Sunday, September 20, 2009

...just call me "Peanut!"

Up in Lakeside, OH, at the Midwest Birding Symposium, I'm not known as "Kelly," I'm known as "Peanut," because that's what my name tag says. Apparently I don't think like a normal bird. On the entry form, it said, "Name:" and I wrote, Kelly Riccetti. Then underneath that it said something like "Known as:" and I thought....well...I'm not "Known as" anything. Then it dawned on me, "Oh, I guess they want the name of our blog," so I wrote "Red and the Peanut," which got distilled down to "Peanut Riccetti," and I have to tell you....when your name is "Peanut Riccetti" you get a lot more attention than when it's just regular old "Kelly Riccetti," so I might just stick with it!


  1. Be careful what you ask for! You might just get it!!

  2. Oh Kelly... I mean Peanut.. umm... ok.. I'm confused and laughing!

  3. Heh, heh! The single-minded obtuseness of computer programs can have some interesting consequences. I think you can bank on being stuck with the "Peanut" nickname for good now!

  4. Ha, ha, Kelly. You were really focused on birding when you filled out your form, weren't you? But Peanut isn't too bad if you're going to have a nickname. There are a lot of blog names that you would not want to be called by, in fact probably most. What would they have made of mine, Arctic View? I wouldn't want to go by either Arctic or View. I guess I would have had to find a magic marker somewhere! LOL And now I'm thinking of some of the various blog names and what they would translate to. Oh, my! Enjoy the rest of the symposium, Peanut. Soon it's back to being plain old Kelly....

  5. Hi Peanut...I mean Kelly. Oh, that was funny. But I kind of like it. I was once known as Popcorn kid.
    I haven't been writing much as my older sister has the beginning stage of dementia and I'm her DPA for finance and medical, so I've been flying back and forth to San Francisco. A tad bit overwhelming. And takes so much longer to get what needs to be done, that needs to get done, than you could ever think.
    Anyway, I've been reading and visiting your "Peanuty site" site as my main stay to normal during all this.

  6. Peanut Riccetti has a nice ring to it :-) Adorable post ♥

  7. I think the nickname fits you pretty well, Kelly. It's cute, just like you. Had a blast birding at Magee Marsh with you, even though we didn't get to spend much time there. We're already talking about going back in 2011 if they do indeed hold it at Lakeside again.
    P.S. Did you find your lens cap?

  8. You are obviously having a blast there Kelly/Peanut ;) Enjoy!

  9. I love that name; it's so visual - I can picture you :-)!

  10. Literally laughing out loud. I'd say it's just perfect! Besides, who couldn't use a little extra attention now and then. :)

  11. Ha Ha Ha----Love it Peanut..... Maybe you will be Peanut forever... It could be funnier. What if you put down something like Bubba.????....

    My hubby calls his daughter (also named Kally) --KellyPoo.... So maybe you could be Poo Riccetti....

    LOVE it, Kel...

  12. LOL! That is so funny. I always wondered about the name of your blog, so now I will be thinking of you as Peanut. It's a cute nickname!

  13. I think that is a great nickname Kelly.

  14. Roy.... :-)

    Laure...I know, I know!

    JeniQ...Rick has already taken to calling me Peanut!

    Roy...Peanut is better than Walnut I guess....or Filbert...although Hazelnut Riccetti isn't bad...

    Elaine...I don't know.....Arctic Elaine has a certain ring to it!! :-)

    Linda.....I like the Popcorn Kid! grandmother died of Alzheimer's (I still really haven't gotten over it). I'm sure you are overwhelmed. It's very hard to watch a loved one go through it.

    Thanks, Deb!

    Heather....I know. It was fun. Wish it hadn't gotten dark so fast!! Now that you mention it. I saw it this morning when I was packing up the car, but now I forget where I saw it.........I need to go back out there and look!

    Songbird....I would have loved it too!

    Hilke...haha! Thank is definitely more exciting! said it! It was a good laugh wherever we went, and people would come up to me all the time and say, "I love your name!"

    Susan....P.R. Heaven! :-) I hadn't thought about that...

    Betsy.....haha! Bubba Riccetti.... Funny, my dad calls me Matilda! Or Kelzee...mostly Kelzee....
    They were the first day when I arrived, so they were with me when I picked up the nametag. We laughed so hard!!

  15. blog is named after my Great Aunt Mary....she had a cardinal she called Red, and he would tap on her window for a peanut. That was my first bird memory, so I named the blog after her.
    ....funny how things happen...

    Ginny.....thank you very much! :-)

  16. I can't think of a more fitting name to put on your nametag. Before I read your explanation of where your blog name came from, I was wondering whether you were "Red" or "Peanut."

