Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

My two nieces, Sarah and Alyssa, live in Munich, Germany. Halloween is a little new for them, so Matty thought they would like to see some of our Halloween decorations. Hallo Sarah and Alyssa! Here is how we decorate for Halloween...and of course, what would Halloween be without Bip, the Best Halloween Cat Ever!

Cornish Rex cat. He looks scary, but he is so sweet!
Bip, our Cornish Rex Cat.


Bip the Halloween Cat is such a ham for the camera...

That was inside, now for a little outside. These are our pumpkins from last year on Halloween Night! They look scary, but they are just hollowed out pumpkins with candles inside. So much fun to do! We are going to hollow out and cut our pumpkins this afternoon for tonight--Halloween!

This Jack-O-Lantern is on our front porch. We had fun carving him out, and went for a classic pumpkin face!

Happy Halloween!


  1. L'oeil du sphinx! Superbe :-) Un vrai chat d'Halloween ;-)
    Happy halloween

  2. Happy Halloween, Kelly!
    Your photos are great-did you do the decorating? If so, wonderful job-you're hired!!

  3. Wow, Kelly, you did a great job decorating! And your photos look like they belong in a magazine! I didn't put anything up at all this year...

  4. What a decorator you are Kelly! Love your pumpkins and you Bip!

  5. Happy Halloween to you TOO. Love your decorations, Kel. You are very creative.

    Have a wonderful day. It's pouring rain here this morning and the yard is covered with leaves --even after using the leaf blower yesterday. Oh Well!!!!!


  6. This is the first year I did not decorate for Halloween, but I believe Kelly you've done enough for both of us!

    Great pictures and Bip is one cool cat!

  7. Happy halloween to you too! I love the last three shots!!

  8. Whiskerless Bib - what unusual cats Rex cats are. I've never actually come across one - it is so nice to see a family Rex here on your blog! Happy Halloween to you - it isn't a big celebration here!

  9. Great series of Halloween decorations. That "Bip" is a very interesting cat. Huge ears and huge eyes. Wow, I've never seen a cat like that. An exotic breed for sure.

  10. BOOutiful Halloween decorations Kelly! So lovely! You have the perfect cat for the photos too!

  11. Happy Halloween to you too Kelly.

    Amazing decorations. A lot of effort put into those, and perfectly captured.
    Have a great evening.

  12. Kelly - haven't been to your site in a while! The pictures are beautiful and your home looks so very festive! Happy Halloween to all of you, including Bip!

  13. Same to you, Kelita, hope you are feeling better. Great cat and decorations. Have a lot of candy, hugs

  14. Very nice - and what a great cat!

  15. Cathy...thank you!

    Sue...I did...with the help of Matty! He's a great decorator as well. He is a Cancer and that sign is supposed to love a cozy, well-decorated house. He lives up to that (while he's not playing hockey!).

    Krista...thank you! I put everything up mid September, which was good because I got so sick I wouldn't have been able to put anything up. With Matty helping, it's easy.

    Jayne...thank you. Isn't Bip the cutest (sort of) cat! He is so sweet....

    Betsy...the leaves are starting to drop here too. I hope it doesn't rain tonight...'ve had a lot going on..... thank you!!

    Chris....thanks...I like the night shots too. We are about to carve our pumpkins now.

    Caroline...thank you. He is a wonderful cat and very good for people with asthma like me. That's why we got him. Now I could never be without a Cornish Rex. They are so loving.

    Mona...he scares people and is also known as a Bat-cat or a Rat-cat. He acts like a dog-cat, fetching and coming when you call him.

    Wanda...thank you! Yes......Bip is the perfect Witch's familiar! :-)

    Keith....thank you, but really not too much effort. A lot of the stuff I made and the wooden stuff my dad made. We just put it in a box and get it out. Matty helps too (I do it for Matty).

    Aunt Diane...thank you!!! I bet your house looks pretty festive too. We come from a long line of decorators!!!

    Enita....I can't believe how much better I feel. Yesterday I started to improve. Today has been really good! Thanks..

  16. JPT....thank you! Bip is a great cat.....he's wonderful to photograph with those high cheek bones! :-)

  17. OMG Kelly, LOVE your decorations, but ADORE Bip. So cute!! Happy Halloween.

  18. Wow, great photos, you guys are really into Halloween, hope it was spooky good!

  19. really go all out! YOu have some great decorations. The cat is unusual he is.

  20. Great decorating!! Martha could take lessons.

  21. My intentions were good. I always decorate for Halloween. It just didn't happen this year. After seeing all your decorations I really regret not doing so. You should hire yourself out.

  22. love the deco photos and that cat is awesome....he fits right in for Halloween!!

  23. Kim...thanks....Bip is so sweet and cute...I love him too. I LOVE your new photo with the little owl...very cool.

    Bookbabie..thank you! It's a lot of fun and the kids like it. Matty loves it...

    Mary....thank you! Yes...he's "unusual." Most people's eyes get very wide when they see him...and they worry he has the mange! :-)'re so nice. Viva la Martha!

    Connie....thank goodness I decorated early, because if I hadn't decorated by the time I got the wouldn't have happened. Now I'll just pull out the bats and jack o'lanterns and replace them with turkeys and pilgrims!

    Ginny...thank you!! Your whole house fits in with the raccoons, foxes...skunks...and all the other critters that come around.

  24. Great decorations! Happy belated Halloween...

    I love your cat! I would really like to own a sphynx...



  25. That cat is amazing. Compared to the husky 15-16 pound black cat about two feet long, without the tail, we have (our daughter's cat) here, it is almost hard to imagine the differences.

  26. Rosa....Sphynx cats are so cool. If they are anything like Rexs they are sweet, sweet! I like Sphynx cats too.

    Abe...Bip is so different from normal cats. We used to have two of the big black DSHs--huge cats, but Bip is tiny. He is five years old and only weighs 7 lbs. He is all muscle.

  27. Halloween looks like so much fun at your house! That is one scary looking cat! What big eyes it has!

  28. Great decorations and a very cool looking cat. Like his name too!

    I hope you all had a safe and happy halloween.


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