Saturday, June 6, 2009

A perfect, tiny little fawn in my parent’s yard

Last week we were eating dinner on my parent's screened-in porch when a female White-tailed Deer peeked in at us with startled eyes. She was standing no more than five feet from us, which wouldn't be unusual if you lived in the country or in the suburbs where developers had just ripped through a forest, destroying their homes, but we were in the city in an established neighborhood with lovely sidewalks, big trees, and usually no deer. When we got up to look closer, we found mama had a fawn with her--a tiny little thing maybe a foot and a half tall at the shoulder (if that). This perfect little spotted creature looked and acted so much like Bambi I could hardly stand it! Apparently mama was looking for a safe place for her baby, but after seeing all of us ogling her from the porch decided the front yard was safer so returned with the newly born fawn to finish off the geraniums. Mama also seemed to like violets and roses (but then don't we all?)  


  1. What a surprising find Kelly.
    I hope your parents have plenty of flowers for them. :)

  2. What a great experience that must have been. Its wonderful that the animals are able to adapt to different environments like that.

  3. I agree with John, what a delightful experience! To see something so small and perfect!

  4. How amazing, I wonder who was most surprised, she and her family or you and yours! Oh dear! I hope some of the flowers survived and I do hope Mama and baby find themselves a suitable home.

  5. Keith...let's say no flowers survived, but as my dad said, "she needed to eat, so it's okay." Those flowers will always grow back! was...I had no idea fawns were so tiny. was so much fun and amazing too. They have seen her several times in the backyard now. It is amazing that these creatures are living in the city now.

    Laure...Did you know fawns were so tiny. I assumed they were more like colts.....fairly tall, but they aren't. It truly was an amazing sight.

    Songbird...I really think we were more surprised!!! mmmm.....the flowers will always grow back, right! It was worth the experience...

  6. What, no picture of the fawn? They're so cute when they follow Mom. They look no bigger than a jackrabbit.

  7. Oh how sweet. Hope Mama Deer found a safe place for her baby... Wish you had a picture---but you are probably like us. When we need the camera, it is nowhere near!!!! ha

    Have a great day.

  8. Mona.....boy did I wish I had my camera with me, but my family draws the line at dinner ;-) (not really, but I forgot it that day...of course, of all the days.). You're right...they are so tiny. I had NO IDEA that were that small....

  9. Betsy......exactly right. I forgot to bring it.....of all the luck.

  10. Awww! How awesome to see a Doe and her fawn Kelly!! What? No photos??? Ha!

  11. Awwww..... I can just imagine the sweet, tiny little thing, even though I've never seen teeny little fawns before. While at the Wilds I learned that fawns have no scent for the first few weeks of their life. Did you know that? I wonder how on earth momma finds her baby if she can't smell it?!

  12. I'm glad your folks aren't upset about the deer eating their flowers. I would sacrifice my flowers too for the chance to see a baby fawn in my yard.


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