Sunday, April 26, 2009

Yellow-rumped Warblers and Ruby-crowned Kinglets at the Little Miami Bike Trail

...let's jump back to last Thursday when my mom, Ena and I went birding at the Little Miami Bike Trail. In addition to finding the Blue-gray Gnatcatcher's nest, we saw lots of birds. Especially cute were the Yellow-rumped Warblers, Golden-crowned Kinglets and Ruby-crowned Kinglets.

One of the Yellow-rumps. I heard his call 
first, then we spotted him. He was very active!

I love it when they narrow right in on the 
sound of the camera click and look you 
in the eye through the camera lens.

...and then he looks a little harder, 
focusing on me while I focus on him.

...and a cute little sideway glance, like he's 
trying to figure out what that clicky sound is.

This little Ruby-crowned Kinglet was foraging with a couple of little Yellow-crowned Kinglets.

Okay camera lady, here's my profile for easy ID of my field marks!

...and from behind...


  1. Good catches on some small, restless birds, Kelly! I got a decent shot of a Ruby-crowned Kinglet on Friday but I haven't had a chance to post it yet. Maybe tomorrow.

  2. Hi Roy...I'll be watching for it! Thanks...

  3. Kelly, you've been brainwashed into shooting birds from behind!
    I'm proud of you!

  4. Laure...thank you!!

    Dave...I was wondering if you were going to catch this post! I through that shot in just for you!

  5. Kelly nice shot of the Ruby-crowned Kinglet. We don't have those here in BC. But we do have the Golden Crowned go figure. Check him out. I put a post in last month the lable is James Bond. Let me know what you think.

    Crista Cowan

  6. Actually, we do have Ruby Crowned Kinglets in B.C. ... I saw a female just the other day. Last year we had a male flitting about our back yard and then I found a little dead male on the trail down to the lake. Maybe they don't get them over on Vancouver Island.

    Anyway, you got some good pictures. I really am contemplating a DSLR with a good zoom. It'll probably take me a year to decide. LOL

  7. Crista...thank you! I checked out your Golden-crowned Kinglet and he's cute! I hear that 007 theme too!

    Cicero...thank you! I can think of a lot of lenses i'd like to have, but it's not happening any time soon!

  8. They are so tiny and lovely, you have very sharp eyes, Kelita, very good pics, it was a joy see them. Hugs

  9. They look a bit like our Goldcrests in the UK, how big are they? Lovely photos also.

  10. Phil...the Ruby-crowned Kinglet is a about 4.25 inches and the Golden-crowned is about 4 inches and does look a lot like your Goldencrests.

  11. Great pictures of two of my favorite birds. I love the ones where the warbler appears to be looking straight at you!

  12. How funny to watch him as he hears your camera clicking! It's so hard to get a good motionless shot of them! Bravo Kelly!

  13. Little Miami Bike Trail no less. I'll be darned. Nice shots all. I wonder if I will be able to get on our bike trail this summer. Probably not. You sure got some nice photos.

    The Hamlet of Gordon

  14. Cute little birds Kelly!! I have never seen either.

  15. Nice. I know those birds were probably jumping around all over the place.

    *I Donated to Cornell Ornithology!*

  16. Okay, how did you get that kinglet to stay still? I missed four chances at Ruby-crowned Kinglets this weekend! Good job!

  17. Kelly I love your naration to these pics great shots he looks like he is giving you a very stern look indeed :)

  18. These are wonderful! I really need to find where to go to see warblers around here. That yellow-rumped is so pretty and I love kinglets.

  19. hi Kelly,
    You got very nice pictures of these small birds!! Congrats, they were not probably that easy to get.

  20. Hi Kelly.
    You have a talent for photography. Your pictures are great. The birds seem to like posing for you too.I enjoy reading your blog .

  21. Thanks Kim and Jayne!

    Abe...we went back to the trail today. We walk on the grass and stay out of the way of the bikers. The river seems to work like a magnet for birds around our part (Mason, near the Powder Factory).

    Thanks, Ginny. They are fun to watch...

    Pepper and Steve...thank you. He was hoping all over the place, and today, I saw him again, as wasn't able to snap off a shot!

    Phillip...thanks. It's always funny to see how the birds are looking at you and wonder what they are thinking!

    Mary...I'd try an older forest first, our river corridor seems to work like a magnet.

    Chris and Ken...thank you. They aren't great photos, but they are good for ID! Sometimes it does seem like they are posing. I always thank them for the photo shoot!! :-)

  22. Our first Yellow-rumps arrived yesterday !

  23. Nick...they are so cute...I love their song. They are always one of the first migrants I see.

  24. Can you believe it, I've still never seen a Butter Butt before, so I'm jealous of your pictures! Those birds tune in to us and our funny little noises - the camera may be as effective as a good "pishing" to draw them in!

  25. Heather....I think you're right. Sometimes they seem to come closer and listen to the camera! I forgot about the name "Butter Butt." Aptly named with the splash of yellow on their rumps!!


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