Monday, November 22, 2010

Hooded Warbler in the deep woods...

Birding at Shawnee State Park in Southeastern Ohio
One morning in July when Matty and I were volunteering at Shawnee State Park, Jenny Richards, the park naturalist, met us at the lodge to go birding. We headed off on the Lampblack Nature Trail (which picks up at the lodge) to see what we could find. At only ten minutes into the hike, we heard the loud whistles of a Hooded Warbler drifting through the shadows and branches of the trees surrounding us. For the next 20 minutes we watched, listened to, stalked, and drooled over this gorgeous little bird. I don't get to see Hooded Warblers too often in Cincy, but only two hours the expansive forests of Shawnee, Hooded Warblers put on quite a show on a regular basis!

Painting #84, Hooded Warbler in the deep woods, come out and sing so I can find you!
Oil Pastel
9x12 Arches Cold Pressed 140 Lb Paper

I can't remember how many of them we saw, but I think five or six were about. The birds were very curious and one came in close for the camera, but somehow I lost the memory card with the photos of him (and a lot of other amazing birds too)! I knew the only way I was going to get a post up on him was to create him from my memory, so last night I tried. Once again, the 100 Painting Challenge gave me the boost to get the job done. These little summertime warblers are so beautiful. I can never get enough of them.

Beak Bit
Look at the Hooded Warbler's huge black eye! The Hooded Warbler has the largest eye of all the woodland warblers. Since Hooded Warblers live in the dark shadows of mature forests, it is an adaptation to help them see better in the reduced light.

If you have time, drop over to Jenny's new blog for Shawnee State Park, Naturally Speaking. Right now she has a nifty photo of a Marbled Orbweaver--dressed in seasonal pumpkin orange, no less...


  1. Awww, so sad that you lost that memory card. The painting is lovely. I'm enjoying watching your journey through 100 paintings.

  2. I always like to add warblers to my sightings, this is real nice Kelly.

  3. This is just great Kelly.
    These latest paintings of yours give the appearance of an old Masterpiece on Canvas type of finish.
    Its really different.

  4. Kelly, losing a memory card with all your bird photos! I would be devastated. but you are amazing - you are right back on top with a beautiful painting from memory. I also love your red-breasted nuthatch drawings, water colors and paintings. I had one red-breasted visit my feeder the other day and I stood at the porch door with me camera ready but my reflexes weren't fast enough. As soon as I saw it grabbed a see and was gone, didn't return until my arm sagged from holding the camera - too late!

  5. I've been enjoying all your paintings, Kelly, though I haven't been commenting on each post (I'm lurking, though). This little guy is a darling. I'm sorry you lost your memory card, but being able to recreate him from memory is even more special.

  6. Very nice painting, the delicate streaks of orange and the background!

  7. Great painting of the Hooded Warbler, Kelly.... He really does have big black eyes, doesn't he???


  8. Oh Kelly... I clicked on your blog in my reader and when this post came up, I audibly gasped. So gorgeous!

  9. Thanks, everyone. The oil pastels are really fun to work with. They give an illustration feel (and make a mess!). I have lots of ideas for using them. Thank you!

  10. Great job on the Warbler painting! You are having just toooo much fun. Love it.


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