Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Juvenile Tricolored Heron takes a walk!

Birding Hilton Head Island, SC and Pinckney Island at the Ibis Pond Rookery
As I sat in the grass on the top of the hill and watched the juveniles playing and flying from tree to tree, the mama flew down and landed in the grass about 20 feet from me. The grass was tall and screened her, but I was still amazed she came so close. I had been sitting there watching them for over an hour, so I guess she decided I was no threat. As I was watching her through the camera lens, she became excited and I wondered what was up when suddenly the spiky-headed juvenile from the first post flew into view. Double-luck! She immediately fed him.

Mama Tricolored Heron patiently waits in the grass for her young to join her.

The first (and only) juvenile to fly down to the ground that day was our spiky-headed baby!

...this was the juvenile's first time to fly out of the tree and onto the grass! Very exciting...

The mama walked around the grassy slope a bit with the juvenile following.

...he wasn't too happy and seemed to be only interested in eating!

...but she continued to walk him around. Eventually, she stopped to feed him again, and then she flew away. The juvenile stayed in the grass by himself for a moment or two, but quickly flew back to the tree his sibling was in.

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  1. Fun! What good fortune. Don't you wonder what they think of being out of the nest after they take their fledging flight?

  2. Fascinating! What a great post this one and the one below. The blue of the feathers is gorgeous. Love the close up profile below. Nice work

  3. So...what makes you think the juvenile is a "he"? As I looked at the photos (great!! by the way) I thought, that could be a demanding little she chick too...

  4. Oh how neat, Kelly... That little juvie is precious... Love his fuzzy head!!!!

    Hope you all have a great time at Cumberland Falls... Hope you see the moonbow....


  5. Wow Kelly you still managed to get amazing photos. The green is nice addition to the walk! Anna :)

  6. Wow, lucky you to be able to witness (and even photograph) this event. Great photos!

  7. Those photos are fun! Really cool!

  8. Susan...really I have no idea if it's a he or a she! Probably my brain said, "he" because I only have a boy! :-)

  9. What a wonderful post and photos of a really special moment.


  10. I had 20 minutes free this morning and enjoyed your summer months 2010. Nice to know a round pupil on a snake means non poisonous. But would rather find out via a macro lens, I think. The time spent with your son must have been wonderful. I also checked out your heron posts. I have a HUGE water area around me and I see these birds. I am inspired to find a seat and watch them. It will be pretty with the fall colors. I see them in the water this time of year. Do they roost in trees at dusk? I assume they do not use the nest once they leave it? And thanks for the kind words on my blog

  11. I just love that "bed head" hair do!! Too fun and such a great opportunity to sit and watch.

    Thanks for sharing the experience!

  12. Lovely post, I likehow you were able to focus in on the birds instead of the grass. Sometimes hard to do.

  13. Great observations Kelly.
    It certainly pays to sit tight at times, and see what nature 'brings' to us.

  14. Great photos and I like your description of sitting still and having the birds come very close to you.

  15. Thats a brilliant sequence of photo's Kelly. I love that name - Tricolored heron :-)

  16. Wow I admire your work there. Taking pictures of this moment might be unique and I will feel quite nervous.... What did you feel? ;-) Superb sequences you got tehre Kelly!

  17. What a wonderful series of action shots. One shot... maybe lucky. Series are series. Wow! That's skill & patience.

  18. Kelly, I LOVE this series. How wonderful to get such close up shots. Terrific!

  19. Catching up on some blogs. Love the goldfinch painting and some great shot of the heron!

  20. My favorite shot is the one where he/she toddles after Mom! Great work!

  21. Heron's are the oddest looking birds, albeit beautiful.

    How lucky to have momma so close, then baby and a feeding or two.

  22. Great shots Kelly of, what I'm sure was a wonderful time watching the juvie with the adult. It's not often that we get to see these encounters and they are very special.

    As with you, I believe that if you sit and watch and wait, the birds will come to you, knowing you are not a threat to them.

    Excellent series on the Tri-colored Herons!

  23. Those photos are wonderful!
    What a precious peek into the Life of this Juvenile :)!

  24. Your time was well spent watching the herons, not to mention the wonderful photos you got. I think there must be a little bit of magic on Pinckney Island.

  25. Wow! Those are magnificent birds! Beautiful photos!

  26. oh, I love this. Whish I had been there. This is events one can only wish for. :)

  27. Great photo sequence! I love watching birds and their babies, and Tricolored Herons are such pretty birds. Nice stuff!

  28. Beautiful shots. I think he's got bed head though! ;-)

  29. ...thanks, everyone! What a wonderful morning it was. So many birds and such amazing sights. If you are near Pinckney Island in the spring, make it a destination. It's unbelievable!!!

  30. Excellent photos- What a great subject to find.
    I could not sleep so am catching up on some of my favourite blogs that I have not visited for a while. I promise to come back again soon.
    Oh love the new paintings too.

  31. Fantastic post! Great pictures... great bird. I love the Tricolored Heron. The last two years when I was in Florida I had so much fun watching them hunt... they are too cool.

  32. Wonderful shots! Such a cute young heron.


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