Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Nashville Warbler and Northern Parula on the Little Miami Bike Trail

I only had an hour to run over to the Little Miami Bike Trail to try to catch a few warblers, but there's usually something interesting to see there within minutes, so I wasn't worried. Cape May Warblers had been reported in our area, and I was hoping to find one, but none were at the trail.  I did, however, catch one of my favorite warblers, a Nashville Warbler, doing a few acrobatic stunts as he chased after insects and caterpillars! I love this little bird with his conspicuous eye ring and bright yellow chest. He's migrating through Ohio now, and most will be gone by May 20 (usually). Large numbers of Nashville Warblers move through the Ohio Valley on their way north, arriving in Cincinnati at the end of April and peaking in numbers around mid May. Since April 25, I've seen about 14 Nashville Warblers and get excited every time I see one. 

This little fellow is so sweet. He looks like 
he's having fun chasing after his lunch!

A few Northern Parulas were out too. These are not the best photos, but you can see a feature unique to parulas. If you look closely, you can see his lower mandible is yellow, which blends in with the yellow of his throat. 

Can you see his lower yellow bill?  Also...if you look at
the underside of the branch, you can see where 
the cicadas that invaded our region early 
last summer did a bit of munching!

The Northern Parula has a black necklace (called a breast 
band) and a rufous-colored bib (which is fairly faint in this 
photo but was more pronounced in the binocs). The rufous 
bib makes it easy to distinguish Northern Parulas from 
below.) These tiny little birds nest in the Ohio Valley, 
although some may be migrating through. 

It doesn't matter how often I see a deer on the trail, 
I still stop and am amazed! They are so big and 
powerful...and these deer are young! 


  1. My friend had a female Parula in his yard last year. They are rare visitors to us here. Congrats on seeing one kelly and the colourful photos :-)

  2. Great Warbler pics! I love how you were able to get clear photos of them even with the folliage. Suck colorful little birds.

  3. So much detail to notice... thanks for sharing him with us. Love the sweet deer photos.

  4. Such amazing gReens in your photos that it's almost hard to see the bird! Great shots, as usual! And I'm with you on the deer (though I don't see them all that often) I'm totally mesmerized by them!

  5. Splendid photos and wonderful story.I admire anyone who can get a good photo of a bird.

  6. Hello Kelly. A really pretty bird there and it looks like he is enjoying his lunch. :)

    I feel much like you when I see buck like that, even after a thousand times, I still stop and look at them again. :)

  7. These little birds sure are pretty! What a nice trail you have there to walk. It's always great to catch a deer walking by!! Great photos Kelly!!

  8. Love that first shot...so cute the way he is hanging upside down :-)

  9. Gosh. I never see things like this on the so-called Wolf Creek Bike Trail. You got some really nice photographs here.

  10. I never cease to be amazed at the variety of birds you get to see. You're getting some really good photos of them too! Good work.

  11. I'm very thankful that the birds are helping to control the population of creepy crawlies! Terrific images as always.

  12. How many Warbler species can be expected through your piece of Ohio Kelly! ( dont worry, you can reply to me when your not busy!!)

  13. Such a rich variety of birds you have over there. I always enjoy seeing them. That Nashville Warbler is quite stunning.

  14. Thanks, Nick. I hope I can get a better photo some time soon, but if not that's okay too...

    Kim...it does get trickier and trickier as the leave come out, doesn't it!

    Jayne...thank you!

    Laure...everything is getting so green so quickly...hopefully it stays green and we don't go into drought like the past couple of years...

    Lisa...Thank you! Talking about green from Laure's comment above, I love all the green on your site and the Morel Muschrooms...very cool photos!

    Joan, Ginny, and Mary....thank you!

    Abe...I think we're lucky because of the Little Miami River and the protected slopes, so there is still a fair amount of unspoiled trees...slowly, though...suburbs keep creeping out.

    Montangirl and Roberta...thank you...and...those warblers really go to town on the insects and caterpillars!!

    Warren, there are about 38 that migrate through...only a handful stay to nest. We will only have them around for a few more weeks....May is always a thrilling time.

    Hi Keith...as I said in Warren's comment, we are so lucky in April, May and the beginning of June to see all these beauties as they migrate through. Thank you!

  15. That nashville warbler is the sweetest thing ever!Lovely captures! And like you, I'm always amazed and excited to see deer!

  16. Just loved the Nashville Warbler, such an acrobat to. I can see why you get so excited at this time of year. Great season. FAB

  17. Hi Kelly,
    you are right, this is a very funny bird and a very nice one too. I love the eyebrows of this guy too, very light and yellow. Some says it is used as a mechanism to defend themselves. If a predator is around, this little sweety just have to look at it, and the gaze with this nice yellow eye-circle help this little bird to say: Heye I saw you, no way you will catch me. It is called the handicap principle!

  18. Deers are lovely animals Kelly, I am always moved to take photos whenever I see them.

  19. Shelley, Frank, and Chris...now you see why I love the Nashville Warbler so much. He is just so cute. I wish her would stay around, but he has to fly north.

    Roy...I know exactly what you mean. Horses, cows, and deer...they all have gorgeous eyes and are mesmerizing.

  20. wow very cool photos! great job.

  21. Wonderful! I can never get good warbler shots.

  22. Stephen and Steve...thank you, but mine aren't that good (especially the parulas...yikes on that quality!)

  23. Hi Kelly, my first time to your beautiful blog. I was searching the Nashville Warbler. I posted one recently. It was the first time I've ever seen one at my home in central pa. Very nice photos, Kelly! I will be adding you to my bog if you don't mind.


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