Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Ravens

Painting #52 - Common Raven Flying Over a Pumpkin

I loved painting this painting. Usually I rely on a reference photo, but this one appeared in my head and poured out of my paintbrush. I could hear the whoosh of the wings as he flew past, and saw the shadow pass over the pumpkin. This painting made me fall in love with Common Ravens even more than I already did.

Painting #53 - Night Raven Looking at the Moonbow ref photo. Quite a big thing for me. The Golden slow-drying acrylics I'm using are so freeing. I squeeze out the paint, start playing, and images come to life. I'm really enjoying the 100 Painting Challenge. Being under the pressure to create 100 paintings in a year causes me to paint just for the sake of painting. I used to paint for a purpose (a card, a present--a reason), but with the challenge, there is no reason. You simply create all the time. The challenge continues to help me grow. Because of the challenge, I found out I love painting ravens and all the darkness that surrounds them.

Painting #54 - Nocturnal Raven

Painting #55 - Common Raven in a Patterned World

I painted this painting twice. I didn't like the first take, so I scraped it off....then decided I loved the scape marks and just added the Common Raven in with a few brush strokes.

Painting #56 - Creepy Primitive Halloween Raven

The scrapings in the previous painting inspired this one. Originally it was supposed to have the feel of a wood block carving image, but it soon turned into the feel of a carved pumpkin. I painted the background orange/red/yellow and let it dry over night....then painted over it with black the next morning....grabbed a plastic spoon and started "carving" out the image. I decided to go primitive because it's creepier, and one-shot carving with a spoon doesn't allow detail. After it dried, I painted over the moon with orange again...then went back in and re-carved over the previous carving. That helped brighten up the moon... This was a lot of fun, but very messy!! (I'm happy to report all of these paintings passed Matty's stringent creative requirements. He thought they were cool.) bird in this painting, so it's not part of the challenge. I just wanted to wish you a Happy Halloween filled with lots of treats...and black cats...ravens...and ghosts...witches...and scarecrows...and...candy corn, of course!


  1. Kelly, these are wonderful! I love them all, but I think my favorite is the first one. You have done a great job of capturing the raven spirit. Surely along with the swish of the wings you also heard the loud croak as he flew past you. You are right, there is nothing "common" about the Common Raven! Here they are so much a part of our life, and they are fascinating to watch. It's too funny that we both posted Halloween Ravens at the same time. I was putting together a post with a series of photos of a raven that I took this summer, but then I thought I really needed to do a Halloween post with some of the photos first. Then I began to play, and you've seen the result. You'll see the other post in a few days.

  2. Lovely works! I esp. like how well you capture the bird's form, posture and expression!

  3. Beautiful expressionistic images, Kelley. You are really on to something with your technique. Ravens, similar to the jackdaw, are one of my favorite birds.

  4. wonderful paintings Kelly, I especially love the last raven one. Great decorations for the creepy weekend

  5. Kelly you are having way to much fun! I have been enjoying your recent acrylic paintings. Loving the painting style and compositions.

  6. You have done some interesting work.It made me think of a roomate who painted over paintings, so when he gave one as a gift,I wondered how many were underneath.When I try without a model it loses out on the detail.You have painted enough birds to work out that, as in your first.Bravo!

  7. Perfect for Halloween! I like how you described the creation of these Kelly. Sounds like the creative juices were really flowing!

  8. Kelly, the first painting was such a visual treat on opening your blog, love the creativeness of just the wing passing over the pumpkin... beautiful work. No.56 is very special too!

  9. Oo OOOOOooo!! I just love the impressionist style you're throwing at these paintings. Wonderful. I agree #52 is the winner (first painting) but I also love #54--love the light and dark, the blue tinge on the wing, like the raven is shining. Well done!

  10. Kelly, these are all so beautiful. (and scary??? nope)
    Love the scraping are awesome.
    Happy Halloween to you and your family!

  11. I love your creative and interesting ravens, Kelly! I love the experimenting you've done with scraping the paint off. I also think your insight--about painting just for the sake of painting--is right on the mark. We shouldn't have to have a reason to create, but it sure feels like we do!

  12. Wow, these are awesome! I am SO impressed with your talent!

  13. Your paintings look like so much fun, it makes me wish I knew how. I feel like people who can create like you, must see with different eyes than the rest of us to be able to put down on paper such detailed things that many of us don't even see.

    I really enjoy seeing your work!

  14. WOW! How amazing that must be to feel inspired so much to create these wonderful paintings Kelly. I dearly wish I had your talent, but I don't so I will enjoy yours! (-;

  15. Kelly, you just keep amazing me! I really like all of them, but agree with Elaine on the first one. Great series of paintings depicting your many talents.

  16. Great Halloween Ravens. I liked all of them. Happy Halloween!

  17. Ooh! #52 and #56 are my favourites :)

  18. Looks like you're really starting to feel at ease with these! It seems like there's enough new stuff here to explore for the next six months or so.

  19. Kelly,
    These are all terrific, and I've enjoyed watching your talent expand. I've always been envious of people who could take an image from their mind's eye and draw or paint it. It's a beautiful gift!

  20. here is so many inspirations!

    have a nice time,

  21. Ravens and Crows are among my favorite birds. Though they can be a pain in the neck at my feeders, I still enjoy them. They are so bright and inquisitive, full of life and vitality. Your pictures capture all of these qualities wonderfully.

  22. ...thanks everyone for the lovely comments. I always get a bit nervous when I post art. I'm never really sure if people will like it, but that's part of the challenge I guess--getting brave enough to post everything! Thanks again for being so nice.

  23. such a fun post. i love how you scrapped off paint and learned you liked the look. I also enjoyed hearing that the challenge has gifts for you that you find along the way. Each of your painting is wonderful in their own way.


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