Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Raindrops on Spring Flowers

In the late spring and early summer, gentle, warm rains often creep up along the Little Miami Bike Trail. I'll sometimes grab an umbrella and walk the trail listening to the raindrops plopping against the fabric and dripping through the leaves on the trees. The misty rains coat the petals of the wildflowers with tiny droplets of water, and the already crazy green leaves seem greener, hundreds quivering as raindrops push them back and forth. 


  1. HI Kelly,
    Well, I guess it can be a real pleasure to walk in the rain when there is no wind. I would like to be able to do that here, but Iceland is probably one of the place of the world where wind almost never stops! Raindrops also give you the chance to take beautiful pictures, like the one you are presenting today! Something different and creative! Beautiful I'd say. Thanks!

  2. These are really nice photos. I hope I will be able to breathe easier and get on our trail but I doubt it.

  3. Oh. My. Goodness! Fantastic photos, Kelly! I can feel the dampness. Thanks for taking me with you!

  4. Great photos Kelly! The gentle rain you described matches perfectly with the photos...I really like the cardinal on your front page as well!

  5. Chris...thanks, Chris. We are lucky to get these gentle spring and summer rains now and then. When they come, I enjoy them.

    Abe...are the seasonal allergies so common to our area bugging you?

    Laure...thank you!!! It was such a nice time. I was happy to find these little woodland flowers dripping with raindrops.

    Jayne...thank you!

    Alan...thanks...and thanks again for the noticing the banner. I found this guy just behind the Tufted Titmouse nesting cavity. He was deep in the woods and I didn't think it would turn out, but it did. So I thought it was about time I added a banner!

  6. The lavendar of the flowers is so pretty and they are so delicate looking. Raindrops always add something special to flower photography. Keep up the good work. Enjoy your blog immensely.

  7. Beautiful pictures Kelly.
    And there's something magical about the sound of rain.

  8. Lovely flower photos. Wish I knew what they were, though! The flower looks like Jacob's Ladder, but the leaves don't seem to match up...
    Sounds like they are predicting yet more rain for later this week! I can't believe how soggy it's been lately!

  9. Montanagirl....thank you. Photographing flowers is new for me. These were so special because of the fresh rain. The cover the woods...breathtaking.

    Keith...thank you. You are so right. Walking the trail while the rain hits on the umbrella is very soothing. Just hearing it dripping through the trees, slows the mind down...

    Heather....thanks....I know nothing about wildflowers. I have a field guide, so should look them up, but since I enjoy their beauty so much, I'll probably never get around to it.

  10. Wow. I'm glad I stopped by! Your photos are unreal, as are your stories.

  11. Lisa....wow! Thank you very much. That is very kind... I also enjoyed your site. I saw your flower dripping with water droplets too!


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