Saturday, November 13, 2010

White-breasted Nuthatch and Golden-crowned Kinglet...for the challenge.

Painting #76, White-breasted Nuthatch along the Little Miami River
9x12 Arches Rough 140 Lb Paper, Watercolor

I drew this white-breasted Nuthatch in the car as I waited for Matty at school. I finished up the drawing and added the watercolor at his tennis clinic. I used to read while I waited, but now that I'm not afraid to paint and draw in public, I'm using the time to meet the 100 painting challenge. (My booklist, however, has come to a screeching halt!)

Painting 75, Golden-crowned Kinglet along the Little Miami River
7x10 Arches Cold Pressed 140 Lb Paper, Watercolor

I also drew and painted this little female Golden-crowned Kinglet in the car as I waited for Matty at school, but I only gave myself 15 minutes to do it. I wanted to see if I could capture a fair representation quickly. It's okay, but not my favorite. I'd like to redo this one and spend more time on her. I wonder what she would look like in acrylic...

Spitting out quantity rather than quality is a little hard on the ego, but I'm getting used to it, and it's part of what I love about the challenge. Painting in volume frees you from making every painting a masterpiece. That's the way I used to paint...everything had a purpose, everything was real. The 100 Painting Challenge is practice, and it opens the mind (it really does...) and makes each painting fun.


  1. Wow Kelly, you just seem to be getting better and better... I'm SO proud of you... Love both of your paintings... Of course, the Nuthatch is close to my heart since we have so many down here. They are almost friendly....


  2. Amazing work ! You just "sat in the car" to do these??? You have some amazing talent.
    I sure like his little yellow crown!

  3. You've caught the main charcteristics of both those species really well Kelly :-)

    Your comment on my blog about my footwear made me chuckle ! I do indeed go through walking boots like they are made of cardboard :-)

  4. Very, very nice! You do lovely work!

    I used to feel strange knitting in public while waiting for kids after school, too, but have gotten over it. Now I figure I am old enough to do whatever I want in public while waiting for the grand kids after school - within reason, of course. ;)

  5. I think these are amazing! BOTH are just absolutely fabulous!
    WOWZA! I've said it before and I'll say it again .... I am in AWE of your talent!

  6. Nuthatches are one of my very favorites! Gorgeous!

  7. I have a feeling if I even tried to do this, I'd be obsessing left and right about what did not look just right. That's a part of me I need to work on for sure, and one that I admire you don't let rule your painting Kelly! Fifteen minutes? Amazing my dear, just amazing to me!

  8. They're both beautiful! Wonderful painting!

  9. Those are wonderful - more so for the short time taken. You are very talented.


  10. Hi Kelley...two very nice real looking likenesses !!
    Who needs a studio anyway!!

  11. Wonderful! I'll bet as an artist you learn the details of bird plumage at a deeper level than most.

  12. Spectacular, like them both.I really have fun watching nuthatches.When we band them, they hold still when placed on their backs.I just got some info on getting them to feed out of your hand, with patience.You go out at the same time of day and sit still. chickadees and nuthatches are coming in and she said a jay was eyeing the possibilities.

  13. Painting in public, you are one brave Lady. I think your practice of quantity over quality has some considerable merit. I guess that way you are getting plenty of practice and expressing yourself in various ways. I must try that, thanks Kelly.

  14. To think that you could do something like that in 15 minutes while waiting in a car is totally amazing to me!

  15. That sounds like quite a challenge! You are obviously very talented!

  16. Kelly - It was nice to meet you in person today. I did have your blog bookmarked - from the Hog-nosed Snake post - but had forgotten about checking it. You can bet I'll be visiting more often now.

    Great to bird with you!

    ~Kathi, aka KatDoc

  17. I do admire you Kelly! They are so good and to do them in the car and in fifteen minutes is amazing, I do wish I could do it. You have caught the essence of both birds beautifully.

    I also loved the previous post with such lovely photos. I thought the one with the two babies in the background, which you were honest enough to admit you hadn't noticed, was stunning!

  18. ...thank you for the kind comments.....and thank you for putting up with the constant inundation of bird paintings! I can't believe the end is in sight. I think I'm going to make the challenge. Back in September I wasn't so sure! was great meeting you and birding with you today. I painted two quick acrylics of the Red-breasted Nuthatches we saw. I'll post those in a few days--as soon as they dry!

  19. Way, way, way more than fair representation! Lovely work!

  20. Oh to be so talented. I always wished that I could draw and paint - and have tried several times to fancy myself as such .. but alas .. I know my talents lie elsewhere.
    You are are very blessed!

    I have always loved the little nuthatch (white breasted variety). Never knew until this weekend that there is also a red breasted variety. Oh the things we learn!


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