Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Painting a Winter autumn

Painting #38 - Winter Robin
(9" x 12" - Acrylic on Canvas Paper)

"Winter Robin" is painting #38 in the 100 Paintings in a Year Challenge. It was my first attempt at painting with acrylics, and I loved it. The Plaza art store in Kenwood had canvases on sale for 70% off and acrylics on sale for 60% off, so with such a fab sale going on I decided it was time to dive in. I started with Golden's "Golden Open Acrylics." Golden Open Acrylics are creamy and dry slower than standard acrylic paints so they feel more like oils. Since I've painted with oils in the past, I decided they would be my best bet. I really liked them and had fun painting with them. I definitely went with a looser style, which was my goal.


  1. Oh Kelly, You are just so talented... Wow--that is amazing... The winter Robin is amazing... Thanks for sharing.

  2. Always love to see what you'll share with us next! Great job, Kelly. I went back and looked at the Robin post...those were great photos.

  3. It's quite something to be able to paint in different styles. As Besty fromn TN says, you are so talented! Look forward to the next one! (-:

  4. I get it especially standing back a bit. The quality of a true artist. Its great Kelly.

  5. Learning to put colors together may be harder, it is amazing how 16 colors can make one in the image.Nice image.

  6. This is beautiful Kelly!!!! You are awesome.

  7. Such a sweet Robin you have captured! Your talent is incredible! You've captured his "kind" little face well!

  8. Lovely, as were the photos you used for your inspiration.

  9. Bravo! Love the gestural strokes and the textures in this! Did I know you painted with oils? If I did, I didn't remember that.

  10. It is so good to see you painting again! This is a beautiful robin painted with love and creativity.

  11. ...thanks, everyone. It was fun to try something new. Laure...I learned to paint with oils thirty years ago in high school!! So it's been a while, but I still remember what they felt like.

  12. Kelly your painting of the winter Robin is awesome. Just beautiful!

  13. You make me want to break out my acrylics again. Beautiful!

  14. In many of your paintings the bird emerges from a patterned surface. I think it's #36 that shows this best. Beautifully done.

  15. Whoops I meant #39. I meant he one in which the bird image emerges from the patterned surface.

  16. Such wonderful photographs! Thank you! :) I hope you don't mind - I used one of the photos for a poem that I wrote.

    It's about watching birds eat leftover Fruit Loops in Florida...couldn't find a picture that exactly fit what I saw - but yours came closest! :)


Thanks for visiting! I love meeting other bird and nature lovers, so drop me a line!