Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Black-bellied Plover sans the black belly...

Birding Longboat Key, FloridaBack in March, when this photo was taken, this Black-bellied Plover was still in his non-breeding plumage. His black belly doesn't show up until he molts into his summer breeding plumage. He nests all the way up in the arctic, so I don't think I'll be seeing that black belly any time soon...

...this fellow was foraging with a small flock of Willets. He was off on his own, yet at the same time, he was very much part of the Willets' flock. I enjoyed watching him peck out his dinner. According to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's All About Birds's site, the Black-bellied Plover is the only American plover with a hind toe. It's very small. If you look closely in the second photo, you can just make it out.


  1. Nice shots, Kelly! Black-bellies Summer here in our area; I've seen some but they've all been out of camera range.

  2. Great images. And don't you just love those knees!

  3. Very nice, Kelly. I love the head-on shot.

  4. Amazing shots Kelly. Love the low angle on these.
    And he does have a tiny hind toe, doesn't he.

  5. Very nice shots Kelly, I love the last one a lot with this nice low angle. Superb!

  6. Fabulous close ups of this bird Kelly.

  7. I missed commenting on some of your recent paintings Kelly, loved the Eastern Towhee! You could paint a lovely Black-bellied Plover too, I'm sure!

  8. Great shots, I enjoy watching them search for food.Their chatter is fun also.

  9. cute little Black-bellied Plover, Kelly... That is interesting about the hind toe. I would never have even noticed.

    Cute little bird. You got some great close-ups of him. Thanks!!!!

    Hope you are having a good summer so far.

  10. Those are some "nose to nose" shots....Looked like you were right at his level. Really neat!

  11. Cool pics kelly! How did you get so close! ?

  12. I have never seen one of these until today. And your photos are so clear they show the bird with all its features. Very good photography, as usual, Kelly.

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    I am trying to get some favorite family recipes from some of my favorite bloggers. I even started a new blog to hold them and I have already received some submissions and more have been promised.

    I would like for you to type out your favorite family recipe. Nothing fancy, just whatever type is on your machine. Include your photo of yourself or of the dish you send or both. I can usually use your blogging profile photo if that is OK with you. Include the recipe.

    Send the recipe, with your photo and a photo of your recipe in a dish or whatever, to:
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    Thank you for your recipe.

    Abe Lincoln

  13. Terrific shots, Kelly. You do wonders with a camera! I always look forward to your posts.

  14. Beautiful photos--the detail in his plumage is wonderul!

  15. Great beauty, all the pics, brava! hugs

  16. Wonderful pictures. I saw lots of shorebirds on our first ever Florida visit last March. Shorebirds are a big problems here as I live in the only county in the "Land of Ten Thousand Lakes" without a SINGLE lake!

  17. These are amazing shots! Love them all! Good info too!


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