Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The American Goldfinches in our yard are brightening…

Almost all of our American Goldfinches have shed their winter feathers and are now a bright, sunflower yellow. I can barely remember what their sedate winter plumage looked like, but at the same time, I’m not used to their new spring color, and it’s still a bit of a shock when I look out into our dismal, rain-soaked backyard and see these glowing yellow sweeties! On Thursday and Friday the sun is supposed to return, so maybe their new color has finally convinced spring to start acting like spring!

"The Canada thistle down is now begun to fly, and I see the goldfinch upon it. Carduelis. Often when I watch one go off, he flies at first one way, rising and falling, as if skimming close over unseen billows, but directly makes a great circuit as if he had changed his mind, and disappears in the opposite direction, or is seen to be joined there by his mate."       
From Henry David Thoreau’s Journal, August 14, 1858 


  1. What adorable balls of sunshine! So yellow and cheery! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love the vivid yellow, my favourite colour.

  3. Such a striking bird Kelly and lovely photographs.

  4. They don't seem nearly so common when they are in full canary yellow splendor. :c)

  5. Little beauties. They sure brighten up the yard :-)

  6. The thoreau verse is perfect (I love quoting him!) Your goldfinches are 10 times prettier than mine right now!

  7. Nice series of Goldfinch shots. You've got a good eye. Nice job.

  8. WoW! They are yellow, they certainly give our Goldfinch's a run for thier money!

  9. Amazing change from the 'winter' coats you have been posting Kelly to this very cheerful yellow.

  10. Hi Kelly! Thank you very much for all your comments and for visiting my blog! It is a pleasure to have in my blog a follower of Ohio and a great lover of birds! The images of this bird are really beautiful, the yellow plumage is wonderful. In Europe there are none finches with colors so bright, it must be exciting to meet them in the countryside, especially in spring! Regards from Spain!

  11. They are such pretty little birds. I had a couple around here but now I don't see them any more.:( Nice photos Kelly!!

  12. I love it when they get their yellow back! I haven't managed any photos yet of the really yellow ones. These are beautiful photos!

  13. ...thanks, everyone for your kind words! I'm writing from Clifty Falls where earlier I saw 12 Turkey Vultures spiraling together right outside our room's window! I have photos. I hope they turned out.

    Paul, Roy, Warren and FAB...I like your European Goldfinch because of the multi colors and red on the face...not quite as yellow, though...

    Atanasio...thank you for stopping by! I love reading the European blogs and learning about species we don't have here. You're the first blogger I know from Spain!

  14. wow, marvelous bird! So colourful. How is their song? Fantastic I guess... Lucky to have them in your yard, we never see any bird in ours!

  15. Chris...they have a beautiful song and are very abundant. They love thistle seed. All you have to do is put out a little thistle or sunflower seeds a small flock with show up!


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