Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Rick, Matty and I got to work early this evening and made two apple pies (Mom will be making the pumpkin pies!). We peeled, and cored, and sliced...mixed in the spices and raisons...and popped them in the oven. Then we had to sit there and smell all those wonderful sugary and cinnamonny smells. Mmmmm....when they were done, we sliced the second pie and all had a piece. Quality is very important to us, and we had to run a test to make sure the apples and spices held up. They did (yum!). Matty and I are heading down to mom and dad's early in the morning to start cooking. Rick will join us a little later in the day. We will spend all day in the kitchen laughing and talking, slicing and dicing, and relaxing...and being thankful. It will be a wonderful day, and I wish everyone the same.


  1. Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving all the way from Sweden! :))

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your family Kelly.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I like your idea of 'quality control' on the pies!!

    ...and I love your festive Indian corn!

  4. Hope you have a great time in the kitchen Thanksgiving Day. Quality control is very important. My husband usually insists on taking on the job. He is an excellent QC guy!

  5. Are you sure it was quality control? Or just smelling those wonderful smells?
    Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. And the very same to you and yours Kelly. Your beautiful blog is a blessing to us all. Have a wonderful day!

  7. Oh...I can smell the pies from here!
    Happy Turkey Day!!

  8. Beautiful painting! Happy Thanksgiving! That pie sounds yummy.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving!!! Enjoy the pie.

  10. taste buds are singing. I hope ther is enough left for the rest of the family after the QC. Have a good one my friend. FAB

  11. Have a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving Kelly :)

  12. Happy, Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Kelly!!! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.


  13. Yummy! Those apple pies sound so good! I know you had a wonderful day!! So much work goes into Thanksgiving dinners. But it sure is worth it!

  14. Happy Thanksgiving to you too. Hope you all had a wonderful day--and didn't eat too much turkey!!!! We had a wonderful day and are now in the mountains of East TN--ready to do some hiking and waterfalling the next couple of days!!!! BUT--they are saying we may get some snow here tonight/tomorrow....SO????? Who knows!!!


  15. ...I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We get to do it again in two days. This time it will be at our house. We had fun cooking with mom at her house today (and was awesome gravy!).

  16. Happy Holidays. Thanks for the nice comments on my artwork. Last night I watched Charlie Brown while at home and the work of Charles Schultz simple illustrations, even the autumn trees.
    I like your action photos, especially the Red-shouldered Hawk.
    I saw birding sites on poetry sites.

  17. It sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving shared with family.

  18. Love your painting, Kelly. Hope you had a wonderful day together!


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