Monday, June 8, 2009

Beauty of the Bugs Part 1 - SoloBug

I've never been a true fan of insects. Some actually scare me, but while popping around to many of the blogs on the Nature Blog Network, I’ve found a lot of macro photos of bugs--butterflies, damselflies, dragonflies, beetles, grasshoppers, you name it, and I’ve grown to see the beauty in each. So to prove my conversion, I’m going to dedicate a week to The Beauty of Bugs. (However….if a tick lands on me or somebody shouts, “there’s a bug on you,” I’ll still probably do the “get it off me, get it off me” dance, but once it’s off…and it lands on a flower….I’ll photograph it and admire its beauty.) To start the week off, here’s SoloBug!


  1. I find a lot of bugs very beautiful to look at, but difficult to capture with the camera.
    A fine looking Ladybird to start your week.

  2. I am just starting to get into bugs. They are interesting creatures to observe but they are not as fun as birds of course.

    LOVE your photos.

  3. This One IS Great !! I Really Didnt Knew That Bugs Can Be So Beautiful !! Thanks For Sharing With Us...Great One..

  4. Oh, I LIKE this idea Kelly! A bug week! Hmmmm.... Like you, I love seeing them, as long as they are not ON me. :c) Love your little ladybug.

  5. Beautiful shots. I can't get close enough to most bugs to photograph them. Ladybugs, dragonflies, grasshoppers.....those are okay, but you can probably forget about seeing any spiders, bees, or wasps in my portfolio!

  6. Looking forward to seeing the 'beasties' as I call them - I have become somewhat addicted to photographing them this year.

  7. Keith...I'm the same way. I've capture a few, but really need to get a macro lens/filter. It definitely opens a new world of photography, but birds are still my love.

    Kim...I think I can really see the beauty in them, but as of yet, I don't have the drive to learn all about them as I do birds. Who knows....

    Unseen...thank you! I didn't either until I started seeing photos on all the blogs. There truly is beauty wherever you turn!!

    Jayne...I'm going to give it a tray. Ladybugs are actually cute too!!! ...and of course, butterflies are beautiful... I hope I can find some other really unique bugs. made me laugh! I'm not sure you're going to find too many bees or wasps here either!! ...maybe a spider--as long as it's on a flower and not me!

  8. Matt.....I can understand why...their forms and colors are so different than ours. I love that...

  9. Good shots, Kelly!

    Yeah, I'm a definite macro junkie. I'm always on my knees, elbows, belly, etc. crawling after bugs and tiny flowers. Remember my post this past January with the shots of the Venusta Orchard Orbweaver spiders? Heh, heh! I do a lot of that. I also pet Bumblebees (yeah, you really can) and play with Praying Mantises (they really do make great pets).

    Okay, okay, I'll stop.

  10. Roy....yes...I remember those shots! Awesome...part of my inspiration. the you pet bumblebees?

  11. Lovely...I am still trying out my new camera and not yet good a bug photography..
    You have some wonderful shots here..
    Yipee for bugs..well not the ticks or mosquitos..

  12. Kelly you take such beautiful photos, lovely shots of the Ladybird!

  13. Hmmm, it's suppose to be good luck if a ladybug lands on you, but I don't think you need it!

    Lovely captures!

  14. Good for you. I usually have the wrong camera with me when the bugs are around. These are great shots. Oh, what's that on your shoulder...hold still...

  15. Love the ladybird Kelly. The photos have a real 'pop' to them.

  16. Deb...thank you!

    dAwN...thank you.....I'm not that good yet either. I got lucky with these!!

    Songbird...thank you very much. I like the name "Ladybird." We say "Ladybug" and "Ladybird" is so much prettier!

    Laure...I need all the luck I can get!! Especially with bugs! Until I get a macro lens, I'm shooting with a zoom...

    Steve...I just go ahead and shoot the bug at 5-8 feet and hold my breath, trying to stay for you other comment...."get it off! get it off!"

    Nick....thank you very much. The red against the white is a natural...

  17. Lovely ladybird shots. It is so shiny it looks as though it has been varnished.

    Enjoy your bug week. Like you I prefer them on plants where they belong, not on me - no matter how harmless.

  18. Well done kelly! Us birders over here turn to bugs at this time of year, the birds are busy breeding, and are so much more secretive, and migration has all but ended.

  19. Yow Kelly.... I feel the same thing about bugs... Don't like them!!!! But--in our pictures of roses, we see LOTS of them!!!! Oh Well!

    A few years ago, we had a swarm of Lady Bugs in front of our home... I had to close up the windows and doors--and couldn't even walk out front for a few hours. Then, they were gone.

    We did get a couple inside of our home. Have you ever smelled a Lady Bug after you squish it???? They STINK!!!!! ha


  20. Hi Kelly. It is good that you have decided to have a bash at insect/bug photography. if your bird photography is anything to go by, you will be producing some great shots.As Warren says, we birders over here tend to look at other forms of wildlife during this quiet period.I lok forward to your next blog and photo's.

  21. Well done Kelly. A beautiful Ladybird, one of natures best 'aphid' predators and a gardener's best friend. Can't await to see what you may move onto next!

  22. Fantastic macro shots Kelly! I love to do macros of buggies on things - Sometimes I've snapped flower photos and later see the added bonus of some tiny creature in the photo that I hadn't even seen through the lens. Good work!

  23. You captured it so beautifully - love it's red contrast against the white petals!

  24. OK--your camera officially is making me VERY JEALOUS. Wow--great playing with the macro. Lovely ladybug!

  25. Great photos Kelly! The contrast of the lady bug on the daisy makes for a very nice photo. Ladybugs are very beneficial to gardeners as well! Looking forward to more bug post.

  26. Love these shots Kelly - they are really beautiful and eye-catching! Looking forward to more of your bug week. Did you finally get yourself some macro filters?

  27. Kelly!! what a great little series you did on this little ladybug!! Did you know what a wonderful bug they are? The will eat your pesty aphids that infest your gardens and can accually damage your plants. Great bug to start with


  28. John...thanks...yes...I like to look, I'd rather not touch...or be touched by them!

    Warren....I'm glad you do, because your bug posts are what inspired me to try. I was surprised just how many bugs were there, and that they hang out on flowers is all the nicer! made me laugh. Yes....I have smelled that. My son pointed it out to me. He's very sensitive to the smell of squished Ladybug. He found out when he was three. To this day he always says make sure you don't squish a Ladybug!

    Ken...well, I definitely want a macro lens now. There are a lot of really cool bugs out there to shoot! Thank you!

    FAB...I'm learning about bugs now too. Ladybirds (love that name) I've found out are a gardener's friend, and all this time I just thought they were good luck!

    Mona...thanks! I hope I do that one of these days! A double bonus!

    Shelley...Love that new ID photo of yours. Your puppy is growing! thanks...I love the contrast of color too.

    Tutta...still faking out the Macro (used a 70mm lens)....I think I just got lucky with this shot.

    Vickie...Thank you!!!

    Alan...I'm finding that out. We need more ladybugs in our yard! I like the contrast too. yet, but I did use Rick's older camera with a less powerful zoom lens. It really took a nice photo. I wish I had used it for all the bug shots, but most were with my regular lens combo.

    Crista...thank you! I knew they were good, but didn't know just how good. Yeah for the Ladybug!!

  29. Wow, I did not know you could do macro too, and what a macro... Wonderful shots really, I cannot choose one, they are all so beautiful.

  30. Hi Kelly, the Seven Spot Ladybird is a lovely little creature (great shots).


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