Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Robin Red Breast Singing in the Morning

Yesterday morning when I walked outside I saw this gorgeous American Robin sitting on the fence post. It was only 19 degrees, so he was puffed up into a round orange ball for warmth, making him look huge! Robins are so steady and sweet. They have a beautiful song and go about their business in such a happy way.

I'm a robin, and I'm singing...and it's cold out,
but that's okay with me because I'm happy, and
I have all these orange feathers for puffing....

Later in the morning while reading my email, Sara sent me this little quote, a perfect match for the singing sweetie on my fence post.
On every vernal morning a wave of Robin song rises on the Atlantic coast to hail the coming day, and so, preceding the rising sun, rolls across the land until at last it breaks and dies away upon the distant shores of the Pacific Ocean.
Edward Howe Forbush, ornithologist,1925


  1. That Robin is a perfect little puffball!! Lovely shot and enjoyed the quote to go with it.

  2. Love that quote because it is so true! The robin looks so sweet perched like that all puffy and pretty.

  3. ...thanks, the pic of you with your cabin cat!!

  4. ...thanks, Kallen!! Made me think of all the robins across the continent doing a big "wave."

  5. Heh, heh! We both posted shots of Robins all puffed up in the cold air tonight. As we would have done as kids back in the '60s: (punch on the shoulder) Jinx! Owe me a Coke!

  6. Hey Kelly,

    Love the robin photo! No matter how cold it gets, when you see a robin you can't help but to think of spring. Enjoyed the quote as well.

  7. Lovely shot Kelly, looks so different to out Robins.


  8. Hi Kelly,
    This is a gorgeous bird, gosh I have to run after it as soon as we will have one over here... yeh it happens time to time that one is flying over here, unbelievable isn't it?
    Your picture is awesome, a nice bokeh and a lot of light!! Congrats!!

  9. I've not seen any in my yard yet, but they are around our area now. I love the Robins. What a great quote!

  10. Seeing the robin is like an adrenaline shot of pure sunshine! Sweet little featherball!

  11. It's definitely too early for Robins where I'm living (Alberta, Canada), so thank you for sharing yours!! I just spent a bunch of time looking at your blog and learning lots in your beak bits - Thanks!

  12. Very nice! Our Robins are enjoyable happy little birds too.

  13. Roy...oh no!! Quick...someone say my name!

    Alan...Thanks! I'm with you...robins = spring!!

    Paul...Thank you...your robins look much smaller and cuter. Ours are fairly large and pretty.

    Chris...thank you! Robins are common here, but they are such a happy bird with a beautiful song. Everyone like them.

    Jayne...thank you! I liked the quote too... are so right!! I like to hear them too...

    Heather...thanks for dropping by. I went to your site and fell in love with the sheep!! I'll be back...

    Warren...thanks...just like I told Paul, I think your robins are cuter because they seem smaller with tiny bills, but ours are so sweet.

  14. Ohhh... that's a pretty Robin you got there! They seem to be getting more active around here. There were a ton in our yard last weekend, and I welcome them with open arms.


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