Tuesday, February 23, 2010

From birds…to Little Wooden Dolls?

I have lots of birds lined up from the past week to post, but I just had to pass this on! Look at what my Aunt Diane made me for my birthday—a Little Wooden Doll with a “Birding Girl” outfit! Can you believe it? She designed this little outfit just for me. “Birding Girl” even has a little leucistic bird perched on her birding hat, and if you check the pocket in her birding vest, you’ll find her own field guide (featuring Red, of course!), and in those slim-line khaki pants it looks like she found a feather along the way...

Thanks Aunt Diane. I love Birding Girl!

There is a long story behind this doll that goes all the way back to 1967 when Aunt Diane created the first Little Wooden Doll just for me. I was in the first grade then and absolutely fell in love with them. I thought they were so special since Aunt D had made them, and I still have them, complete with the little armoire that held their clothes! Little Wooden Doll has come a long way since 1967!

Groovy, baby! I dig that bathing suit!

Over the years, Aunt Diane modified and upgraded the Little Wooden Doll, and in the early 90s I drew several doll faces for her. Can you tell which concept she ended up going with?

…and just recently, she started a blog (I wonder who talked her into that?). So head over to Aunt Diane’s blog, home of the Little Wooden Doll, and say hi. She barely gets any visitors because she’s so new, and I think she’s tired of just getting comments from me. So say hi and welcome her to the blogging world.

The Little Wooden Doll is like a paper doll, but her clothes are fabric. Aunt Diane designs and makes all the clothes. On top of that, Little Wooden Doll is quite literary. Here are just a few of her posts…

Merry Making at the Thomas Hardy Ball. This post includes “The Darkling Thrush.” The year both of my grandmas died I used this poem in my Christmas card. It’s such a beautiful poem full of hope…

Christmas Dinner with Mr. Darcy. Since I’m a Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice freak (Aunt Diane is too), I love this one…

...and of course, Birding Girl...

P.S. Aunt Diane has already appeared on the blog way back in March of last year when we had our family winter picnic and birding party. You can also catch a glimpse of Aunt Pat and Joni (my mom) who together make up "The Three Sisters..."


  1. Birfday girl, Still playing with dollies?
    I hope the cherrie pie was good!

  2. Cherry pie is always good. I'm glad I was born on George Washington's birthday--my excuse for eating lots of cherry pie!!! :-)

  3. Excellent!!! Well I think these are nice presents and they are really cute!!! Nice to know a bit more about your lfie ;-)

  4. Boy-O-Boy what a post this turned into.

    I really like your post today. I came over after seeing your name on the Peregrine Falcon post and am glad I did. I really enjoyed this look at your dolls and the sketches you made are fabulous. You should do more of them. I will go over and comment at the doll maker's place.

  5. Kelly! I wasn't expecting this! Such happy memories of you as just a little girl (and I was a bit younger as well!) How wonderful that you kept the originals and clearly your artistic abilities are way beyond what I had at the time. I remember how much fun they were when I made them so long ago. Even the hair was made of felt back then! I love you, Kelly and I hope of your 'bloggers' enjoy the story, too. Aunt Diane

  6. You come from a very talented family!! Love your Birding Girl! It so fits!

    Now off to visit Aunt D!

  7. Birding Girl is adorable! Your aunt sounds very cool indeed--must run in the family!

  8. Now I can see that the creative gene runs through the family, really delightful Kelly! I went and looked at your Auntie's site too and enjoyed browsing through her creations.

    I also loved the American Robin photos on the last post.

  9. Adorable, Kelly! I'll go visit your aunt. I think aunts are just the greatest--I have one who is very special to me. Though she isn't a blogger, she is an inspiration to me every day because of what she's done in her life.

  10. What a great birthday present that is Kelly. Just perfect.

  11. Beautiful dolls and your drawings. Handmade gifts from the people we love are priceless. I wish I had a bird on my hat.

  12. Your post brings back wonderful memories. I had a cousin, who is also my godmother, who was very artistic and drew paper dolls for me and then designed beautiful dresses to go with them. So much fun!

    Your little bird girl is adorable!
    and...."Happy Birthday"!

  13. Superb pencil drawings Kelly.
    The first doll has the wrong colour hair I think.{:)

  14. What a wonderful gift! Birding Girl rocks! These wooden dolls are just terrific. Obviously you come from a very talented family. Happy Slightly Belated Birthday!

  15. What a lovely present from your aunt and what a wonderful treasure she gave you all those years ago. Something handmade especially for you is always the best kind of present. I hope you had a wonderful birthday.

  16. Kelly, hope you had a great birthday and many more to come. The dolls are lovely, she is so nice. Great pics of birds, many hugs and love.

  17. Happy Happy Birthday to YOUUUU! The dolls are so cute and the drawings are, too!

  18. Wow - another side to you we didn't know about! The little wooden dolls are precious.

  19. I've got to say that I'm nort interested in dolls but what a great gift from your aunt! I like your sketches too.

  20. ...thanks, everyone for stopping by and your kind comments. If you haven't dropped by Aunt Diane's blog, stop by. She's really nice and funny too...

  21. Adorable Kelly. Really adorable. Carol


  22. Kelly happy belated birthday. What a beautiful birthday gift. I think she used concept one for the face. And Kelly you got real talent, your sketches are absolutely beautiful. I will now go and meet your Aunt Diane. Thanks for sharing your story, Anna :)

  23. That doll is the absolute cutest thing! I love the birding outfit. How fortunate you are to have such a talented aunt. And Happy Birthday to you! We're never too old for dolls...I happen to adore paperdolls :-)

  24. Happy Birthday Kelly. I love your little Birding Girl doll! Is that a nod to me? ;)

    You're lucky to have such a talented aunt.

    Happy Birding!

    - BG


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