Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Snowy Egret preening...and we raised $1800.00 for the Oxbow!

Yeah! $1800.00 is nothing to sneeze at (although I'm sneezing now because Ich habe mich stark erkältet--which my nieces in Deutschland know means I've caught a very bad cold...uugh! I shouldn't complain, though, because I haven't been sick since October a year ago when I had The Swine, so that's pretty good). The fundraiser was a lot of fun, but it unnerved me a bit because I was worried none of the prints or cards would sell and we'd make no money! I think cortisol production ("the stress hormone") lowers your immune system, so I'm blaming this cold on my weak ego. I shouldn't have worried. Plenty sold, and we made money. Mary and Patrick of the Mason Wild Bird Center ran the fundraiser Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, which really helped. Thank you to EVERYONE who bought a print, or a pack of notecards, or some raffle tickets!! In addition to raising money, we raised awareness of the Oxbow, and a lot more people in our area now know about it and hopefully will be able to get out and see it. (Click here if you want to learn more about the Oxbow wetlands near Cincinnati.)

...and now on to the star of this post...a beautiful preening Snowy Egret from the Pinckney Island NWR (and once again, Snowy is appropriate, because snow is on the way. We may get a decent accumulation this weekend, which I'm looking forward to because it always makes the chickadees look even sweeter.)

...beauteous is the only word that fits.

...and meticulous, that word would fit too (meticulous is the only kind of preening a beauteous Snowy Egret knows).

...thank goodness he has long legs to reach that head!

...that's much better.

The Dracula shot. I always love them. I vant to suck your blood...

...and that's what a well-groomed Snowy looks like!

I took these photos on 6-15-2010. It was about 100 degrees F that different from the weather today here in Cincy. Cough, cough...

p.s. Don't forget about the "Great Penguin Rescue" Giveaway! Click here for details and a review of the book.


  1. Very nice photos, I have never seen such nice depliction of this bird.

  2. How very gorgeous this Egret is as he demonstrates his articulousness!And I hope your cold is not lingerous!!(also, congrats on the fundraiser- your art is fanticulous!)Ok...I'll stop!

  3. Your photography is exceptional. I am happy that the amount of money was raised. Sorry about the bad cold.

  4. Congratulations!!! Wonderful photos...

    and take care of yourself..some nice hot tea and off to sleep..ya hear..:)

  5. Gorgeous photos, and congratulations on the fundraiser!

  6. Magnificent photos, the Snowy Egret and his fine feathers!

  7. Terrific images! I hope you feel better!

  8. Happy dance, happy dance for you and the fundraiser and your fabulous art!

    Boo, hiss that you got a cold! And stressin' over what, you silly girl!! ;•)

  9. It must feel great to know your art helped such a good cause--congratulations!

  10. Snowy is SO GORGEOUS, Kelly.. Your photos are just superb.... LOVE THEM...

    Congrats on your fundraising success... Sorry though that you have a cold... Darn!!!!!

    Take care!!!

  11. Very beautiful shots of such a magnificent bird. They are very aptly named - so "Snowy" white.

  12. Kelly they are stunning shots, of such a beautiful bird.

    A great success with the fund raising too; well done to everyone involved, and yourself with your contributions to it all.

    Hope you make a quick recovery :)

  13. Hi Kelly Bummer..not feeling well!!
    Take care of that!!
    Congrats..on the Oxbow fundraiser!!
    Your Egret photo are great..almost turns itself wrong side out to get the job done.

  14. Fabulous photos of a very interesting and beautiful bird! How wonderful that you were able to raise funds for them!

  15. ah, I hope you feel well soon!
    I was amazed to hear that you had the swine, no good at all.

    Congratulations on the success of the fundraiser!

    And these photos are divine.

  16. Exquisite shots of the Egret! You have a magic touch, especially when you are at Pinckney Island. Congrats on doing so well on the fundraiser.

  17. Wow! Fantastic shots, Kelly! You caught the beauty of that bird and its dainty charm, as long as you don't look at those big yellow rubber-like feet.
    I hope you'll feel better soon. Having a cold is miserable, made more miserable by the fact that people think of you as a virus factory and stay away, professing empathy but only from a safe distance. Cheers!

  18. Lovely photos Kelly.
    Yes Snowy Egret, very fitting for us to look at on this side of the pond at the moment.{:)

  19. Magnificent collection of this bird Kelly... I love it!

  20. awesome about the money you guys raised - well done! and great preening pictures- that sir is a looker!

  21. Hello Kelly

    Your pictures are so BEAUTIFUL, i'am glad i have found this blog, it's amazing.

    Greetings from Holland, Joop

  22. As always, cracking photo's Kelly. If an egret visited my patch it would be invisible with all this snow! You were right with the comment on my blog, we dont normally get much snow, but whats more incredible is that its only two days into winter!

    Get well soon Kelly, look after yourself, big hug for you :-)

  23. Wow... glad the fundraiser went so well! But we knew everyone would be clamoring for your beautiful paintings!

  24. Congratulations on your fundraiser. Does that kind of bird ever look unglamerous?

    Hope your feeling better soon!

  25. Excellent Snowy series. They are incredibly beautiful birds and you photographed it very well.

  26. congrats on your amount of money raised! and great series of the preening egret with the last one, where it is done :-)

  27. Those are majestic birds! Fantastic photos!

    I so miss warm weather now that it's starting to snow, although I'd settle for something that was about 60˚ or 70˚F :D

  28. What beautiful photos. Wow. Wimpy ego for sure. Your work is great; of course it would sell.

    Stress might be why I was the only one who got sick in our family after Thanksgiving. I was chief emcee, cook and bottlewasher so I was under the most stress. It didn't help that I couldn't find the flour I'd bought to make the pies with! We had enough for 3 instead of the four I was going to make but after we got more flour I made two more. But how do you turn off stress? It's not like we ask to have it interfere!

  29. Congrats on the fundraiser and I hope you get to feeling better again soon. Egrets are so gorgeous in the eye of a lens!

  30. Wonderful study of a magnificent bird. We have Great Egrets here in Bluff Country but Snowy not so much. I saw my first last spring in Fort Meyer (Ding Darling NWR).

  31. Kelly, great shots of the egret! Congratulations on the fundraiser.

  32. Wonderful images! Wow! The snowy is breathtaking under normal circumstances, and you got it several notches up.

  33. Fabulous pictures of the egret--but what have I looked at that hasn't been outstanding!!!! Congratulations on the fundraiser.

  34. Wonderful, great photos, Kelly, congratulations. Hugs

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I am a BIG bird and nature lover. Snowy Egrets are one of my favorite birds to photograph, so I would love to share this image with you:!i=1749787045&k=thHsMQH


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