Saturday, January 22, 2011

All of the beauty...none of the flash...

Well...maybe some of the flash! Through the camera lens, female Northern Cardinals are beautiful. Their bright, coral-colored beaks flash vividly against their subdued plumage, and if their counterparts weren't so outrageously red, they might even be considered exotic.

I love the "glare" that came through with this one. She seems to be saying in response to my intro "...and don't you forget it!"

...she's so sweet as she peeks through the branches, warily watching me.

Little Miss Red, you can win anyone's heart with that cute little head tilt!

I agree Little Miss Red...your crest of red feathers is nothing to sneeze at either.


  1. She's definitely a beauty in her own right. Lovely series of shots!

  2. A real beauty isn't she Kelly.
    Lovely captures.

  3. Your Lady Red is quite sweet looking. We had a lady nesting outside of our breakfast nook and would occasionally peak through the window blinds. SHE was NOT amused.

    Meanest lookin' mama you ever saw!! She was fierce!

  4. She reminds me of of an old movie star pouting her red lips at the camera :) Beautiful photos Kelly!

  5. I love the subtle beauty of your red ladies.

  6. Who else could pull off orange lipstick so well?
    She's definately got the looks!

  7. I've always been a fan of lady redbirds—in spite of the "in your fact"photo appeal of the males. In fact, I also posted a pix of one today. I think when you look close at their subtly refined dress—the buff and coral, orange and brown—they're quiet lovely.

    Great photos—especially that first one.

  8. I've always liked the female better than the male Cardinal as a photo subject; the color variation is just more visually interesting. The problem is that the female tends to be more camera shy than the male. Congratulations on such good shots of a hard-to-get subject!

  9. Lovely images Kelly. I think she is also saying, "Its extremely cold out here", or words to that effect.

  10. HI Kelly..She sure is a beauty...I have only had a male at my feeder!!

  11. She is truly beautiful - as Elaine says: in her own right. Very nice, Kelly.

  12. She is lovely to look at and really compliments her counterpart. I guess that is the way it is supposed to be.

    Great pictures. Cardinals don't often stick around long if they see you, so you really got some good ones!

  13. What beautiful close ups of a very beautiful bird!!

  14. In some ways, they are even more beautiful with their contrasts. Love these shots.

    Took the other print to the frame shop yesterday! Just wait until you see how it will look. I am so excited about putting it in my great room my friend. What a special, special gift. :c)

  15. So sweet. She looks so coy in the third image. :))

  16. Who doesn't like cardinals! but you have captured "the why" we do extremely well ..adn it is the little tilts, the curiousity, and the amazing colours of both male AND female. Nice post, thank you!

  17. I love the subtle shadings of the reds and browns in the feathers, so much more interesting on closer inspection than the bright reds of the males.

  18. Great close ups. She is a real beauty and knows it. Boom & Gary of the Vermilom River, Canada.

  19. Actually, I think what she's glaring about is that there is not one crabapple left on that tree by the looks of it. I'd glare, too! Nice shots of a sweet bird.

  20. What beautiful pictures and she does seem to be saying something with the head tilt and her eyes. I aspire to a better camera someday.

  21. I really think the female is more beautiful then the male. Lovely shots!

  22. She really is a beauty! Much subtler than her mate!

  23. What a beautiful little coral bird in a coral tree!

  24. Hi Kelly.
    Love the photo's of the female Cardinal. Not quite as gaudy as the male.

  25. Everyone loves the male Cardinals---but the females are just a gorgeous, in their own way.


  26. ...thanks, everyone. It sounds like we're all on the same wavelength. The female is so pretty in her understated way...and always sweet.

  27. Love the reds, so divine! Congrats, Kelly, you got them perfect! Hugs

  28. I agree that she is beautiful. Def. an underestimated bird - the female cardinal. I love taking pictures of females when I can because they are in fact so gorgeous!


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