Thursday, October 1, 2009

A very pretty Magnolia Warbler on the Little Miami Trail

I saw a lovely Magnolia Warbler on the Little Miami Trail today. He was busy gleaning insects and foraging with a Tennesse Warbler.

With most neotropical migrants I prefer the
striking alternate breeding plumage of spring, but
with the Magnolia Warbler, I like his more subdued
nonbreeding basic plumage so much more. I love
his little gray head and the white eye ring. In this
photo you can even see his fall gray chest band.

...oh look, the little Magnolia Warbler is giving me the old
hide-behind-the-branch-till-she-takes-the-camera-off-me routine.
The neotropical migrants in my area are very good at this!

...just for you, Dave!

Although not the best quality, I like this photo
because it shows the white basal half of his tail,
which is a nice field mark to look for.

...and an even better view of those unique tail feathers!

The Tennessee Warbler was just as good at hiding as the Magnolia is a glimpse of him.

This spring I saw a lot of Tennessee Warblers on
the Little Miami Trail...I was glad to see one this fall.


  1. Beautiful creatures, great pics, Kelita, as always you are the best observer and a wonderful artist. Congrats and hugs.

  2. Great shots of a notoriously elusive little bird. I managed to get a shot of one peeking through foliage at me in either 2007 or 2008, in Ballard Park (it's in the Birds gallery of my online Ballard Park web album), and I know that they really, really, really don't like to be seen!

  3. your photos show how precious this little critter is.

  4. Yea!! Butt shots! One day everyone will be shooting that way...
    I'm still trying to get a shot of a May!

  5. He is so adorable. I am glad you were able to capture some great shots of him. :)
    have a great weekend.

  6. What a gorgeous little bird, Kel. I love the colors. You got some great pictures of him.


  7. I had to take time out on my trip to catch up with your blog. I love the shots of the warbler and with all the different poses maybe I'll actually be able to identify one sometime. Warblers are difficult for me. I like the squirrel post too. They are so much fun to watch.

  8. Hi Kelly,
    It looks like this guy showed up to you, but also to Tina in the same time. You got some very nice shots there and a nice encounter, but I especially like the dedicated shot to Dave :-)

  9. They are all so sweet! Hard to get good photos of them they flit about so much. ;c)

  10. Lovely pictures, Kelly. I am always learning something new reading your blog.

  11. For whatever reason, I just love that first shot - he looks so soft and lovable! As if!

    Lots of fun shots and once again the special charm you have with "elusive" birds is evident!

  12. I like warblers kelly. Stunning little birds............unless you find the little brown ones!

  13. You certainly get some beautiful birds there Kelly.

  14. good pics of the mag & tenn - warblers are never easy to get to hold still - and still in recognizable plumage

  15. Hi Kelly,

    What a Corker of a Warbler, wish one would turn up over here over the next few weeks...I would be there. Wonderful photos of a very special bird.

    Well done.


  16. Hi Peanut. Thanks for all the ID features. Now I'll now exactly what to look for if I ever another opportunity. FAB

  17. Wow! What delightful shots of those warblers!! Such great color on that male ..don't you love how they always give you that here's my rump shot!!
    Great post of some really neat finds!

  18. Oh what a beautiful little bird. You got some really great shots.

  19. Beautiful little bird. Missed a few posts but it was nice catching up some. I'll have to finish later.

  20. Hi Kelly...
    wonderful shots.....

  21. That is a very pretty bird! Great shots.

  22. Great captures..and I love the butt shots!

  23. Your Miami Trail seems to be the ideal place to see everything! Lovely photos....I don't see a lot of warblers and never know which one I have seen when I do see one.

  24. I nearly missed this post Kelly! I'm so glad I spotted it. The Magnolia Warbler is so pretty, it was certainly doing its best to be camera shy though ;) The Tennessee Warbler is lovely too, I love the colours of both birds.

  25. Neat documentation of these tiny beauties' behavior.

  26. Thanks, everyone! The trip to Ann Arbor has totally messed me up. I've fallen way behind...I'll catch up soon!


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