Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Art of the Flying Fan Dance...

Just outside my kitchen window, this Northern Flicker showed an intruding Starling who was boss. We don't normally get to see such a grand display of those beautiful yellow feathers!!

A male Northern Flicker takes on a classic threat display to make himself look bigger and stronger. The starling didn't stand a chance and soon left.

The Northern Flicker is a new bird for the kitchen window feeders, and this winter marks his return. Flickers have been absent from our yard for about 3 years. Yesterday was a snow day, and I was in the living room when I heard this fellow announcing himself in the side yard. "Don't move Matty, I hear the Flicker!" Poor kid, he gets that a lot. I quickly grabbed the camera and snuck up beside Matty to snap the photo. It's a hard-to-reach window just above the sink and a step stool, climbing, and balancing are needed to get into the sink to get the angle on this feeder (you've probably done the same thing to get that kitchen window shot!). When his friends are around, I stay out of the sink with my camera...


  1. OMG! He is absolutely stunning! I see Flickers all the time, but have never seen such a magnificent display!

  2. That's a gorgeous shot - obviously a yellow shafted flicker! (The Northern Flicker we get isn't quite so colourful, and I've never seen any at the feeders) Wow!

  3. Kelly, you get the neatest photos, I have only taken photos of Flickers on the ground, they really are beautiful from underneath!

  4. What camera do you use to take your beautiful pictures?

  5. You are so funny Kelly...and this is an amazing shot! I love the brilliant colors.

  6. Your going to do yourself an injury if your not careful. Great shot though Kelly.

  7. Hey, I wouldn't stay out of the sink, friends or no friends! lol. Great shot of a beautiful bird.

  8. Flickers don't usually come to the feeders --but when winters get THAT rough, they'll eat anything. What are you feeding that --that they will eat????

    Great picture, Kelly.

  9. I would like to see you clambering around the kitchen sink Kelly. :-)

    Nice photo though. You do what you have to do to get the photo!!

  10. Lovely action shot,well captured Kelly.

  11. A great photo Kelly, really unusual and yes, it does resemble a fan :)

  12. It was pretty close Kelly. I'm sure it'll be back and you will have the camera ready.

  13. That's a stunning display and you made me laugh with your kitchen sink antics! (-:

  14. Great shot, Kelly! Yeah, I've heard that familiar loud kyeer call a little more frequently lately.

  15. Your shot of the flying fan dance is amazing, Kelly. Your efforts payed off beautifully.
    Truth be said, all the photos on your blog are gorgeous.

  16. Nice one Peanut. The acrobatics put a smile on my face...Lol.
    Is there nothing you won't do for a shot? FAB.

  17. Wow! How pretty!

    I had a flicker visit very briefly one day this week. I hope I have time to post some pictures sometime soon.

  18. Awesome shot! We have this Flicker here in the summer, but I never realized he was such a bright yellow underneath. He's beautiful.

  19. You're not fooling anybody! I'm convinced you stand at the window with that camera aimed at that feeder all the time!!! ;•)

    And somehow I don't think Matty would mind you getting in the sink with your camera when his friends were around.

    Great snap too!!

  20. Great action shot Kelly. Lovely markings on the Northern Flicker.

  21. Excellent and very funny, i could really imagine you in the sink with your camera shouting, beurk!!! what is this cup of tea doing there ;-) Nice to see a so beautiful bird from your windows and I have to admit that the angle of the picture is quite original!

  22. Oh, how glorious Kelly!!! WOW, just look at those beautiful wings. Lucky, lucky you!

  23. Just gorgeous. Definitely worth all the work.

  24. What a great shot of that that is really difficult to get..nice job!!
    Sure hope he won!!

  25. Kelly, what a wonderful shot. I didn't know Flickers have all the yellow lining their wings and tail! Many birding guides don't show it.

  26. Thanks, everyone! I was telling my mom about this bird. I never get to see the yellow feathers underneath. Normally, I see a quick peak of the yellow shafts when he flies overhead, but never a full display!!! I had no idea his feathers were that yellow. I've seen the yellow tail feathers underneath many times, but not the wings. Sounds like we've all had similar experiences.

  27. Gorgeous shot, Kelly! I've gotten a glimpse of that wonderful gold underneath in some long-distant tree foraging shots and loved it. But this one is spectacular! That's an inspiration to paint if I've ever seen one!

  28. a beautiful show off of the feathers. Nice capture. :)

  29. I don't think I've had a Flicker this year. Great shot of the yellow underwings. Is that a word? Should be!

  30. Beautiful shot of those yellow feathers

  31. Awesome shot Kelly!
    (at least you didn't have to cut a hole in your screen like Lynne did a couple weeks ago!)


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