Thursday, November 4, 2010

Black-crowned Night Heron feeding a juvenile

Birding Hilton Head Island, SC and Pinckney Island at the Ibis Pond RookeryThe Black-crowned Night Heron has always been a favorite of mine (the night owl thing and all...), so I was especially happy when I saw the adult feeding the juvenile. Last year I saw a few adults, but no nests...and no young, but this year I saw at least eight adults and three juveniles (and this in the middle of the day!). Unlike the Tricolored Herons from the earlier posts, the Black-crowned Night Herons were nesting in the rookery proper across the mote, so viewing wasn't quite as close, but this juvenile had climbed out of its nest and into the open. As I was walking I caught the movement out of the corner of my eye as the baby flapped his wings, begging for food.



Satisfied for three seconds...


Running to the store for more food...

The store is far away...

"I'm soooooo alone..."

"Are you my mother?"

Oh my gosh...this was the coolest thing to witness. Our little Black-crowned Night Heron tried so hard to get the White Ibis to feed him, but the poor ibis had no idea what to do. You could just feel "of all the limbs to land on, I had to pick this one..." was going through his head. Soon enough he flew off, much to the juvenile's protestations! When reviewing the photos later, I laughed out loud when I saw the size of that baby's maw!

p.s. I was just over at the new, and Dawn featured me as her first Bird Blogger of the Week. Click here to check out the new blog.


  1. I've really been enjoying all your baby heron/egret posts as well as your sweet painting. Great work! I apologize for not commenting more often to express my amazement and gratitude for your talents.

  2. :-) Thank you....I don't know if I have talent, I just love the birds. They occupy most of the thoughts in my head. Pinckney Island makes these photos easy. In just four or five hours you will see so many amazing sights there...and each day you go back something new is happening.

  3. Hee hee..I love your narration to these Awesome photos! What a treat!

  4. this is amazing to see. I know so little about birds. Amazing also how different the baby and mom look. Such a funny tale you share. Thank you.

  5. Hi Kelly, Wow ---this may be your best set of photos yet... I love the Black-crowned Night Heron. What a fabulous bird.... And that juvie is precious.... Love that last picture....

    Amazing set of photos..

  6. The baby is so expressive - this is really a funny post. I love your last few posts... such amazing photography and I must put Cumberland on our vacation list. Went to the "gap" hiking years ago. We also enjoyed Turkey Run State Park in Indiana. Great hiking.

  7. Your photos are just fabulous--what a great catch! And the commentary is so funny.

  8. I laughed out loud too at that last photo! That little guy is just so adorable. The whole series of shots are wonderful, but it kind of made me think of when my kids were all little......

  9. Oh, I loved that book as a kid! And that is a perfect caption for that photo!

  10. wow, some more amazing shots. Very cool.


  11. What an awesome post! I have been a bit scarce in blogland lately but it's ALWAYS a pleasure to see what you have posted.
    This post brightened my day!

  12. Congrats. What a fantastic post. I love the pictures and the writing. You do a great job.

  13. Those are just magical! Terrific series, Kelly. And your narration made me laugh. Keep up the good work!

  14. Too funny! You've outdone yourself on these! And I absolutely love that last image!!!

    Good for you on the Bird Blog of the Week recognition!!

  15. Another hit, Kelly! How many more do you have up your sleeve? Marvelous pictures!

  16. Beautiful shots!
    Birds are adorable when they're being unintentionally goofy :D

  17. Nice shots!
    Very big juvenile!!!
    I love its face on the last photo, it makes me laugh!
    Have a lovely weekend kelly!

  18. Nice shots, Kelly! I've never been able to get close enough to the small Herons - Black-crowned, Yellow-crowned, and Green - to get a decent shot. In Newport they're pretty people shy and have stayed out of even my telephoto range. Good work!

  19. Wonderful set of pictures...
    It really felt like reading a story...

    Went through the blog to find out wonderful pictures...

    You are a great photographer...


  20. Hi Kelley...great post of mother and child ahhhh!!! the flustrations of motherhood with demanding children!!!

  21. Another amazing set of pictures Kelly. That last one made me laugh out loud too!

  22. Incredible moments captured! A joy to view. The last one "Are you my mother?" had me rolling on the floor!

  23. What a hoot, I tried to imagine how the ibis could feel. Get this kid away from me!Love the pics and narration.

  24. I'm blown away! Those are the very best Black-crowned Night Heron shots ever taken! I am embarrassed to admit how jealous I am, too. You have no idea how much I want to see even one of these birds. They are all around me, but I can't find them. Awesome post!

  25. A great run of Heron shots Kelly. They are amazing birds - aren't they all though :-)

  26. So glad I came across your blog through a recommendation from the fabulous Dawn Fine( Fantastic photos and wonderful narrative! A joy to view your blog! I will definitely visit again. Your talent abounds!

  27. WOW, simply incredible photography Kelly!

    Congrats on the Bird Blogger of the Week!

  28. It's got the funkiest hardstyle ever! I've always wondered what young herons look like - the grey herons we get here never look young or old.

  29. These pictures are all so special. The expresions and "attitude" of the baby really told the story that you shared.

    I always look forward to see what you will post next.

    Have a beautiful day!

  30. These are wonderful Kelli! I love them all but that last one is a real treat. How wonderful that you got to witness it asll.

  31. Hey, I just started a blog and I'm scrolling through some random blogs just to see what all is out there. Your photos are stunning!! I love taking nature shots too, but I'm certainly no professional--it's just "fun". Come check my blog out sometime. I know I'll be back to see more of your great work.

  32. WOW Kelly! Sorry for shouting but these shots are fantastic!

  33. What a neat series of photos!!! Wow

  34. Wonderful sequence of pictures Kelly... So do you miss them a bit? I'm starting to miss the birdies we do have in summer ;-)

  35. Great snaps as usual Kelly! and the comments under each snap is so interesting! Great going

  36. say I was freaking out (on the inside) when I saw this is putting it mildly. I'd never even seen a Black-crowned Night Heron baby before, much less a mama or papa feeding one. I'm surprised the photos turned out as well as they did because the pair was across the mote. It was the luck of me being in the right place as the baby moved out on a branch in the open and into the sunshine that helped. Thanks, everyone for the super, super kind comments. Yes......I miss them soooo much. I can't wait until next summer.

  37. These photos are awesome!!! I laughed out loud also at the last one... Poor ibis!

  38. Wow...amazing shots! What a great drama you captured.

  39. Wonderful photos! I love the expression in that last one.

  40. Love your pics, Kelly, the lonely bird is lovely and funny, great captions. Hugs

  41. Kelly, what an incredible series on the Black-crowned Night Heron with the chicks! These shots are amazing and your posts always show the admiration you have for the birds you love so much. Thank you for sharing these with us

    The in-flight photos of the adults are beautiful and that last shot of the chick with the Ibis should be entered into a wildlife photo contest. Seriously!!

    Your artwork, well that's another of your incredible talents. Congrats on you being the first bird blogger of the week on! I can't think of a more deserving person for the honor.

  42. Hi Kelly,
    My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
    I was looking for blogs about Night Heron to share on our site and I came across your post...Haha! I didn't know it was a bird, too!
    I'd love to share this post with people who are thinking of traveling to Hilton Head....If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you!


Thanks for visiting! I love meeting other bird and nature lovers, so drop me a line!