Sunday, July 12, 2009

A fierce baby robin knocking at my door...

A couple of days ago, I heard an irate American Robin chirping on my front porch. I wondered what was up because robins are always so cheerful. When I looked out, this is what I saw:

A baby American Robin looking very fierce and not at all happy!

"Do they expect me to go out and find my own worms?"

When I saw his cute baby face staring back at me I ran for the camera and slipped out through the garage. I wanted to sneak up on him so I wouldn't scare him away, but I needn't have worried. I think he was waiting there for me so he could complain. I sat down on the stairs and asked what he wanted. First he gave me the crazy eye, then he chirped out his displeasure and pecked around on the front door, looking back at me every now and then and scowling...

"I am not at all happy with this turn of events.
I was not made to go out and get my own food."

Eventually, he hopped down into the mulch and walked around a bit. When I brought him no worms, he quickly tired of my ineptness and flew away. I was surprised at how well he flew. Mama and papa never showed up with a worm either.

"I'm hungry and I'm cold...and all alone in the world..."

Eventually Fierce Baby Robin realized he could fly and seemed to get happy very fast! He flew down the front walk, into the side yard, and up, up, up into the River Birch. He then took off down the street. I hope he's doing well!


  1. Very cute little guy, the expression on his face is priceless! :))

  2. I like the fierce looks on his face:)Nice captures!

  3. Typical teenager! This is a great post! The robin is adorable and your commentary makes it even better.

  4. He does look fierce Kelly and is definitely demanding food and shelter. :)

  5. Your wonderful story added just the right touch. And wow, he does look like a grouch!

  6. Love that expression the juveniles have. They even have that harumph look while nestlings. Awesome images!

  7. How cute! They can look vulnerable and fierce all at the same time.

  8. Beautiful, great pics, love the story.
    You are a great writer, Kelita. Congrats.

  9. Hmmm... I wonder if his parents are going through empty nest syndrome? With a kid like that, I doubt it!

  10. What a little sourpuss - but a cute sourpuss, at that! I love their little speckled breasts. We've been watching a pair of baby Robins (and their parents) when we got out for our daily walk at lunchtime. They're so cute! Yesterday morning I heard a very insistent Robin way down at the bottom of the driveway making a constant "checking" kind of sound - maybe it was your baby robin's disgruntled cousin!

  11. Too funny ... it really does look very grumpy.

  12. Thanks for a much needed smile! He's just missing his momma and not wanting to admit it!

    GREAT post!

  13. Both the photos and the narrative are wonderful -- thanks for sharing!

  14. Kelly that's great. What a little beauty. Hope he gets some worms, and grows big and strong.
    He may even come back for a visit, and raise his own family one day.

    Great pictures too.

  15. The Robins parents won't be far away Kelly

  16. That's a very sulky expression he's got Kelly. (-: How pretty they are when young. I love that speckled look.

  17. I'd say he looks like a mighty well-fed little guy. His parents are probably worn out.

    Great pictures!

  18. Goody for him. He flew away and that is a good sight. He can at least get past some stray cats, hopefully.

  19. How utterly adorable! What a treasured experience to have. I just love those kind of interactions with nature.

  20. LOL! What a cutie, even with the fierce glare :-) I'm glad to hear that he could get along on his own. I saw one about that size outside the door of a shop one day and was so worried about it and didn't have a clue what to do for it. Later it was gone, so now I am going to tell myself that it flew away like yours did. They seem so young to not have mom and dad around at that stage. I guess when you are a baby bird, you have to learn fast.

  21. Now there's a bird with an attitude!
    Those are my favorite Robin photos!

  22. Hey Kel----I just sent you my baby Robin pictures which are VERY similar to yours. Ours was their first brood (May). Yours must be a 2nd brood.

    Your pictures are just precious!!! They aren't the cutest bird in the nest--but you can't help but smile when you see them...


  23. Awww! What a cute little story and a happy ending too! I love the look on his face. I've never seen a baby Robin. Cute post Kelly!!

  24. Great images Kelly, that Robin looks extremely displeased with you to say the least.


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