Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Great Blue Heron mug shots...

Birding Longboat Key, Florida

...you know I can never resist a head-on shot. What a mug!

I don't think the colors in this photo are nearly as nice as those in Rick's photos (click here for that post), but they make great mug shots! ;-)

...could you look the other direction now Mr. Blue? Thank you.

This guy was incredible, and obviously soooo NOT from Ohio. He stood and posed and then posed some more. In Cincinnati, he would have squawked and flew off in mortal terror if I had even turned my head towards him at 100 feet. I found him next to my car in the parking lot at the Quick Point Nature Preserve. He almost seemed to greet me with a smile as I walked toward the car. After our photo shoot, I climbed in the car, and he was still standing there when I looked in the rear-view mirror when I left! I love Florida birds...

...am I dragging this Longboat Key trip out or what!! These photos are from back in April, but they're fun, so I thought I'd squeeze them in. For all the Longboat Key bird photos, click here.


  1. LOVE those shots, Kelly!! Fabulous!!

  2. Beautiful shots of the Heron, Kelly... All I can think of when seeing that little guy are the ones who are drenched in oil out in the Gulf... SO SAD.

    Check my blog if you have time. I have a request pertaining to a blog friend who has lost her husband (died suddenly at age 60).


  3. Fantastic shots--what a personality he seems to have! The Florida birds (and people) would love to have you back for another visit.

    GORGEOUS photography of this majestic blue Heron......All this wonderful colours and the light in his yellow eyes.......!!!!
    He looks just a little "serious" in the camera....?

    ciao ciao elvira

  5. That is one ugly mug Kelly.{:)

  6. Fabulous! I'm so jealous that you got that close. LOL. Wonderful, just terrific shots.

  7. Wonderful photography. I especially love the last one, Sharon.

  8. WOW! That is the most amazing shot of a GBH I've ever seen. Great capture!

  9. Wonderful shots Kelly. I had to laugh at the first one...kind of reminded me of my first look in the mirror in the morning.

  10. Awesome photos! That first one is my favorite!

  11. Wow you take awesome photos! and you found a very cooperative model!

  12. Great shots!! Especially that first one. A face only a mother...

  13. Kelly! This is incredible. Amazing how close you were able to be!

  14. That first shot is striking - such an unusual angle for viewing a heron. Nice detail in all 3.

  15. Terrific portraits, Kelly! You gotta love birds that hang around for a photo shoot like that.

  16. That first photo is great. That what my husband looks like when he first wakes up in the morning :P

  17. Laughed when I was on the Gulf in March how close I could get to the herons , where here in Iowa it is a hard shot.

  18. Standing aside """Grim Reeper""" I'm taking you place!!!

  19. That "head-on" shot was something else....Do you suppose he was having a "bad-hair day?"

    Those close ups are awesome.

  20. Really cool shots! Love them! :)

  21. Hi Kelly.
    Until you see a Heron head on, you don't realise what a fierce loking bird it is.
    Love the photo's though.

  22. kind of perfect for that bad hair day feeling! Our herons here are also way too wild to put up with humans...great shots as usual Kelly!

  23. Stonking shots Kelly. It's sooo nice when something co-operates for a change! Mind you, it's also fun sometimes when you have to work for a shot too! (-:

  24. These are incredible and fabulous closeups!! The Blue Heron has such a handsome face! Well done!

  25. ...thanks, everyone! These Florida GBHs make it easy! Thank goodness some of them do!

  26. Wow, those are awesome shots, especially with the truncated perspective!

  27. I was warned by pro photographer to bring a short lens because of the tamenss of the herons and egrets. These photos are too much fun!


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