Sunday, October 11, 2009

Autumn Rain in Ann Arbor

Bundled in a long-sleeve t-shirt, a sweatshirt, a fleece, and a plastic Audubon raincoat I keep stashed in my car, I was completely warm and dry as I walked through Nichols Arboretum on the University of Michigan campus last Saturday morning. I also was carrying a large golf umbrella to protect the camera (who cares if I get wet...just keep the Nikon dry!), and the sound of the raindrops plopping on the umbrella fabric was lovely. Also lovely...the chirping and chipping coming from a newly arrived flock of White-throated Sparrows--my first of the season! They still have not made an appearance at our house down in Cincy, but they should be here soon. Walking through the "Arb" in a gentle rain is wonderful and offers a sweetness you probably can't find when the sun is out.


  1. Those are beautiful! It sounds like a lovely trip.

  2. Wonderful photos! Nature's jewelry! Right now a walk in the rain sounds wonderful! You make it look so inviting!

  3. Lovely! I always like shots in the rain.

  4. Beautiful! I'm glad you go in the rain. If we wait for good weather, we miss sooo much!

  5. Hi Kelly,
    i love the first one. it is a magic shot with beautiful colors and the droplets are beautiful... Well done!! No yellow warbler in your area ;-)

  6. ver nice pictures- i love waterdroplet on flower/plants


  7. Beautiful photos Kelly but please tell me how you manage to juggle with the camera and the umbrella and get fantastic photos like that!

  8. These are such beautiful shots Kelly! Very nice close-up work. I especially LOVE the very first shot - lovely color and wonderful composition.

  9. So glad the Nikon was safe as these are amazing photos!!!

  10. Lovely photos, Kelly! You can make something beautiful out of almost any situation.

  11. was so lovely...thank you!

    Kathie...ohhh..."Nature's jewelry!"--that's good! Thank you!

    Elaine...the raindrops totally transform and image, don't they? Thanks!, the rain gives us a different fresh and peaceful--unless, it's thundering and lightning! :-D

    Jayne...thank "raindroppy!" cool a Yellow Warbler showed up on your rock!

    Thanks, Dan! I do too, but I don't get them that often. Perfect conditions last Saturday.

    Richard...thank you! Lucked out....

    Jan...haha! I need to take a photo of the monster umbrella.'s like a beach umbrella. All I have to do is rest it on my shoulders. It's so big, it stays in place as I shoot.

    Heather...thank you! You know macro is new for me. It's fun to experiment composition and angles.

    ...thank you very much, Suzan!

    Hilke...thank you! Walking in the rain is a totally different experience. Time slows down, and sound becomes amplified. It seems to let the mind focus down...then the raindrops do all the work! The days of "warm enough" rain are soon to come to an end, though!

  12. When life hands you a lemon of a day you turned it into some stunning macro shots!! Glad you stayed warm and kept that camera dry!! ;-)

  13. Beautiful flower shots, Kelly. Vibrant and well-composed. Nice :)

  14. Oh, I love the raindrops on the flowers and leaves. Beautiful and gentle.

  15. Hi Kelly. I hope your winter visitors soon start arriving in your garden.Love your photo's Kelly, your such a talented lady

  16. Great shots as usual!We have white crowned sparrows and juncos all over the yard today, so they're on their way (and so's Wntr -not ready to spell it out yet!)

  17. Kelly,

    What can I say, everytime I visit your Blog it just inspires me and many more to get out into the field and enjoy Nature and all it has to offer. Amazing photographs. You really have a special talent.

    Happy Thanksgiving.


  18. Inspiring images Peanut. FAB.

  19. Excellent pictures and description Kelly.

  20. Kelly! Those pictures are simply stunning! WOW! :))

  21. What beautiful photos Kelly!!!The colors are awesome!

  22. Wonderful group of posts for the cranes. I'm sorry that I've only seen a total of 5 Sandhill cranes in my day.

  23. Holy cow, Kelly! These photos are unbelievable! You'll have to show me sometime what kind of camera/lenses you use (ha- this from a novice who wouldn't know what it meant anyway!) Do you offer photography classes? Phenomenal shots!

  24. Oh Kel, We ALL are getting so much rain this fall. Sunday was the ONLY day we had sunshine. The rains were back today.

    Your pictures are great though. AND--I'm glad you had an umbrella to protect the camera. We're going to Tallulah Gorge on Wed.---and it is supposed to rain HARD. We'll do what you did... We'll go anyhow.


  25. Thanks for a brief and beautiful break from the day's busyness! Just gorgeous!

  26. I love your stunning photos - the colour just pops!

  27. fabulous images Kelly. Well done!

    PS the Yellowhammers in my post, are that colour all year round, well, the male is anyway!

  28. Tina...and it's easy to make lemonade when the place is as gorgeous as the Arb is! Thank you!

    Highton-Ridley...thank you!! They almost compose themselves...

    Adrienne...thank you. I picked up that gentle feeling too. The rain is perfect for it...

    Ken...thank you! I hope they show up too, although, if it wants to stay warm a bit longer......

    Susan...You're so lucky. I don't know when we'll see ours, but I imagine in a few weeks or so.

    John...thank you!! You're so nice...

    Thanks, Frank! It's easy when Mother Nature offers such lovely subjects.

    Mischi....Danke, viemals!

    Ginny...thank you!

    Steve....I'm wondering if I'll be able to make it back up the first week in November. I'd like to change my number to 2,000!! :-)

    Krista....thank you!! I'm still learning myself. I've really only been photographing intensely since January! are getting the rain. It's like you're caught in a rain loop! Someone needs to reprogram those clouds!!

    Laure...thank you very much. Everytime I look at the photos I feel calmed down too. I remember what it felt like to walk under the umbrella and listen to those raindrops....lovely.

    Caroline....thank you so much!! Against the gray of the day, the color seems to be amplified.

    Warren...thank you!! I love those Yellowhammers. They really do look more like a spring warbler around here. That yellow is so intense!

  29. Lovely droplet photos Peanut! I really like the droplets on the flowers..will have to try taking some of those..very cool!

  30. I love water drops on plants and flowers. Great pictures!!

  31. ...thanks, dAwN and Marci. If this weather keeps up, that's all I'll be photographing for a while!


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