Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sing out little wren...

...I like knowing you're out there as I work at my desk.

Carolina Wren singing on a small trellis on my deck.

What a happy little bird the Carolina Wren was today, or if he wasn't, he at least made me happy. This morning as I fried an egg, he sang, and hopped and sang again. Busy with unknown duties, he sometimes would break from his constant busy twitching and sing out. I could see him on the trellis in the flower pot, almost eye level with me. Every now and then he would grab a seed or a piece of fruit, only to return to his perch later to sing again, and I would stop what I was doing and watch him...


  1. What a beautiful photo. What would the world be like with the songs from birds?

  2. He's really cute and I wonder how he sounds... It's really winter here now, only without snow. Most birds are gone and we miss their songs.
    Luckily the sun is shining again today and it's a good day to go for a forest walk with Cleo, hope to hear a few nice songs there....

  3. They are such sweeties-I love to hear them sing.

    Got my new feeder-I LOVE it!!!
    Thank you,thank you for your help in finding it! The black caps are so busy with it.....though there are a few that , um, aren't quite smart enough....

  4. Gorgeous photo! How nice to start your day with a beautiful serenade.

  5. I like your site.

  6. What a nice breakfast companion Kelly. He looks quite a bit bigger than our little Wren.

  7. The Carolina Wren is my most favorite little bird...They have chosen so many odd little places for their nests over the years...and are so willing to share their songs throughout the day! I love them!

  8. Lovely little bird, I would love to hear its song. I was woken up this morning by a Robin singing just outside my bedroom window, lovely it was. It is lovely to have some birds singing through the Autumn and Winter months when all the others have gone quiet.

  9. What a lovely photo, Kelly, and how nice to have him sing to you all morning - I awoke today to the sound of rain!!

  10. Oh, I was watching one earlier this morning also. They are such lovely birds! An what a song they have!!

    You've got a great capture here. Would love to know what kind of fruit are you feeding them :)

  11. Heh, heh! I'm hearing the Carolina Wrens, but it's a little harder to see them; with everything turning brown, they tend to blend in. Our House and Marsh Wrens have left for the season, and I haven't heard any Winter Wrens yet, but I have my ears perked for them.

  12. Just a wonderful, wonderful photo and piece.

    Carolina wrens are one of my two favorite birds (I can't choose between them and white-throated sparrows, so I have two all-time favorites) and I never tire of watching and hearing them. They're so jaunty, so boisterous, the bubbliest of life in a tiny feathered package.

    I just love wrens and your post has made my morning. Thank you.

  13. Great shot Kelly! They're such a beautiful, perky, happy little bird.

  14. I would love to have a Carolina Wren in our garden!
    Who's a lucky Peanut?

  15. Lily.....I know what you mean. I crack my window even in the cold to hear the birds as I make breakfast...being able to hear every little bird out there makes me happy. If more people listened to birds..... :-).

    Mischi.....he has a very loud voice for his size. Very recognizable....he chatters...and's a happy song. I bet you nab a few cool photos today. I'll be sure to drop by. are going to love that feeder more and more each day. I have mine suspended out from my deck on a rod, so the raccoons and squirrels (surprisingly) can seem to get to it and have left it alone. (I added two more!! Can you say obsessive?). So when all my other feeders are drained, these are still filled so the titmice, chickadees, woodpeckers (especially the red-bellied) and nuthatches always have a place to drop in to feed at.

    Elaine...the best way to start the day...thank you!

    D-Wing....thank you for stopping by. I'll have to drop over to your blog!! :-)

    hip chick...and don't you just love those sweet fellows. Thank goodness they are around!! :-)

    John....thank you!!

    Roy.....perfect or breakfast....he's bigger than our winter wren as well. He does give the appearance of being a chunky bird, especially when he fluffs his feathers in the cold and turns into a big round rusty-colored ball with a beak. I love that. I think I have a few photos of a fluffed Carolina Wren earlier in the year.

    Wanda....he is a favorite of mine too. I've never gotten to see him nest. I would love that!! He definitely keeps me company with his song....and he sings it so loudly. Like you, I just love him!!

