Monday, April 13, 2009

Red-winged Blackbird devouring a cattail...

When we were getting ready to leave VOA park, I noticed this Red-winged Blackbird on the cattail. He was so engrossed in yanking the cattail apart, he didn't care how close I got, so I kept getting a little closer...and a little closer...and a little closer... I had to focus on not laughing because he was going crazy on the cattail, sticking his head in and then shaking the seeds off, scraping his beak against the stalk to remove the stray seeds from his eyes and bill. It made me think of a little dog and a worn sock. 


  1. How neat!! I didn't see any of these birds this year. last year a whole flock of them came through in the spring.

  2. So funny to see him bury his head in that cattail!! Wonderful captures!!!

  3. What a neat series of photos! Looks like he's into a big pillow fight all his own!

  4. Awesome photos Kelly. I love how fluffed up his feathers are.

  5. I am surprised he would bury his head like that with you so close! Great shots!

  6. You do get some interesting photo's kelly !

  7. Great series of shots. It is always nice to be able to observe nature from so close.

  8. Great pictures Kelly. Makes a good series.

  9. Excellent photos and a great little story Kelly.

  10. Super images Kelly.

  11. I didn't realize they ate the cattails! What great photos...especially the one with his head buried in it!

  12. Very cool ! I wonder if he was just eating or collecting nest material ?

  13. Wonderful series Kelly. Great to be able to get close & observe such activity in detail. Well done.

  14. Wow, wow and TRIPLE WOW! What a great sighting!

  15. Ginny...maybe they are on their way. Our arrive fairly early.

    Shelley...thank you! It was hysterical to watch him tear into it.

    Kathie...haha...yes, it was like he knocked the stuffing out of a pillow when he was finished.

    Kim..thank you!...

    Laure...I was surprised too. He didn't seem to care at all that I was there. He was so into the cattail.

    Warren...thank you! I love it when something like this pops up. It's so much fun.

    Rob...thanks...doesn't happy all that frequently unfortunately. Now if I had a bigger lens.....everything could be up close!

    Uncommon, Richard, Steve, and Roy...thank you!!

    Mary and first I thought he might have been gathering nesting material, but he never left the cattail. He was still on it after I left. He definitely was chomping on some of the seeds, but primarily, it seemed like he was just destroying the thing. Maybe he fluffs it up and then takes the fluffy stuff back for the nest. That would make sense. (It also seemed like he was having fun, which I know i anthropomorphizing , but I do that all the time!

    FAB and Tutta...thank you! I love it when these sort of opportunities present themselves!

  16. Very cool Kelly! I always see them sitting on cattails, but I've never seen this activity before. We drove to Cincy and Springfield this weekend, and I was amazed at the number of Red-wings that we saw along the fencerows at the edge of the highways.

  17. time you come to Cincy, contact me and we can bird together!

  18. What fun ... you got some great shots of him.

  19. Great shots of the Blackbird! Love your photography. Thought I had added you to my Blog list, so have been missing commenting on your photos. I've got you added now!

  20. Cicero...thank you!

    Montanagirl...thank you!! I'm glad you've joined in. I certainly love your blog too...being in the Wild West, you have awesome posts!!


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