Monday, October 4, 2010

A Common Buckeye Butterfly (Junonia coenia) nectaring on goldenrod

Common Buckeyes were abundant in the high meadow at VOA Park last weekend. I've never seen so many in one place. They spent most of their time nectaring on the bright yellow flower clusters on plumes of goldenrod.

A Common Buckeye Butterfly (Junonia coenia) nectaring on autumn-blooming goldenrod.

...the nectar from the goldenrod must have been especially sweet because the buckeyes were incredibly obliging, keeping their wings open for photographing.

...a little bee gets in on the nectar action...


  1. Beautiful, Kelly... The Buckeyes are some of my favorite butterflies. You captured some marvelous pictures of them. I love the one where the little bee is getting in on the action also. ha...

    Hope you enjoy your trip to Cumberland Falls. We are headed to the Maggie Valley area of North Carolina for a couple of days that week.

  2. Kelly,
    Same here buckeyes everywhere! Enjoyed the photos!

  3. Hi Kelley...What a beauty, the Buckeye,and beautiful photos of it!!!
    I would bet he is as big in your photos as he is in real life! : }

  4. Great shots! Mostly what I see sipping on the Goldenrod around here are Bumblebees.

  5. Kelly, great shots. I've never seen one but I think the Buckeye is one of the prettier butterflies around!
    You photos depict it just right!

  6. Yes really beautiful macro shots Kelly of this very colourful species.

  7. What a beauty. We have one type which is very similar in France... I love the second photo a lot but all of them are really cool. Do you still have butterfly so late in the year?

  8. So clear! Gorgeous! Don't think we have buckeyes, but I'm not up on my Florida butterflies.

  9. Just amazing shots, Kelly! Very beautiful. They are such a colorful butterfly. Love the Bee shot as well.

  10. c'est vraiment un magnifique papillon

  11. With the cold coming in I am seeing less, but this was a good year for them. I always had a dozen in my garden.Gorgeous shots.

  12. Nothin' "common" about these buckeyes--they are gorgeous! (And this coming from a Wolverine!)

  13. What gorgeous photos! I'm always amazed at the details you manage to get.

  14. Stunning photos Kelly! I love that second one particularly. Taken from such a great angle I think. That is a stunning looking butterfly!

  15. Everybody seems to be getting great pictures of butterflies while I scarcely even see one. But that last photo, with the bee and all - that one is really something!!

  16. The colors seem to shout "Fall." Neat pictures!

  17. Perfectly Beautiful, Kelly. That Buckeye even glowed for you!

  18. The first photo is absolutely stunning Kelly.

  19. Your photos of this gorgeous butterfly are fabulous Kelly!

  20. Loving your photographs Kelly

  21. Whow what stunning butterflies.

  22. ...thanks, everyone! What a crazy day! The Buckeyes were beautiful. Usually they are harder to photograph, but they didn't care at all and let me get fairly close!

  23. yo adoro a las mariposas
    estoy feliz de encontrar estas preciosidades aquí
    me encantan :)
    miles de abrazos


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