Friday, November 19, 2010

Yank, yank...

Painting #81, White-breasted Nuthatch along the Little Miami...Yank, Yank.
Pencil drawing with watercolor overylay
9x12 Arches Rough 140 Lb Paper

This painting started out as a pencil sketch. I drew him in the car, then filled him in with watercolor later that evening at home. If you look closely, you can see the following pencil sketch hiding beneath the color...

Pencil Sketch of a White-breasted Nuthatch
9x12 Arches Rough 140 Lb Paper

The 100 Painting Challenge is making me a faster painter. I need less time to draw and less time to paint...more animation seems to be creeping into the drawings as well. I like this guy much better than painting 76, which is also of a White-breasted Nuthatch. There's more life and expression in this fellow's face. How many times has a White-breasted Nuthatch given you this look?


  1. Beautiful---they are my FAVORITE to watch. Nicely done, Kelly!

  2. Both are very pretty. As much as I like the water color, I like the sketch, too. Very nice.

  3. You've really captured the 'look'... I'd always know it was time for more feeder food when they'd stare at me this way :)

  4. One of my fave birds!! You are soooo talented!

  5. Hi Kelly...this one I do like better.
    There is that expression and that look ...very nice...keep pressing on with the challenge!!

  6. You are an incredible artist. I love that blue!
    My boys love drawing/painting you give lessons????)

    (I guess I would need to drive a ways ....but oh I love your birds!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Hi Kelly, One gave me that look TODAY--while I was raking and blowing leaves in the backyard... I think he was telling me to 'go away'....ha

    Great painting.

  8. Your sketches and painting are great!

  9. Very nice! The challenge has really made you grow as a painter, and whether you actually make it all the way to 100 it has been a worthwhile exercise for you.

  10. The Nuthatches hear give the same look Kelly :-)

  11. I love the first one a lot.... It is beautifully painted! Well done!

  12. Your paintings are beautiful Kelly.

  13. They are a neat little bird. I've been trying to capture some decent photos of a little Red-breasted Nuthatch that's been checking out the peanut tray. He is so quick in his movements, darting here and there, that I'm not getting many good shots of him!

  14. That is such a great skill, to capture the essence of a bird. You did this beautifully here Kelly. Fab U lous! (-:

  15. Very nice indeed, I enjoyed seeing the sketch also. There is a nice shot of a red-breasted on a pine cone in the new Birds and Blooms.

  16. Hi Kelly, I can only say that I am so pleased to come across your site, wow! Your art is AMAZING beyond words, whether it be your sketches, paintings, photos, stories, etc...Your nuthatch is adorable! I excitedly photographed one recently, having caught the bird bug. Thank you for sharing your beautiful blog, as it is so inspiring! Cheers from Bangor, Maine~ Linda

  17. Hey Kelly, I think the pencil outlines are providing some feather edge detail, so they don't look out of place.

  18. I love the addition of the pencil marks Kelly. He's beautiful!

  19. I too like the top sketch. The eyes are especially expressive. Nice job.

  20. ...thanks, everyone! I think I'll make sure I always carry a sketchbook. It seems everyone likes the pencil marks showing through. It's great for a quick sketch. I found this guy on the Little Miami. When I was photographing him, that look made me laugh!! Again, thanks so much for all the kind comments.

  21. Beautiful and very artistic work, well done!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all, dear Kelly,
    Hugs and love

  22. I always love seeing a sketch and then the final piece. There is more of a glimpse into the artist. Also it is fun to hear about you creating faster. I look forward to experiencing this.


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