Wednesday, October 20, 2010

More bird paintings...this time, impressionistic.

These were fun, and I loved doing them. Working late at night, I painted this series without an under sketch. I let the paintbrush do the work, watching the images appear as the paint went down. I'm a night owl, which is a very bad thing to be when you're a birder (unless you study owls), but it's a very good thing to be when you paint. Once the hand on the clock clicks past midnight, the soothing night spirits take over and help you along. All is quiet, no one is around, gentle night sounds slip through the window, and time slows down.

Painting #48, Goldfinch on Sunflower
Acrylic, 9"x12" acrylic paper

Painting #49, Goldfinch on Sunflower 2
Acrylic, 6"x6" canvas paper

Painting #50, Goldfinch on Sunflower 3
Acrylic, 6"x12" canvas paper

Painting #51, Goldfinch Almost on Sunflower
Acrylic, 6"x6" canvas paper

...chugging along. I'm passed the half-way point.

All summer long I worked to reverse the night-owl thing, and I succeeded for a while, but I've slipped back to my old ways. I've been a night owl my entire life. I remember when I was in the first grade my mom had to pull me out of bed, sit me at the kitchen table and give me a cup of java to help me move. (I also remember her advising me I might not want to mention the coffee bit to my teachers. Back then kids didn't drink coffee. I don't know if they do now because Matty's an early bird.) No one in my family is a night owl...they are all early birds. Where on earth did this come from? Now, because of Meniere's Disease (an inner ear disorder), I can't drink coffee. I've been caffeine free for about 6 years, so I don't have that aid to make getting up easier. 6:15 comes very early, and I'm not keen on it, but I get up anyway. (I am tired of living on 4 hours of sleep, though...and I'm going to bed early tonight!)


  1. Just superb.
    Have you got two ears Kelly, because you will soon have to cut one off.{:)

  2. Stunning work, Kelly!! Absolutely stunning!

  3. Loving all of your paintings Kelly! Carol

  4. Wow, Kelly, these are gorgeous paintings!! Such a mastery of color, so much joie de vivre! I'd love to hang one on my wall - I can't decide which one though. I am particularly intrigued by the last one, Goldfinch almost on Sunflower.

  5. Wonderful paintings! You do a great job.

  6. Looks almost like a sunflower series similar to Van Gogh.I went to his 175th anniversery at his museum and was impresssed with the ones I had never seen. Like goldfinches anyway, but these are a gem.

  7. Wonderful series, Kelly! The night spirits helped you create some lovely paintings. But, like you say, four hours of sleep is just not enough, even if it means getting your 100 done!

  8. When I saw that first picture, the words, "Oh, Wow!" came out of my mouth. They are all so neat. It makes me wish I could paint, but that is definitely not my gift.

  9. Oh, I LOVE the color in these Kelly! I used to be a night owl too, but then married an early bird. Now, we're up at 5AM and to bed by 9:30-10!

  10. Wonderful stuff. This is the thing I miss out on by working in pencil--paint can be so playful! Well done.

  11. I know what you mean about the night owl syndrome ... you're so right about the peaceful flow of energy at night though. It sure worked for you while creating these beautiful creations. I visualized my backyard sunflower patch and the sweet Goldfinch who frequent it. I am in awe.

  12. You are really turning out some exciting paintings, does need to sleep though! :)

  13. Those are really beautiful paintings. The sleep deprivation has not affected (unless in a positive way) your creativity.

  14. These are the color!

  15. Wonderful! Captures the bird and flower both perfectly.

  16. These are really lovely, Kelly. Love the rich, bold colors!

  17. This is an excellent blog, right and pure art, thank you for your world divided with us

  18. Four hours sleep would not work for me, I would walk around like a zombie!

    I love your paintings, this style is wonderful, you have a gift.

  19. Great job, congrats, all very unique and lovely. Many hugs.

  20. Very interesting painting. I can't imagine how you deal with your "night owl" thing. You're probably just going to bed when I'm getting up, lol. I'm usually up at around 4:30am, bright eyed and bushy tailed. I too have meniere's disease and funnily enough, so does my partner.

  21. I like the way #49 is staring back at me!

  22. ...thanks, everyone. I really enjoyed painting these bird pieces. I love the freedom that comes with acrylics. (I like the way that bird stares back at me too.....I've seen that face so many times through the binocs!).

  23. I am a night owl too Kelly but I am not creating the beauty that you do at night! I always hurry over here when I see you have been painting. I love everything about your blog but I am especially drawn to your paintings. Enchanted by the sunflowers :)


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