    Lynmiranda.....and the robin you're speaking of is the little European Robin, which is my favorite European bird. He looks like a total sweetie. Some day I'll make it over there and I hope a Robin wakes me as well!

    Sharon....I have been reading on blogs and yesterday in our newspaper about the rain England is getting...and Ireland too. You must be waterlogged by now. Wish I could send the Carolina's song over to you.

    Kerri....I bought a mix called Woodpecker Wise (I think) at my bird seed store. It has peanuts, hulled sunflowers, and dried fruit. This wren seems to like picking out the hulled sunflowers and dried bits of fruit. I've put out chopped apples and they like those....they've even plucked up a few blueberries that are a bit too soft for me to enjoy!!

    Roy...I hope you find them soon. I scatter seed on the railing of my deck and on the deck itself on the ground near the flower pots, and that lures them in. This fellow is such a busy little one. He's fun to watch. I have not seen any Winter Wrens either...

    Scribe...yeah! That makes me happy! I remember the Carolina Wren poem you posted a couple of months ago. Where you mom said the wren was no bigger than a moment (or something like that. I'll have to stop back to find it). Thank you...'re right. When it comes to perky...they top the list. He's so much fun too...

    Dave and Doodles...they started visiting us about five years ago. I was so happy when they found us!

  16. Beautiful! Is there any other bird that can sing as loud as a wren?? We were watching one at the zoo yesterday that demanded that you stop and listen to it sing.

  17. I love Carolina Wrens! We have had two nest near our house (once in our garage) and have enjoyed watching the babies hatch, grow and leave the nest. I don't know what they sound like, though! I'm sure I've heard them, but not known what bird was singing.

  18. Aren't they just precious, Kel???? I love our Carolina Wrens.. AND--they can really really sing!!!!


  19. If your wren sounds like ours does, then you will indeed have reason to smile Kelly!

  20. Wow what a shot! You really got him well! I guess he was kind of very cooperative but still! What a shot...
    Funny to see that his bill is much more curved than the European common wren!

  21. Kelly, ok, if you keep posting these cool bird shots you're gonna make me want to go out and take a couple. And I just don't think I'm very good at this bird photo thing. Which is why I photography landscapes and other nature shots. You're very good! Carol

  22. I so agree - sing out. Our wren from this time last year disappeared and we haven't seen him since. I wish ...

  23. Kelly, don't you just love the song of a Carolina Wren, so clear, with such volume for a such a little bird, and so joyful. Great photo too!

  24. Sweetness personified! And to be serenaded by one, again, I say you most be charmed!!

  25. how wonderful to be able to do your chores (at least cooking is one for me) and birding at the same time...can it be any better?

  26. What a great shot of one of my favorite happy little birds!

  27. "Sing out little wren!" Brought a tear to my eye to just read those words. Beautiful picture and beautiful story, Kelly!

  28. Sweet shot!
    And what a happy story to go with it.
    You made me smile while I read it!

  29. That really is a lovely shot of a lovely bird.

  30. We only get fleeting glimpses of our Winter Wren in the garden. I'm always amazed at the strength & volume of its song compared to its size. Yours is a real cracker Kelly.
    Still catching up on recent posts but really loved the Loon painting..exceptional work. Rain forcasted for most of this week so indoor chores!! FAB.

  31. I would sure like to see one of these little wrens someday. Some people living in Rochester have them at their birdfeeders, but I've never been lucky enough to attract them. THanks for sharing yours with us Kelly.

  32. Our wrens have been singing quite clearly lately, too. I haven't been able to capture them with the camera, but I have been able to spot them with the bins in the middle of a "cheeseburger" chant, and that's good enough for me!

  33. Hi Kelly! Carolina Wrens are one of my favorite birds! What a beautiful photo of this beautiful bird; and what a sweet story to go along with the photo. I am fortunate to live in North Carolina where these birds live year round. This morning as I was heading towards the kitchen to get some breakfast I heard a sweet Carolina Wren singing at the top of his lungs ♥ I was able to see him through the window blinds on our next-door neighbors fence post using my binoculars ♥ What a wonderful way for my day to start ... I just love these little birds ♥♥


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