Tuesday, November 2, 2010

More bird paintings for the challenge...

Painting #70, Meadowlark Peeking Among Poppies
Acrylic, 6x6 canvas paper

Painting #69, Three Little Birds
Acrylic, 6"x12" canvas paper

Matty helped me name this one. He thought Bob Marley's song, "Three Little Birds" fit it perfectly:
"Rise up this mornin',
Smiled with the risin' sun,
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singin' sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true,
Sayin', ("This is my message to you-ou-ou:")"
Boby Marley, Three Little Birds

Paintings 63 - 68, Red-headed Woodpeckers and Northern Flickers
ATCs, mixed--water color, acrylic, and colored pencil

Paintings 57 - 62, Red-bellied Woodpeckers and White-breasted Nuthatches
ATCs, mixed--water color and acrylic

Remember these? Paintings 57 - 68 are all ATCs. I sketched them back in September and painted them shortly after, but I forgot to scan them and put them in the challenge. I kept looking at my total and thinking it was really low...then I remembered the ATCs! D'uh! Now I'm completely caught up and should be able to make the challenge by the end of the year.


  1. Kelley, you have beautiful reds! It's my favorite color! Love all you paintings! Maybe you should put them up for auction and donate the proceeds to a bird-related charity.

  2. Kelley, you have beautiful reds! It's my favorite color! Love all you paintings! Maybe you should put them up for auction and donate the proceeds to a bird-related charity.

  3. Beautiful, saturated colors, Kelly! Just gorgeous!

  4. The first two paintings are very engaging - lush and vibrant, all the more so since the colors in my neighbor are fading to winter gray and brown. On your previous post on kinglets: I know how difficult it is to get those little energy balls in a camera lens. I made dozens of attempts in Cape May a few days ago. But no complaints, because they are elusive in the tree tops when I see them in the winter. But what a treat when they are only a few arms lengths away, as yours must have been.

  5. Wow excellent painting Kelly... They are all very beautiful and I love the three little birdy! Fantastic artwork!

  6. I love all of your paintings, Kelly.... "Three Little Birds" is a great title for that one.... Thanks to Matty.....

    Thanks so much for sharing your talents with us.

  7. Ha, ha, ha! Funny that you forgot to add all those ATCs to your count, and what a difference that makes for you with only 30 more to go now. I love #70. It is so bright and vivid. You may find it hard to go back to the watercolors.

  8. Hi Kelley...I LOVE the exuberance of your first set of poppies! Seriously, I hope this is a large painting that sings out across a room, the way I think poppies do across a garden! (Except mine, which inadvertently got dug up this summer!Dang)

  9. Beautiful! Love the reds. You do a great job.

  10. Good for you and what great painings! You have captured the essence of the birds! Love the bright colors!

  11. I remember your showing us a glimpse of the ATC's. I enjoy the nuthatch, one of my favorite to watch when out in the woods.Three little birds could become a good print for cards or shirts.

  12. You have brightened my day once again. Beautiful!

  13. Great job Kelly. I love all of your paintings. You are so talented. I can't a crooked line much less a straight one. Carol

  14. yea, congratulations. It must feel so good to be on track! It seems like painting so much and in this impressionistic style that you are developing that there must be a feeling of freedom in your strokes, is that true. I feel like I can see it in your art. And can I ask, what kind of canvas paper are you using? That might be fun to try. I loved seeing each piece.

  15. ...thanks, everyone. I'm so glad I'm doing this challenge. If you are an artist, or want to be one, do it. You'll be happy you did. Hilke.....funny you should mention that, because the owner of my favorite bird feed store (Mason, Wildbirds) wants to do a fundraiser for the birds with a few of my paintings and photos, so I will be raising money for the birds! (Tammie...the type of paper I'm using is Strathmore Canvas Paper. It's great to practice on, and since I just started using acrylics, it's perfect for me. Acrylics are definitely freeing up my painting style, but when I go back to watercolors, it will probably be tighter. I like both mediums in different ways!)


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