Friday, March 11, 2011

The Curious Fawn

On Tuesday afternoon I went to the Little Miami Trail to photograph a rusted railroad Position Signal Matty, Rick and I had found on Sunday (more about that in a future post). The artifact was located at the bottom of a steep incline leading to the lowland forest. When I got to the bottom, a family of white-tailed deer was foraging about 50 feet away. Two adult females and two fawns looked up at me. They didn't seem to mind and went back to eating...except for one fawn. She was the most curious little thing! Every time she heard the click of the camera's shutter she came closer to me...her ears would prick up and she would prance! After a while I walked away, going further into the lowlands to see if my movement would scare her away. I didn't think it was good for her to be so friendly toward me; however, it didn't scare her away. Instead, she followed me like it was a game. She'd trot away a few feet and then get low and sneak back to me...all the time coming closer and closer. Eventually I started talking to her, telling her I didn't think she should come any closer because her mama might not like it! At her closest she was probably about two feet from me being able to reach out and pet her. Fun...but not good (and probably not safe either), so I turned the other direction and walked away through noisy leaves. That caused the mama to trot off, and the other female and fawns followed. The nosey little fawn, however, looked back. If three barking Springer Spaniels had not come racing down the trail with their owners, I think she would have come back to me, but the spaniels were relentless with their alarm, so the deer took off in the other direction and were gone in a flash of white tails.

The curious fawn--a young White-tailed Deer wanted to play! I completely fell in love with her...and she with me it seemed!

She's looking back at her mama here...checking in!

Maybe she was so friendly because I was down in the lowlands--her territory. In 21 years living near the Little Miami Trail, I had never ventured down to that spot (and I'd never seen anyone else there either). Up on the trail, when the deer cross through, they are never that brave. Hopefully our little fawn looses her trusting nature because someone might be shooting her with something besides a camera one of these days...


  1. What sweet photos. You had a special moment with that little one!

  2., Dean. I'd love to see those photos. Thank you...

    ...thanks, Heather! It was...I've never had a deer act like that. She was like a little puppy or kitten.

  3. Fabulous shots, Kelly! Love them all.

  4. Oh Kelly... That was kinda scary for you I'm sure. I have never seen a 'friendly' deer before. They run away so quickly here when they see a human.

    Glad you are okay --and you did get some fabulous pictures...

  5. She is just beautiful. And, what a wonderful story about her curiosity and how it could be her downfall.

  6. HI Kelly...that is a magical encounter, may be a once in a life time happening !!
    So amazing no you said not good though!!
    You have some very nice photo of the experience!!
    Those cool!!

  7. Kelly, excellent close ups, were you that close, or you have telephoto lens?

    I had once like that encounter with the 'baby horse', lol.

    Anna :)

  8. Fantastic, Kelly! I am beginning to think you have some kind of a magic way with animals! I think you were right to walk away from the fawn though. Being too trusting could indeed cause her problems later on.

  9. A nice experience that would be hard to duplicate.I have been in a few areas where they are less afraid, but most near me don't have a lot of trust.

  10. If I wasn't convinced before, I certainly am now—you seem to be the Dr. Dolittle and the Pied Piper all rolled up into one wonderful human being!

    She's so sweet. I'm sure you're gentle nature went a long way towards reassuring her she was safe.

  11. Such a special experience, and your pictures are so precious...Certainly something you won't forget. You were blessed!

  12. Wow, Kelly, these are just amazing shots. What a fantastic experience to have been so close to this beautiful creature.

  13. Kelly, you just discovered your talent to be a deer whisperer! Lovely shots!

  14. What a brilliant encounter with a wild animal kelly, good job you had the camera with you !

  15. Hi Kelly,
    Wow what a wonderful collection and what a beautiful encounter! Excellent series!

  16. Peanut now becomes the Deer Whisperer.
    In my experience the very young of many species can be very inquisitive and trusting. This one obviously hasn't yet learnt that some humans can be a threat. A magical encounter superbly posted Kelly. Cheers FAB.

  17. Great shots, Kelly! And how lucky to get that close and not scare them off. On my shots, I'm quite sure that if I'd tried to open the patio door they'd have dashed back into the woods.

  18. That is such a sweet story and the photos are fantastic. You really caught some great shots. Deer are beautiful but I am glad I don't have any destroying my plants :) You must not have had two much flooding there.
    Goldenray Yorkies

  19. Beautiful photos, Kelly. The little ones always seem like they are enticing one to play. As they get older, little by little, they do lose their trust. I've had twin fawns run circles around me, while standing in the field... close enough to touch. Last year I posted a video of it on my blog. I would always be watching for the mom though.

  20. what a wonderful encounter and beautiful photos, yes i hope she becomes a little less trusting in the future for her own good!

  21. Beautiful pictures Kelly. I'm sure you had no need to be concerned. My guess is that this deer was expecting a handout.

  22. ...thanks everyone for the lovely comments. Oh my gosh...what an experience. I want to go back to that spot, but I can't right now because the lowlands are wet...and flooded...too soggy where the water has receded. If she ever comes that close again, I'll let you know! Thanks, again!

  23. deer steak came to me as I was reading your post : ) very nice close up.

  24. This was so nice to see. I've never seen any so "up close".

  25. such beautiful portraits, i can imagine them showing up in your art someday.

  26. This is so sweet and precious. You were right, though, to try and scare her away. What heart warming photos and words!


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