Friday, December 31, 2010

Painting 100! American Tree Sparrow with Cubes :-D

Painting #100, American Tree Sparrow with Cubes
Acrylic, 18x24 canvas

The canvas was big...and the lighting poor, so the photo doesn't capture the painting very well. I need to learn how to photograph large canvases because after working on this one, I know I'm going to want to keep getting larger with my art! To help see the bird, I cropped the photo for detail..

Same painting...just cropped for detail.

I love American Tree Sparrows. They are the sweetest little sparrows, always polite and cheerful, and their song...I LOVE hearing it across the snow. It's so tiny little bells when the flock moves together. When I was trying to decide what to paint for the final painting in the challenge, it wasn't hard. I was looking through photos from the end of November and saw a photo of an American Tree Sparrow I saw at VOA Park. A twig was right in front of his face, so it never made it on the blog...but...I could paint the little fellow so we could see all of his face. I wanted to capture that sweetness that always seems to surround these little birds. Hopefully you can feel that when you look at him in the painting.

The photo of the American Tree Sparrow that was the inspiration for the painting. I saw this little guy on Nov 21, 2010 at VOA Park. Our little backyard flock still hasn't arrived at our feeders. I keep waiting. Sometimes they don't show until the middle of January, though. They seem to ride in on really cold arctic blasts...

For my favorite photos of an American Tree Sparrow in our backyard, click here.
For one of my earliest posts and info on American Tree Sparrows, click here.

Happy New Year!!!
I also wanted to thank everyone who visits my blog. I always love reading the comments you leave, and I appreciate the friendships that have followed. It's so wonderful to be part of an international birding and art community!! I hope everyone has a peaceful New Year full of love and birding and art adventures!

I also want to thank Laure Ferlita of Painted Thoughts Blog for hosting the 100 Paintings in a Year Challenge. It has been a wonderful experience! Thanks, Laure!!!


  1. Happy New Year to you and yours Kelly. I love the painting and the photo. These little birds are wonderful. Carol

  2. Lovely work Kelly. Love viewing your work, it inspires me to continue working on my sketching.

    Happy New Year to you and your family :)

  3. Wow! You saved the best for last! This is just a fine piece of work…and I love that you did is so minimalist, yet captured the very essence of this sweet little sparrow.

    From my home to yours…I hope the days ahead are filled with joys and blessing for you and your family, that troubles are few and small, and that you have the best birding year ever!

    Happy New Year!

  4. They are a wonderful little bird. I like it when I walk slow and they are down in the grasses, flying up one or two at a time.Congratulations and Happy New Year.I have a blog that I have followed for a few months, Photographis , that has some beautiful pastels two blogs back that I think you would enjoy.

  5. Yea Kelly! It looks great!
    Happy New Year Peanut!

  6. You really did capture the essence of the Tree Sparrow--not only with your art which is fantastic, but also with your words. "Sweetness" is a good description!
    Happy New Year to you, too. I enjoy your blog so much.

  7. Happy New Year back!

    I don't always comment but have been enjoying your pictures. Now I'm supposed to be trying my hand at water colour as my D left me a desk full of art supplies! I'm no artist but no harm in giving it a shot!

  8. Your painting turned out really good, Kelly. May you have a very Happy New Year, and I'm looking forward to blogging with you in 2011!

  9. Hooray, you made it! Happy New Year!

    I heard a bunch of Tree Sparrows today while walking the nature trail and the Duck Ponds.

  10. Hi Kelly, Love your paintings.... I'm sure that is an American Tree Sparrow--but he looks alot like a Chipping Sparrow--which we have around here.

    Hope you and your precious family have a fabulous 2011.

    Happy New Year.

  11. Me again, Kelly.... I looked up the difference between your sparrow and our Chipping Sparrow and this is what I learned.

    The Americn tree sparrow and the chipping sparrow look alike, but the chipping sparrow lacks the black patch on its breast.

    How 'bout that?

  12. Hi Kelly...congrat's on your 100th and a nice one it is.
    He is very life for sure!!

  13. That's a really nice finishing touch. So much better than the photo. Happy New Year Kelly! I wish you lots of inspiration for 2011.

  14. Happy New Year to you. Love your paintings, wish our sparrows looked as cute.

  15. The final painting is beautiful Kelly.

    I hope 2011 is everything you wish for, for yourself and your family.

    It's been great being a blogging friend.

  16. I love it!!! This may be your best one yet!

    I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year.

  17. Kelly, an absolutley gorgeous painting! I, too, love tree sparrows and had not seen them in a very long time until recently when I saw some in NH and then down the street at the bog. I agree that they have a sweet face. I need to hear their voices though. I do not know what they sound like. When I lived in AZ I always thought the black-throated sparrows had a voice like little silver bells. Happy New years and congrats on 100 paintings!

    BTW, I am blogging at Kathie's Birds now since moving away from Sycamore Canyon!

  18. Gorgeous work! I love the different styles of handling, really highlights the bird!

  19. Those are fabulous!

    Have a Happy New Year!

  20. I am still just so impressed that you actually DID it Kelly! I really love this last one.

    Here's hoping that 2011 is packed to the brim with joy, discovery, and more art creations for you!

  21. Superb detail Kelly. Interesting having the cubes, merging two paintings into one.
    Happy New Year.

  22. Hey, you did it! Congratulations!

  23. Congratulations!

    I love the way you've mirrored the blur in the photograph and made the sparrow sharp simply with paint effects :).

  24. Sweetness, such sweetness. Your painting and the photo are wonderful.

    At Portland Oregon Daily Photo my theme day post is up for favorite posted photo of 2010.

  25. Happy New Year to you also! May 2011 be full of birds and beauty.

  26. kelly,
    this is beautiful. what skill you have been given. happy new year. may God bless you and your family in 2011.
    nikosniper steve

  27. What a beautiful painting! The large version is quite pretty. No problem with seeing it at all. We love the little sparrows, too.

    Happy 2011!

  28. Ohh beautiful painting Kelly !! Congrats on the achievement too!

  29. Charming painting, Kelly--and I love the rich gold cubes :). Congratulations on finishing the challenge--that's quite an accomplishment. I've really enjoyed seeing all your paintings this year, too. Happy New Year!

  30. Fantastic!! Love the textural background with the highly defined treatment of the feathers. Stunning!
    Happy New Year!!

  31. What a super, sunny painting! Wishing you a very Happy New Year, Kelly - I've so enjoyed visiting your blog and look forward to seeing what you bring us in 2011!

  32. Happy new year to you too! Your paintings are superb!

  33. ...thanks, everyone! I'm so happy I did the challenge this year, and I want to thank you again and again for such kind comments and support!! Happy New Year to everyone.

  34. That's a beautiful painting. I love the textures!
    Happy New Year to you also.

  35. This is fabulous. The light and texture leaps about. The sparrow is so alive.

  36. C.O.N.G.R.A.T.U.L.A.T.I.O.N.S on your amazing journey with the 100 Paintings Challenge!!!! You did it!!


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