is the Godwit than the Dowitchers and Willets?

  3. Loved those fluffed up feathers.

  4. Superb shots Kelly.
    Their bills stand out like a torchlight amongst the other birds.

  5. Neat shots, Kelly! Interesting to see them in a mixed group like this!

  6. Awesome sighting Kelly! I love Ding Darling! I have only been there once, however. Seeing your photos sure makes me want to return!

  7. Your photos are always so beautiful!! I love the bill on that Godwit, too, he really stands out.

  8. Wow---those are gorgeous birds, Kelly.... Can't get over the length of the bills... Wow!!!! Love the name "Dowitcher".... I call things a Dohickey.. Wonder if there is a bird named that???? ha

  9. What I love about your blog is how close we get to see these beautiful creatures! So nice for you to be able to paint them later - very envious!!

  10. They really do steal the show! Fantastic images!

  11. ...thanks, everyone!! The Marbled Godwit was a life bird for me. I knew he was gorgeous from photos, but in real life, he was so much more. That bill is just exquisite. It stands out like a beacon!


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