  17. That's a name that's gonna stick lol
    Has a great ring to it as Deb said.

  18. hee hee..I love it! Peanut Riccetti

  19. I think Peanut is Perfect! What if it had been Red and the Cashew??
    Fabulous post!!

  20. Mary Ann...thank you....yes, it's all because of Aunt Mary and her Red!

    Keith...thanks. Rick has already taken to might fade though...I've been Kelly for 47 years and Peanut for just a few days...(it was fun being Peanut!)

    Dawn.... :-D

    Kerri....hehehe.....I was thinking that too....or Filbert! Haha... Thanks!

  21. I am sure many people have seen you and smiled as they recognized the Blogger who takes all the AMAZING photos!! Oh, look! It's Peanut!! ;c)

  22. Hi Peanut,
    In answer to your question, this is the 8th year ive been recording the birdy going ons of my patch!

  23. HA! Love it! Can I call you Pea for short? (-: Sweet Pea of course!
    I love how these things just evolve out of something and nothing!

  24. Hi Peanut. As far as I'm concerned this is going to stick.....FAB.
    P.S. Glad to see you're having so much fun.

  25. Why not? There are lots of Kellys, but only one Peanut, right?

    I've learned to put "wren" on my name tag at birding events, because nobody knows who I am otherwise. :)

  26. Peanut Riccetti...hmmm...sounds like a type of new sandwich!

  27. now that you mentioned it, why Red and the Peanut? The Asian mind thinks non abstractly (mine at least), or have you actually explained somewhere in your page, do point me there!

  28. That's too funny. You know you COULD legally change your name to Peanut if you wanted ? :-)

  29. Hi Peanut,
    I think it fits well Peanut Riccetti :-). As long as you do not change the way you are :-) I like you like you are as well as your blog. But congrats for the peanut title!

  30. It was a pleasure to meet you Peanut.

  31. Peanut is a wonderful name! So fun and tasty ;-}

  32. LOL!!! That is so funny...omgosh that is something I would have done..good thing you have a great sense of humor.
    Always makes for a good story...and conversation starter!!
    Do hope you are enjoying your birding experience!!

  33. Hi Kelly, (aka..."Peanut") ~
    I was running around the MBS like a madwoman the entire time, and I never got a chance to really talk to you. But, I DID notice your hilarious name tag, and, you're right! I honestly couldn't tell you a darn thing about any other name tag at the MBS. But, I totally remember yours!

    Love your blog!

  34.'re so nice! I think it was strictly the name "Peanut!" :-)

    Dave...Yo! Loopy and Doodles!

    Warren...8 years....that's a lot of data. Because I'm not good at keeping track of data (although I'm getting better...blogging helps you record so much), I'm in total awe of your ability to track this info. I would like to try....I would have to turn it into charts and graphs, because I'm so visual.

    Jenny...You can me Pea! and Sweet Pea....ahhh!! :-)
    I know what you's fun.

    Frank...I think it's definitely going to stick. I'll definitely be Peanut again when I go back in two years and at work....people are already calling me Peanut!

    Wren...well....."Wren" is a whole lot cuter than "Peanut!" ;-D but you're right. It's very easy to remember. I'll do it from now on........I definitely think of you as Wren.....

    Andy...hahaha! A peanut sandwich sans the butter!

    yen...I have it posted in the bottom-right corner. Red was the name of a cardinal that used to tap on my Great Aunt Mary's window....begging for a peanut. It was really my first big memory of birding, so I thought it the perfect title for my blog.

    Nick...legally......ummmmmm........I think I'll be reckless and fly under the radar!'re so nice. I can't change. I can barely remember who I am and what I'm doing from day to day. Can't add in another whole persona to learn about!! :-D

    Jennifer...... :-D

    John....I loved meeting your as well! You were so nice! Of course...I love your blog! was funny when I saw the name tag....and I was sort of embarrassed at first (for not "getting" the form right), but then it was just fun....

    Tammie Lee...haha! Like I said....the name is a whole lot more fun than I am. I'm pretty boring.....

    Tina....Yeah!! I'm glad someone else would have done it too, because out of 800 people, I was the only one who did it! I knew right away I had a blog post! :-)

    Kimberly.....Wowsers!!! I about fainted when I saw your comment. How cool...I didn't know you even knew who I was. Glad I was an idiot about filling out the form! "Peanut" it shall be! (Thanks for the comment on the previous blog.....I'm going to post on that information. I already told my hubby and son we're going......) I want to learn more about Black Swamp. I saw the building as Heather and drove to the boardwalk.


Thanks for visiting! I love meeting other bird and nature lovers, so drop me a line!