Friday, April 17, 2009

Owl babies...

We really enjoyed ourselves at Clifty Falls and Muscatatuck, and I have tons of photos, but before we get to that, I have to talk about owls! We pulled into the driveway around 7:10 p.m. this evening. After unloading our stuff, I checked my email and found a message that they were going to band baby owls at Lake Isabella at 7:00 p.m., so I put my camera and binocs back in the car and hurried on over. I got there just as they were finishing, but that's okay because I got to meet a lot of Cincinnati birders, including fellow blogger Susan, from Susan Gets Native (check out her site for more photos of the baby). Susan was really nice (and funny too) and told me they had added an abandoned baby owl to the nest! So mama owl now has two mouths to feed! They have done this in the past, and it works. The mama usually doesn't question the addition. She sees two open mouths and puts food into them. We hung around until dark to watch the mama return, hoping she'd bring something yummy for the babies to eat, but she was sitting off in the distance and didn't venture back. The babies were doing great and were showing no signs of stress. No doubt as soon as darkness fell she swooped in with a snack.

The new baby owl is on the left. What a cute face!! 
Talk about wide-eyed!

When I first got there only the original baby was peeping 
out of the nest. You can see how different his face is...smaller 
and darker. He's so cute and just a little bit younger.

Tomorrow I'll start posting the Clifty Falls photos...think Turkey Vultures!
(Thanks, again, Bill for covering for me!)


  1. Kelly how neat!! You took some great photos and I am so happy you got to meet Susan. HA, when I saw that nest, I thought it looked just like the one that Susan posts about. I thought blue pot nests were the new thing but now I know its the same nest! Great pictures.

  2. Kelly, good shots. They are adorable! I saw my first baby Great Horned Owl ever in May of last year. There was only one at the nest and he was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. I got some great photos of him. (Had to climb up an 8 ft. ladder to do it.-don't like heights)

  3. These are such cute Owls and you have captured them so well Excellent work Kelly :)

  4. Those are so adorable. You are so lucky to be able to watch these owls!

  5. They look so comical peaking out over the nest wall.

  6. How cool!! They are so cute!!! Lucky you to be able to see these little guys!!

  7. Hi Kelly,
    I'm back from all my trips and it looks like you were auite productive... A very nice post, it is so sweet to see so babies... let's hope life will not be to hard for them!!

  8. Interesting story and that little owl is one strange looking little creature!

  9. Kim...the same lovely rusty tub at Lake Isabella!


    Montanagirl...I'll have to head over to your blog to look at past dates to find those photos. I'm impressed you hauled out a ladder! This was the first baby owl I've seen also. I love going there and watching!

    Philip, Uncommon, Paul and Ginny...thank you!!! I had no idea baby owls were so cute (and you're right, Paul...comical!).

    Chris...glad you're back. Look forward to more of your photos and posts!!

    Salty...thanks! I just visited your site...that jumping deer photo is pretty cool!!

  10. Oh.. so amazing, love the baby, her look is awesome and funny. Love all! thanks Kelita.

  11. Love the second image of the younger owl - not sure what he looks like, but definitely NOT an owl! And I find it very interesting that the owls will accept an abandoned baby. I always thought birds were very, very particular about that sort of thing!!

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  12. How absolutely adorable! I'm glad the mother takes the second one without question. Good that you got back in time to see these.

  13. Enita, Laure, and mary...I know what you mean. Their little faces are very distinctive...almost human. I didn't know the mama would take an orphan so easily either!

  14. Very interesting Kelly! I think owls are so mysterious. Neat photos!

  15. Hi Kelly. I've gotten behind on your posts - there's so much to see! I saw the owlets over at Susan's blog, they are so cute! I've never seen owl babies in person, it must be quite a sight.

  16. Heather, they are! Today I visited with my cousin, but they were cutting the grass right under the nest and the mama had flown the coop and the babies were deep in the nest and only the top of their heads were visible...


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