Monday, August 9, 2010

Green Snake...

Volunteering at Shawnee State Park in Southeastern Ohio
Green Snake is another favorite at the nature center. Overtly friendly and super active, he loved to climb up arms and fingers like he would a tree with tiny branches. Green Snake was graceful and smooth, and definitely the most "cartoonish" in his movements of all the snakes at the nature center. He could glide like butter across a hot pan as he expertly wound himself around fingers, hair, camera straps, and anything else in his way. He would stop and look at you now and then, hovering midair before smoothly and suddenly dipping down to wrap himself around something new.

Green Snake hovers in the air while his tail entwines around this small boy's fingers.

...again, Green Snake seems to defy gravity.

Kids liked the name "Green Snake," but because he was a Green Snake kids would often try to to come up with something unique. Matty and I heard lots of attempts at new names...Mr. Green Jeans, String Bean, Slinky, Snots (gross, I know, but after all, he was green...and little boys were the ones coming up with the ideas...), throughout the entire week nothing new seemed to stick, so Green Snake is still Green Snake.

Green Snakes are native to Ohio, although they are a bit rare. I'd love to stumble across one, and my chances might be going up. I just read an article in the Dayton Daily News that reports 11 Smooth Green Snakes were found on the Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Big news considering it's the first time the snakes have been found in our area since 1871! Click here for a a link to the article.

I think Jenny said Green Snake was a Rough Green Snake. They are found in the southern-most parts of Ohio. There's no denying his beauty. Sleek and streamlined, his neon green skin was almost surreal. He was fun to watch and could eat crickets like nobody's business. Within seconds of popping a few in his cage, he would seek out and devour them.


  1. What a beautiful creature - love his smile!!

  2. fantastic colour not a fan of snakes usually be he is quite cute.

  3. What a cool shade of green! Isn't there a Crayola called "Green Snake?" ;c)

  4. Wow, that is wonderful & whimsical. Sounds like an utterly cool experience
    : )

  5. He's also a beauty--what wonderful colors the snakes in your photos have had.

  6. Neon green is right; that's some bright snake! And definitely a gorgeous critter.

  7. How about Neo or Eco?!! Such a lovely color!

    He needs a cool name!

  8. That is one beautiful snake. What fun to let him weave his body around your fingers!

  9. Nice post Kelly, I will have to look up more to see their range.I've only sen them on PBS.Now this one looks easier to feel it is friendly, maybe it is the color appeal.

  10. I think this little green snake is my favorite one of all the ones you've posted. He is adorable. It looks like you had a fantastic time. Carol

  11. A real slinky little critter Kelly, so is the snake ! :-)

  12. Fantastic colour Kelly. A real beauty.

  13. That close-up of his head is really cool! He must really blend into the grass.

  14. What great photos! And what a beautiful snake - I love the color and your descriptions of him. I'm glad they are returning.

  15. Those are some terrific shots of the "green snake"...very aptly named I might add! He's really pretty cute.

  16. How about "Mr. Bean"? Ha ha. He is very cute, and a beautiful colour.

  17. I love the color! Green has always been one of my favorite colors. The snake looks so thin and agile - not that I wan tot touch it - the photos are just fine!!

  18. Just read this post with James and he was giggling like CRAZY at the green snake!

  19. I've never seen one his smiling face

  20. great exsample , I would have your courage!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Beautiful snake, though I'll let all the kids handle 'em!

  22. My grandchildren had a toy green snake, which looked so similar to the real thing here.

  23. Well, Green Snake is a beauty regardless of his basic name. Such an intense color! It is wonderful to see kids overcome an innate fear of snakes and replace it with wonder and admiration. The kingsnake from the previous post was beautiful, too. Will we have any snake paintings to look forward to?

    Sorry it's been so long since I left you a comment. I've been lurking, though.

  24. Great pics, Kelita, congrats, good information, many hugs

  25. beautiful capture; congratulations

  26. Again a beautiful snake and a beautiful post!

  27. Gorgeous creature--he does seem to be smiling!

  28. Wow! I LOVE green, in any shade. This snakes color is so refreshing. Beautiful! :)

  29. I don't normally care for snakes, but that one is a real cute and friendly looking one.

  30. I actually love 'green snake'..he is quite cute and would go along well with our "Freddy the free loader". He is peaceful as well.
    You guys had a nature-filled summer didn't you????

  31. I, too would love to come across a green snake.

  32. Wonderful shots of the snakes. I really like reptiles and you've taken some fabulous pictures of them.

  33. What a beauty! Every now and again I come across one of 'those' animals that you just look in their face and know there's a sentient mind ticking away behind the eyes, but I've never seen it in a snake until now :).

  34. That's a fun snake. And just the right size.

  35. Kelly I am glad that you can show us something else other than birds, lol, these snakes are amazing. I should send my sister over, as she breads them. These are stunning images, and thanks for sharing your thoughts. Anna :)

  36. ...Green snake was such a love!! I can't wait until next year when we get to play with the snakes again. Thanks everyone for reading!

  37. well if they are that rare then i should feel blessed cause one of them decided to stroll into my house yesterday and i live in North carolina

    but it was an awesome little guy
    we wanted to keep him as a pet
    but we didnt want to take the chance of him not eating

    and when we let him go i put him down on dirt

    and when i did that he strolled into the grass and we were watching where he went and he had such good camo that he looked just like a blade of grass
    me and my brother were trying to find him for maybe 15mins and we still couldnt find him again

  38. cool that you found one! Probably a good idea you let him go. His Camo is amazing in the grass...


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