Tuesday, January 12, 2010

...tough little birds of winter, continued!

...continued from Sunday's Chickadee post.
Deeper in the woods, a male Northern Cardinal puffed his feathers up to gargantuan excess, forming a warm barrier between him and the freezing air around him and allowing him to keep his internal body temperature at a snuggly warm 105 to 108 degrees F.

...the bright, fiery red of a male Northern Cardinal against drifting, spinning, soft-white snowflakes.

Tucked away in a dense tangle of branches, I didn't think I had a chance of capturing his startling shock of color or the overall peacefulness of the bird resting in the cold, but the small branches blocking the view blurred to softness as I focused past them and on him, framing him in what looks like a wintery fog.

...with that tiny sound of snowflakes falling all around, Red looks on, not knowing his beauty is the focus of my lens.


  1. Oh so gorgeous, Kelly. There's nothing prettier than a male Cardinal in the dead of winter.


  2. Nice shots, Kelly! He looks nice and comfy all bundled up on his perch.

  3. Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic. I'm sorry but these really are. Thanks Kelly for sharing. Carol

  4. Kelly, I love this series. The colors, the softness! Great job. Also, could you go to my blog and try to post a comment - I see there's zero comments, and that's unusual, (or else no one loves me anymore!) lol. Anyway, I thought there might a problem with the post, or my blog and I'll need to do some trouble shooting. If you can't post, I'll look back for a comment from you so I'll know. Thanks.

  5. Stunning photos yet again Kelly.
    You take amazing photos. Just caught up with your other post.
    Love the way you've captured the numerous colours of the starlings.

    Kind Regards

  6. Thanks for taking time to comment, Kelly. Guess my blog is okay and accepting comments. Mona

  7. I think you and I were thinking quite alike in our posts today :)
    Your cardinal is absolutely stunning....WOW!

  8. I don't care how many cardinals you see…a redbird is always worth photographing. And these are dandy shots!

  9. Wonderful photos and description! I like the mood of the photos. You've really captured the cool temperature and the cardinal's response to it.

  10. There is a pair of those at the office Kelly. I saw them this morning in the potted trees by the door and was a bit surprised

    Again gorgeous pictures.

  11. I love your photos of Red, Kelly!
    They are better than mine!

  12. Beautiful photos Kelly. It is amazing how those birds survive the terrible cold of winter.

  13. Gorgeous Cardinal shots Kelly. Looking through the branches, I feel as if I'm there enjoying the view myself. Just beautiful.

  14. I guess it it tough all over. Never fear, we have Cardinals up here. If they can take our winter, they can take yours! Stay warm, my friend.

  15. Beautiful images Kelly, hope he gets to see the nice warm sun soon.

  16. Hi Kelly,
    Wow red on white!! That's so gorgeous... I definitively want to cross this guy one day! Gosh male cardinals are so beautiful... I hope one day I will cross again the Atlantic... Well done these shots are beautiful with the snow flakes..

  17. Oh my goodness these are so beautiful. I really love the last shot. What a gorgeous Cardinal and scene.

  18. Cardinals are so pretty at this time of year when they are at their reddest. He looks cold, but I guess they are great survivors. I know I'm helping to keep about a dozen pair alive at our house! LOL.

  19. Beautiful shots of the Cardinal, Kelly!

  20. Another series of lovely photos. Those cardinals sure are tough in more ways than one--there was a picture in our newspaper this weekend of a male cardinal chasing off another bird from a feeder.

  21. He must stand out so much in all that snwo.....beware the hawks!

  22. Superb shots Kelly. A stunning bird, his colour really standing out against the winter backdrop.

  23. Hi Kelly.
    What a great looking bird the male cardinal is. It makes you feel as if you could put your hands around him and warm yourself up. He looks like he red hot.

  24. Superbes images d'un très joli oiseau qu je n'avais jamais vu !

  25. What a beauty! I get a thrill from the colour that the Fieldfares bring us in winter so it must be wonderful to see those little birds :D.

  26. While I love the cardinal shots, as they're definitely on my list of favourite birds, I really like your watercolour! It's stunning...you're so danged talented!!

  27. Really beautiful Kelly, what a gorgeous colour, I don't think I have ever seen quite that shade of red on any other bird anywhere. I thought that might be where we get the term cardinal red from but looking it up it apparently comes from the colour of the cassocks worn by Catholic cardinals...it is amazing the routes your posts lead me down :)

  28. Cardinals are my my little buddies! :D I live on the coast of NC, and we only get snow here about once every two or three years. It's nice to see beautiful pictures of cardinals in a snowy backdrop. Love it!

  29. ...thanks, everyone! So, so beautiful...they make me happy every time I see one!

  30. cardinals are so pretty in the snow - they really brighten up a winter day.

  31. What a gorgeous bird. Looks like it's chilly in your neck of the woods.

  32. I miss seeing these beautiful Cardinals back home in Toronto. You have captured them beautifully in these photos. Tough little birds!!

  33. I love cardinals and your photos are sooo enriching! I have a pair who visit my balcony feeder almost every day.

  34. How I'd love to see one of these birds up close! In the meantime, thank you for your wonderful shots!!

  35. Lovely, very lovely, Kelly, great view, clarity,
    angle, they are sooo wonderful, congrats.
    Big hug

  36. Hey Kelly,
    My name is Hannah me and my family live in utah and about 4 or 5 years ago me and my parents became interested in birds. We have built a little bird habitat out side my window and have seen many amazing things. A little over a year ago I purchased a Nikon D 60 and have two lenses but I am saving up for a bigger and better lense. I was wondering if you have any advice of what type of lense or a camera that I might want to think about? By the way you pictures are absolutely amazing!! And the Cardinal is absolutly stunning! I have always wanted to see a Cardinal but about a year after I was born in North Carolina we moved so I have not seen any yet. Well I love your pictures and your artistry!!

    - Hannah

  37. ...Hi Hannah! I just now got this message by accidentally stumbling over the post. If you look in my sidebar, you'll see my camera set up. You can also email me, and I'll send you details. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you get out there and start photographing the birds!!


Thanks for visiting! I love meeting other bird and nature lovers, so drop me a line!