Monday, October 19, 2009

The Great Pumpkin could live in this pumpkin patch...

Not this weekend, but the weekend before, we went to the pumpkin patch to pick out our Halloween pumpkins. Matty and Maria had a blast combing through the fields looking for the perfect pumpkins.

The weather was perfect. Extra large sweatshirts were all we needed to keep warm. (I love this is so much fun to tromp through a farm field loaded with pumpkins.)

I've never used the "Filter" option in Photoshop, but I decided to try it out. I arted this pumpkin up with the Poster Edge!

This pumpkin has been plasticized with the Plastic Wrap filter. Pretty nifty...

If the Great Pumpkin is going to rise up out of any pumpkin patch on Halloween night, Schappacher Farm might just be the one!

...enjoying the sunshine and all the sights and sounds of the farm.

...even Bip gets a pumpkin at our house. Matty took a good deal of time finding the perfect pumpkin for our cat, Bip--not too big, not too little!

P.S. Late this afternoon, Rick was looking out our bedroom window when he spotted two titimice playing in the plum tree. When I came over to look, I saw a first-year male Blackburnian Warbler in the pine tree--only 2-3 feet from our window!!!! ...a first for our yard. He was gorgeous...


  1. Hi Kel, I love that last picture of Matty...What a cutie!!!! Love those curls!!!!

    You went to a REAL pumpkin patch... Talk about FRESH pumpkins on the vine... Wow!!!!!

    Looks like loads of fun. Glad you got to see a new warbler.. AND--he was in YOUR yard... Yeah!!!

  2. Hi Kelly,
    what a nice post! We do not have this at home, it is too hard to harvest them here! I can see you are not only enjoying bird life which is cool!

  3. Picking pumpkins straight from the patch is the best! What great memories this will be.....

  4. Hey, Kelly! We were down your way this weekend. We also went to the pumpkin farm near Delaware - Leed's Farm. Wow, it was an all-day experience. Did you pick up some pumpkins to paint for class? I found a blue pumpkin, some nicely colored corn stalks and even a "cream cheese" pumpkin (pale orange). See you in class!

  5. I like Bip's pumpkin and the colors. Nice post.

  6. love the photoshop effects...especially the plastic wrap. Gotta get out to the patch too!

  7. Kelly, looks like it's been a happy day for you and your kids. Love the shots; they are so full of life!

  8. Oh what fun! And lucky you to see that warbler - you must get a pic for us :)

  9. Those pumpkin patch photos were great! loved how you photo shopped that pumpkin! And that Matty has such a wonderful smile! He's going to be a lady killer...

  10. I love the photos and your photoshopping too. This looks like a wonderful way to spend a day. Please don't tell my cats that Bip gets a pumpkin...mine only get cat food. :)

  11. Pumpkin picking is such a fun fall activity! I liked the poster-edge processing--very cool effect.

  12. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! That looked like a lot of fun!!!

  13. Hi Kelly
    Blackburnian Warbler's are a lovely looking bird. Well done getting it on your garden list.

  14. Hi Kelly,

    What a lovely post. I just imagined the fun with the Pumpkins. I love this time of year, just wish it would last a little longer.

    Nice one Kelly.


  15. I love to see pumpkins all over the place. Great photos Kelly! Matty looks happy to be there..LOL Great, you seeing those birds!!

  16. Fun day and fun photos! I've been to the Schappacher Farm...we took the train there and back a few years ago, grandkids loved the maze!
    Came here by way of Jain's Bankside.

  17. How fun! Love all the neat effects on the pumpkin photos. :c) Congrats on the warbler!

  18. I think you are having more fun with the photo program then the pumpkins :-) Great shots! Congrats on the warbler.

  19. Thanks, everyone! I had so many photos of the pumpkin patch, but I kept them to a minimum! What a crisp, beautiful day it was....color in the trees...and on the ground!

  20. There's nothing better than a 'yard warbler'!

  21. The look on Matty's face says it all..a fun time tramping through the pumpkin patch! I love the pumpkin who was zapped by Harry's least that is what that plastic filter affect looks like to me! Neat!
    Glad you included the cat in your search for the perfect pumpkin!

  22. oh my I forgot to tell you that I was so jealous that you saw that close too!!

  23. That looks like a fun time. We haven't done pumpkins at our place for a few years. We go through phases of wanting to "celebrate" Halloween or not. Although today I did run across a recipe for the cutest pumpkin cake I've ever seen. So cute that I might attempt it for our office Halloween breakfast. We'll see.


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